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It's what I always do myself, having settled on a couple of flavours that I'm happy to vape all the time. It would be more hassle to make small amounts of lots of flavours.

I made up about 300ml of one flavour last week, and it took about 30 minutes, and cost me perhaps £20 to make (instead of £100+).

(note: it's much easier to make up a big batch to then pour into little bottles than it is to make up the little bottles one-by-one ... sounds obvious I know, so why did I start off doing them one-by-one? :lol:)

think I will be venturing down this path, just got to settle on a flavour or 2.

I shall learn from your mistakes :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had to make up a weaker nicotine mix to use with the Subtank, else it's just too strong.

I saw something somewhere which said 6mg nicotine was the very strongest mix to use with a Subtank, tho I stupidly thought that was over-stating things so made up a mix of 4mg (I usually vape a 8mg mix in an Aerotank Mini with an eGo battery).

That 4mg mix been giving me waaaay more nicotine than i want, so i've just mixed it down to around a 2mg mix, and it's much better. :)

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I've had to make up a weaker nicotine mix to use with the Subtank, else it's just too strong.

I saw something somewhere which said 6mg nicotine was the very strongest mix to use with a Subtank, tho I stupidly thought that was over-stating things so made up a mix of 4mg (I usually vape a 8mg mix in an Aerotank Mini with an eGo battery).

That 4mg mix been giving me waaaay more nicotine than i want, so i've just mixed it down to around a 2mg mix, and it's much better. :)

how are you finding the sub ohm vaping neil as i'm just about to give it a try.

is the reduced nicotine because of the higher heat created.

also have you had to change your pg/vg % much and are you getting more flavour.

i've started to loose the taste of my favourite flavours lately and wondered if the sub ohm vaping improves the taste as much as people are saying.

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how are you finding the sub ohm vaping neil as i'm just about to give it a try.

is the reduced nicotine because of the higher heat created.

also have you had to change your pg/vg % much and are you getting more flavour.

i've started to loose the taste of my favourite flavours lately and wondered if the sub ohm vaping improves the taste as much as people are saying.

I think the reduced nicotine is because more is absorbed via the much greater amount of vapour.

I'm using the same PG/VG/water (70/27/3%) mix with the same amount of flavour (15%), and it tastes much the same as it does in my mini-tanks - tho I'm using VV batteries with that, so I guess that higher voltage will mean it ends up much the same as with the subtank.

In a shop once, the guy let me have a go on a 'black jack' (like the chews) flavour mix, on a tank (I'm not sure which) with a VV battery - which demonstrated to me how much a change in voltage can change the flavour of a juice (which is why I now use VV eGo batteries). If all you're wanting is to see if you can better flavours out of the juice you use, then I recommend trying just a VV battery first with your standard tank.

Edited by eFestivals
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i think a change of flavours is on the cards.

i'vw been using vv/ww for a while now but the max they go is 11w ( Itaste batteries) so more power and a longer life battery pack (mod) would be the next step.

i did get down to 0.4% nicotine but its increased again over the last 12 months.

a drop in nicotine due to more vaper sounds good too i'm a bit of a cloud chaser at heart.

i think i've already talked myself into sub ohm vaping so its time to go shopping and buy some more kit. :biggrin:

for me i think buying the new shiny stuff is more addictive than the bloody nicotine. :laugh:

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Are you making your own juice? If so, one thing you might not be aware of it that it normally takes a few weeks after making for the flavour to have full effect - so you should make the juice up a few weeks before you'll start to use it.

I use just two flavours (Amber, and Virginia, from Decadent Vapours), both supposedly tobacco-like tho I don't think they really are (I'm not a fan of sweet flavours or foodie flavours). I find those both nice enough to vape all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its been a while since I stopped by - glad to see you all still doing well with the vaping. I am currently using a vamo 5 with an aerotank mega. The tank is great due to it having such a large capacity but I think I favour the flavour from a mini more

Neil, do you use anywhere specifically your can recommend to buy your supplies for mixing your own juices. Coil making is far too tricky... My nails are too long! I fancy having a go at making my own juice though

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Its been a while since I stopped by - glad to see you all still doing well with the vaping. I am currently using a vamo 5 with an aerotank mega. The tank is great due to it having such a large capacity but I think I favour the flavour from a mini more

Neil, do you use anywhere specifically your can recommend to buy your supplies for mixing your own juices. Coil making is far too tricky... My nails are too long! I fancy having a go at making my own juice though

I find the mini-tanks give a better flavour too. That seems to be consistent for just about all tanks I've tried.

