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March For The Alternative - London Saturday 26th March

Guest HastingsBoy

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Maybe a dumb question, but would the Arcadia group have to foot the bill of damage to their stores (either directly or through higher insurance premiums), or is someone else picking up the tab?

Cus if its the former then any money they take out of Philip Green's pocket is OK by me.

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Everybody eligible person in this country had the opportunity to vote. 34.9% of the population chose not to do what people in other countries would literally give their lives to have the opportunities to do. Scumbags.

Of those that did vote, they couldn't agree and there wasn't a winner. So, the only fair things that could have happened, happened. A coalition was formed out of two parties which between them received 52% of the vote.

I'm sick of people complaining about this and somehow saying that it's not somehow fair or democratic.

We've got a government made up of parties that the majority of people voted for making cuts that any right thinking person would do given the amount of debt that previous governments got us into.

If you don't agree then that's your prerogative, but understand that you're in the minority and that the rest of us are sick of your moaning.

Edited by Ed209
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Its like debating with a 12 year old. There is no mandate for these cuts because neither coalition party proposed them in their manifesto and the lib dems stated categorically they would oppose this depth and speed of cuts alongside a categoric promise never to vote to raise tuition fees. Do you really have no concept that people did not vote for this?

Remind me again why you're a levellers fan.

And you're in the majority how - show me some evidence

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But does democracy stop at putting a cross on a piece of paper once every few years and based on promises that are then not kept.

Those with personal welth set up w*nkthinktanks and with clever PR get their views into the mainstream media in order to attempt to galvanize opinion. for others direct action is the only option to both express and publicize our opinions.

The concept that once we've put that X in the box we should just sit on our hands for the next 5 years and do nothing untill the next chance to put an X in a box is to me the very antithesis of democracy.

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Mind you if you'd seen tom playing the billy big bollox on twitter yesterday you might say different. Be funny if he ever met the people he was abusing in the flesh. Bet him n his mates wouldn't be quite so hard then. Try the efest glasto meet tom - i wont be there but i know some people would dearly love to meet you fella.

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All in all it was tresspass, outside the store on public pavement fine. I have no where said that its entirely fair or what happens is right anyway, for the most what happens is right. Sometimes yeah the police get it wrong, but show me a human who does get it right 100% of the time.

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They voted for the lib dems based on the lib dems opposing the things they are now legislating. Getting votes on a manifesto gives you a mandate. Doing the opposite of your manifesto invalidates that mamdate

If you lent me a tenner on the basis id pay you a tenner back would you feel conned if i went on and said actually im only giving you 50p?

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They voted for the lib dems based on the lib dems opposing the things they are now legislating. Getting votes on a manifesto gives you a mandate. Doing the opposite of your manifesto invalidates that mamdate

If you lent me a tenner on the basis id pay you a tenner back would you feel conned if i went on and said actually im only giving you 50p?

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Right oh then I know what this is about :lol: Fantastic, I questioned puting a mask on your values and got called a see you next tuesday, then got got told it was to avoid arrest and i said obviously they only arrest those not commiting crimes, and i made another comment about unfollowing me due to a different opinion.

I've never ever been abusive to "the younger one" and the last time we spoke it was mainly cause someone else who had already been arguing, I said nothing person or abusive to her.

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lets see....was a hung parliament a likely outcome? Yep. Was Nick Clegg asked numerous times what his party would do, before finally (before the election) admitting that the party with the most votes/seats (he was a bit woolly here) would have a mandate to form a coalition government? yep.

Was the process of what coalition governments would actually mean discussed endlessly in the papers and on TV? yep.

So the election results came out, pretty much exactly as predicted, Clegg did exactly what he said he would do and offer to team up with the party with the mandate, and the predictable process of negotiating which policies to take forward began. Again, none of this should be a surprise for a lib dem voter, so complaining you've been betrayed is all a bit silly. IMHO.

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Everybody eligible person in this country had the opportunity to vote. 34.9% of the population chose not to do what people in other countries would literally give their lives to have the opportunities to do. Scumbags.

Of those that did vote, they couldn't agree and there wasn't a winner. So, the only fair things that could have happened, happened. A coalition was formed out of two parties which between them received 52% of the vote.

I'm sick of people complaining about this and somehow saying that it's not somehow fair or democratic.

We've got a government made up of parties that the majority of people voted for making cuts that any right thinking person would do given the amount of debt that previous governments got us into.

If you don't agree then that's your prerogative, but understand that you're in the minority and that the rest of us are sick of your moaning.

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lets see....was a hung parliament a likely outcome? Yep. Was Nick Clegg asked numerous times what his party would do, before finally (before the election) admitting that the party with the most votes/seats (he was a bit woolly here) would have a mandate to form a coalition government? yep.

Was the process of what coalition governments would actually mean discussed endlessly in the papers and on TV? yep.

So the election results came out, pretty much exactly as predicted, Clegg did exactly what he said he would do and offer to team up with the party with the mandate, and the predictable process of negotiating which policies to take forward began. Again, none of this should be a surprise for a lib dem voter, so complaining you've been betrayed is all a bit silly. IMHO.

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