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The Order of Things......

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The moment we experience it.

After the experience, we then reason that it is part of a process (modelled on experience being fluid and seemingly linear). Thus, we create the concept of soundwaves; the suliminal entity that creates the experience of sound. There would be no such thing as soundwaves without the experience of sound.

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that's what I think..

the sounwaves occur whether you or I hear them or not...

the air vibrates.. physical things will vibrate... a sound has been made

you might want to give it (sound) another name..

but then we get into my belief that things happen without language ...

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Soundwaves are an explanation for the experience of sound. They aren't the actual sound. The actual sound is an experience.

The key is in the name: soundwave.

The scientific evidence for a soundwave is always proven by the concept of sound. If the hypothesis/theory fails to deliver sound (the experience), then what we're testing wouldn't be considered a provider of sound. It would be extraneous/nulled. But we've found that waves prove successful in the delivery of sound.

All science begins with an experience of something. Science is, put bluntly, the investigation of how experiences occur.

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and how does they fact our bodies have been moulded and evolved by nature, along with most animals past and present, to sense these hockus pockus vibrations fit into the idea that they might not actually exist. We have ears, badger's have ears, Elephants have f**k off massive ones. There's obviously something worth listening to there beyond just *human* interpretation as so many animals have evolved to hav...

ahhh hang on, yeah I forget. Evolution is bullshit too isn't it

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Cheers Amigo. I've actually started a good few, one only two weeks ago. But I'll take that.

I'm a big believer in tabula rasa, though this does not negate the a-priori of will/desire/urges. However, though we are born with desires, we have to learn about the world to exact them in a meaningful way.

I'm with Locke:

'Even if a man were born evil, he'd have to learn his culture to be evil'.

It's like the discussion we had one time about pre-existing knowledge of how to have sex. I believe that you are not born with knowledge of how to have sex (that would imply an ideal of sex), you are born with a sexual urge that you shape through your experience.

How about actually answering the question? :rolleyes:

are people born with pre-set knowledge, or are they a blank canvas?

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