For mixing my own juice, I've bought PG and VG from amazon sellers as they've been as cheap as anywhere else. There's no point going for "food grade" versions btw; "pharmaceutical grade" is good enough, as that's exactly what "food grade" becomes the minute you open the bottle in a non-sterile environment like any kitchen.

I've bought 7.2% nicotine juice (diluted in PG), which is the strongest concentration you can buy in the UK, from whichever online vape-shop is currently doing it cheapest. Note that this strength juice is often called 72mg nicotine (I think that means 72ml per litre).

The thing which really matters is the flavour you buy, to get the taste you want. I've bought mine from http://decadentvapours.com/ which is perfect for me because before I made my own I was using their pre-made juices, which means I know exactly what the flavour concentrates taste like.

I then use http://ecigvape.com/simple_calc.php to get the right quantities of each part.

The other things you'll need are:

- a syringe to measure quantities; if you're making large batches (100ml or more) then you should be fine using just one 20ml syringe. You'd need a smaller syringe to measure smaller quantities. The easiest way to make it is in one big bottle, rather than making lots of smaller bottles.

- storage bottles, something like this is plenty adequate

Without the nicotine or flavour, I use a mix of 75% PG, 22.5% VG, and 2.5% water (the water helps thin the juice a little, cos the VG makes it thick).

And note that the juice needs an amount of time for the flavour to come to full effect. Ideally, you should make the juice around 2 weeks before you want to use it, as a minimum.

Best of luck. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I've returned to vaping after a long layoff, for now I'm just using the "off the shelf" bullshit from a local shop, but will be investing in a Kanga fairly soon. I just want something not too bulky, and the clearomisers are a lot less pissing about then when I last did my vaping, I had to use the stupid little carts which leaked everywhere once filled.

I bought a lemon, a cherry, a benson & hedges knock off, and a spearmint. all at 18%, and then upon digging through drawers found my much loved RY4, which I had about 20ml left of. I love RY4.

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i'd say this too, although going to try a couple more just to see.

Mind you I have fallen off the wagon the past month so need to get back on it

I've bought all three different sizes of Kanger Subtank.

They're not terrible and they give a lovely huge cloud, but they need a much weaker juice (because of the bigger cloud), plus they need another (sub-ohm) battery to the normal eGos.

I've found myself going back to the areotank mini more and more - because it's much easier to carry around, and no worse a 'smoke'.

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I'm looking at a nano tbh, I need it to be portable, and not too cumbersome. and as a "beginner" with mods, i think it might be a good starting point?

Kanger Suntank Nano?

You'll need a battery that'll support a sub-ohm tank (which most don't). An "eLeaf iSwitch 30" is probably the smallest battery you can use with it.

I've just put my iSwitch 30 with Nano & full tank on the scales, and it's 150g. In comparision, the Aerotank Mini on an eGo 1000mah VV battery is 75g.

(the standard iSwitch [or iSwitch 20] won't power the sub-ohm Subtank coil, but it will power the alternative coil [which is 1.2ohm, I think])

The VERY big downside is that, because it makes such big clouds, the Subtank Nano tank empties VERY quickly. There's no way I'd take it to a pub for (just) a coupe of hours unless I also took a bottle of juice with me, because I know I'd need that extra juice because the tank empties so quickly.

I wouldn't empty the Aerotank Mini anywhere near as quickly, despite it being so much smaller in juice capacity.

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Duly noted sir, I'm actually buying from the high street (theres a small indie just down the road from me now), as I'm going away for the weekend and will be taking with me. so I'm sure I'll get decent advice, although I do know a reasonable amount about the ins and outs - i should be able to spot a bullshitter. and ive got plenty of juice to be going on with.

