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Recommend me a Mobile Phone


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Indeed. I don't actually use my phone as a smart phone, I have separate devices that perform those functions better and, should I ever REALLY need to browse the web on a really small screen the facility is there (mostly checking train times, emails etc when away from home).

Interestingly I notice that you don't get to see the comments on the article as a non-uk user. Count yourself lucky, BBC HYS is the playground of maniacs.

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I think the iphone5 might well be the nail in the coffin for apple's business model. There are very few people left who haven't realised that they are paying over the odds for tech that can be purchased for less and used less restrictively. Changing the dock adapter (again) is cynical as hell.

absolutely not, its almost caught up with phones like the sg3 in terms of features. it will sell by the shedload as always. my missus will get one (she is due an upgrade in december) and im pretty OK with that, I know for a fact that a smartphone that isn't "on rails" would be a nightmare in terms of "how do I...............?" every ten minutes. i still get a bit of that with her iphone, but I know she can sort out 95% of what she needs on her own.

did you not see the presentation? changing the dock wasnt a "dick move" its a "feature" - classic sales technique.

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Indeed. I don't actually use my phone as a smart phone, I have separate devices that perform those functions better and, should I ever REALLY need to browse the web on a really small screen the facility is there (mostly checking train times, emails etc when away from home).

Interestingly I notice that you don't get to see the comments on the article as a non-uk user. Count yourself lucky, BBC HYS is the playground of maniacs.

http://ifyoulikeitsomuchwhydontyougolivethere.com/ - that blog is brilliant for BBC HYS.

I don't see much need for a forum ap as the mobile forum site is about as good as an ap would be and means I don't need to install anything else...

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And having just been off to double-check, there will be an Android app for the forums soon-ish, I very much hope. :D

As it happens, I'm currently in the middle of installing the latest version of Embarcadero RAD XE3 - or Delphi as it used to be known - which is a very nice programming package for Windows. It's on special offer at the moment so I also get a free copy of HTML5 Builder .... which can create Android, Blackberry, iPhone, and Windows Phone apps.

I've not yet used it so bear with me, it'll no doubt take me a bit of time to get up to speed. But it should mean the full range of different device types will be supported, and that the app can be for more than just the forums. :)

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What happened to your militant No App philosophy, Neil?

lol ... it's about the same.

But this useful software has fallen in my lap thru buying something else, and as I've got it I'll be using it for stuff for the (normal) website, which makes it a no-brainer to re-use many of those same code bits for the mobile website, which then makes it a no-brainer to put an app front end into the same things - and get apps for 4 platforms all from what is basically the same bit of work.

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he realises he was wrong. but wont admit it. sarcastic_blum.gif

i said that significant money wouldn't be spent on apps, and it won't be.

I said that my eforts won't be diverted to apps from the main website and it won't be.

I said that apps are a passing fad and that will very definitely prove to be the case.

Those things are what I said, and those things remain true.

So do please tell me where I was wrong and what I've got to admit to. :lol:

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as a way of familiarising myself with this new software I'll be having a crack at creating a very basic forums app today, because in theory it's something which can be done very quickly ... whether it turns out that way i don't know (I haven't even finished the software install as yet).

If it all works smoothly there might be something before the end of the day. Fingers crossed. :)

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I got a bit carried away in my last post .... the PC I'm using has slowly turned into a dog over the years, and these installs have just about brought it to it's knees .... and I was gonna buy myself a new PC anyway, so I'm gonna go and buy one now. I might as well start this off well on a new PC, they'll be a delay while I get the new PC sorted and all the software installed.

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he realises he was wrong. but wont admit it. sarcastic_blum.gif

Yeah, something along those lines, with then some spiel about them still going out of craze but doing it because it was cheap and easy, blah blah blah

Anyway back to my original point. My first time as an android user, and I have to say I am bowled over by how good the SG3 is. Its taken me all of 12hrs to realise that for a geek like myself who wants to be treated like an adult and have some freedom and customisability, this pisses all over the iphone and then lays a massive dump on its face.

Ipad is going to be changed to an android one on the next round too. Apple have lost a customer for a very long time.

Edited by Ed209
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I got a bit carried away in my last post .... the PC I'm using has slowly turned into a dog over the years, and these installs have just about brought it to it's knees .... and I was gonna buy myself a new PC anyway, so I'm gonna go and buy one now. I might as well start this off well on a new PC, they'll be a delay while I get the new PC sorted and all the software installed.

admit it Neil, You're enjoying it! I haven't heard that excitement in your writing in years. Apps are the future. Embrace

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admit it Neil, You're enjoying it! I haven't heard that excitement in your writing in years. Apps are the future. Embrace

the ability to build apps is the least exiting part of my purchases made in the last 24 hours.

Apps are not the future. Apps are no less of a blip than each idea that came before them - which funnily enough people like you were saying was the future back then. Where are they now? :lol:

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i said that significant money wouldn't be spent on apps, and it won't be.

I said that my eforts won't be diverted to apps from the main website and it won't be.

I said that apps are a passing fad and that will very definitely prove to be the case.

Those things are what I said, and those things remain true.

So do please tell me where I was wrong and what I've got to admit to. laugh.png

thats plainly incorrect, but we have been around this argument before. we will have to agree to disagree.

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I love my Sii, i should have waited a few months but my palm pre really grating on me with none of the more big company app's (iplayer etc) available for it.

Still means I'll upgrade to the SIV when that comes out :P....Though the note range does tempt me, I just think maybe the screen on them is a bit excessive outside of home and going to work...

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