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Duly noted sir, I'm actually buying from the high street (theres a small indie just down the road from me now), as I'm going away for the weekend and will be taking with me. so I'm sure I'll get decent advice, although I do know a reasonable amount about the ins and outs - i should be able to spot a bullshitter. and ive got plenty of juice to be going on with.

Hmmm ... I got sold an unsuitable battery for a sub-ohm tank in my local 'specialist' shop. Be careful!

And you'll need MUCH weaker juice for the Subtank than what you're used to - less than 1/3rd of the strength as you'd use in a normal tank. I found 1/3rd too strong still, and use 1/6th strength of what I use in the aerotank (and that's still a little too strong).

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Well I've got to say that that was one of the best shopping experiences I have ever had. Our local shop (she's just opened her 3rd shop) was fantastic. She could have sold me a subtank if she had wanted, but after listening to my needs, she recommended what she actually uses every day, which was an Anyvape P16, coupled with a mini iStick battery, she threw in 5 spare coils, 2 premium juices for £45. She also let me try about 15 different juices while I was there. I dont doubt I could have probably got a bit of it cheaper, but tbh - the customer service was fantastic. I will definitely be returning.

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The battery I bought emptied fairly quickly so I went back and bought an eleaf iStick 30 as a backup, however the smaller battery did last pretty much the full day in the end. So this morning I have just started using the 30. I'm vamping at 4.9v and 10.9w. The cloud is lovely but the bigger battery won't be any good in the pocket really. And 1 tank lasted me most of the day. I'm really happy with what I got, and can't believe how much better this setup is over what I had.

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The tank you've got is about the same as the Kanger Aerotank (not the mini one).

The iStick 30 is overkill. It's designed for sub-ohm tanks (which your tank isn't). You'd have saved a few quid if you'd bought the standard iStick (sometimes called the iStick 20), which is the same battery as the 30, but in a very slightly smaller and lighter case. The difference between the two is the electronics.

Anyway, you've inspired me to buy myself a full size Aerotank to use on my iStick 20, as I reckon that'll suit me all day at a festival better than carrying around spare batteries and juice.

And as you've got that lovely iStick 30, you should get yourself a sub-ohm tank* to discover what a proper big cloud is - cos it'll blow the one you have away. :)

* If I were you, I'd get the Kanger Subtank Mini - which is the perfect size for the iStick 30 while still having a decent size tank (the Nano subtank empties too quickly).

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I find the mini-tanks give a better flavour too. That seems to be consistent for just about all tanks I've tried.

For mixing my own juice, I've bought PG and VG from amazon sellers as they've been as cheap as anywhere else. There's no point going for "food grade" versions btw; "pharmaceutical grade" is good enough, as that's exactly what "food grade" becomes the minute you open the bottle in a non-sterile environment like any kitchen.

I've bought 7.2% nicotine juice (diluted in PG), which is the strongest concentration you can buy in the UK, from whichever online vape-shop is currently doing it cheapest. Note that this strength juice is often called 72mg nicotine (I think that means 72ml per litre).

The thing which really matters is the flavour you buy, to get the taste you want. I've bought mine from http://decadentvapours.com/ which is perfect for me because before I made my own I was using their pre-made juices, which means I know exactly what the flavour concentrates taste like.

I then use http://ecigvape.com/simple_calc.php to get the right quantities of each part.

The other things you'll need are:

- a syringe to measure quantities; if you're making large batches (100ml or more) then you should be fine using just one 20ml syringe. You'd need a smaller syringe to measure smaller quantities. The easiest way to make it is in one big bottle, rather than making lots of smaller bottles.

- storage bottles, something like this is plenty adequate

Without the nicotine or flavour, I use a mix of 75% PG, 22.5% VG, and 2.5% water (the water helps thin the juice a little, cos the VG makes it thick).

And note that the juice needs an amount of time for the flavour to come to full effect. Ideally, you should make the juice around 2 weeks before you want to use it, as a minimum.

Best of luck. :)

Thanks muchly Neil! :) I have finally gotten around the ordering everything I need this evening and am looking forward to seeing what the difference is like. The calculator you posted will come in really handy before I wind up blowing my head off!

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