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Glastonbury opinions required for coursework

Guest Shaun THFC

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

This will be my 15th Glastonbury, and I can't wait. It's the variety of music and entertainment that sets this festival apart from others I've been to, and the welcome from everyone regardless of age, sex, gender, race or belief. This year, I'm looking forward to introducing my mum to it for the first time.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

U2 will be awesome, it will be the first big gig my mum has ever been to, and I can't wait to see her face as it all happens.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

No, the mix evolves with time, it isn't and shouldn't be about certain types of music.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Amazing, magical, tiring, fun, inspirational

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

I do, when I want to, otherwise, its fine to be an individual

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Too many to list really, but the view from the top of the Flagtopia field, or singing along to a big headliner in the sunshine have got to be some of the best

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

I suppose the mud, when it happens, but hey, you just get on with it.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Well I haven't been to every festival in the world, so can't compare, but it would take some beating!

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Bring a smile, and share it

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?I wanted to go for the magic. I went for the first time in 2010 and it was the best time I've ever had, hopefully this continues.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed? U2, well they are the ultimate live act in the world, it's clear they care about Glastonbury it's gonna be special'

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like? Sold out? No. Bands like Coldplay, u2, blur, stevie wonder, muse, Neil young and Bruce Springsteen are top class headliners. They are willing to give bands like Kasabian superb slots to start their path to being 'huge', the lineup is so diverse. Where else would you find scissor sisters subbing for Muse?

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Can you? Everyone has a different feeling. To me it's just a joyous meeting of 170,000 happy people, where you can talk to people and feel as if you've known em all your life. The sunsets/rises, the after night areas stone circle and shangri la, you just don't find that anywhere else. Glastonbury is special, I love it.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

It's a bit cliche but it's a huge family, you know there is so many People who want to just smile and be happy and that ffor me does the festival.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

The best experiences Are obviously seeing the worlds greatest bands. But my best experience was thom yorke unbelievable, it was a shock an it was just a touching moment.

But there's so many fantastic people and that sneaky chance of seeing Michael Eavis And that's amazing.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Yes. Nothing comes close.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Just remember, it isn't just about the music. If there's nothing on you want to see go have a walk through the Avalon area and see all the art creativity and that for me is the soul of glastonbury

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

Edited by Bobs
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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

I return in hope that it will by some miracle be as it used to be 15 or so years ago.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Umm out of the bands who are actually confirmed, none really.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

Glastonbury has always booked it's share of poor acts. However, popular acts now are inferior to popular acts in the past, therefore the overall quality of line up will be inferior.

It is no coincidence that all the great performances in recent times have come from acts who have have careers dating back 10, 15, 20 years or more.

Booking acts that the majority of people like is a risky strategy as the majority of people have poor taste in music. Recent line ups reflect this.

(this answer relates to the main stages)

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Nowhere near as good as it used to be.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

90% of the festival site no, 10% of the festival site yes.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Finding something unexpected, spontaneous and joyous.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Having to share the festival with rich middle class people who are there because it's "cool" rather than because they want to be a part of something special.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?


9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Be yourself.

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

Edited by russycarps
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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

This will be my 4th Glastonbury. Every time I miss out I kick myself for not going simply because it's amazing, all my favourite friends go, even my Dad goes! There literally is no better way to spend that last weekend in June.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Out of the confirmed acts I am mostly looking forward to Primal Scream as I have heard a lot about their previous Glasto appearence and I think they will be great. Warpaint, Elbow and Chemical Brothers should also be great, but I am hoping for a bit more 'magic' when the rest of the line up is released.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

Not so sure really, as they seem to be taking more risks now what with Jay Z etc... And I don't even think the majority of people actually LIKE u2 or Coldplay, I'd struggle to think of any friends who do. That being said, I think they could have made a bit more effort this year to produce something more unique. Coldplay have played the festival so many times - BORING.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Glastonbury is a vibrant and colourful collection of the most amazing people, all coming together to lose their inhibitions for a few days.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Definitely! You walk around smiling from ear to ear knowing that you are part of something special.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

I absolutely love anything random. Seeing a random new band, or making some random new friends, coming away with something you've never seen or done before. And I also love festival food, don't listen to anyone who says it is shit!

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Continual rain and mud. It can be funny at first but in years like 2007 when it literally doesn't stop, it can get tough.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

In a word: yes. I think there is a lot to be said for smaller festivals, or festivals abroad, but all in all if I was to think of the best festival in the world it would always be Glastonbury.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

I would say to read up as much as you can before you go, there are some great blogs etc out there offering advice. Pack sensibly, you never know when it might rain, and just go with an open heart and an open mind - try and meet new people and see new things!

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

I keep returning because it isn't like any other festival I have ever been to, it has managed to keep almost the same vibe ever since my first memory at the festival. Maybe it has lost the anarchic edge it had once, but it has retained its distinct atmosphere

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

U2. Simply because of how massive they are, and will undoubtedly deliver a set to remember!

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

No it hasn't! It is a festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, this encompasses every type and still of music (be it pop, heavy metal, indie, hip hop, etc), circus acts, etc. It provides the most extensive and interesting line up of any oter festival in the world. It is what makes it stand out from the crowded world of festivals.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Magical, exciting, informative, and sometimes life changing. I still don't think I have done it justice.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Most definitely, and I don't even know why.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

I find the best experiences are when I just wander around finding random things going on, ow when i end up in some tent listening to an acoustic folk act in greenfields at 5 in the morning :P.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

When you encounter somebody not enjoying themselves, or somone that complains! A rare occurance at Glastonbury, but it does happen

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Ofcourse :)

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Just go with the flow, don't make a 'schedule' to see as many bands as you can over the weekend. See who you really want to , thn just let the festival create the rest!

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

Edited by alframsey
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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

enjoy the freedom and the experience that the festival brings, a million miles away from my day to day life. So much to see and do that i've never felt bored or at a loose end once

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

im 41 and grew up enjoying the pre rattle and hum U2 but never got to see them live, although im not into them really now i wouldnt pass up an opportunity to see them. Elbow as well

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

How can you sell out when you have around 50 stages that cater for every style of music and entertainment available, most of the people who quote the sell out routine are Pyramid mainstays

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Immense, Magical, Unimaginable if youve never been before

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Always end up meeting and talking to strangers and in my times there have never seen any trouble, like a big party

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Wednesday night sat on the hill overlooking the ribbon tower in the park with a few beers watching the sun go down and realising you've got 4 more days of this and the music hasnt yet started

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

either the hour walk i always seem to have back to the tent after i leave the late night areas or the toilets !

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?


9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Dont underestimate the size and scope of the whole thing, when you go the first time and look around the fields and after 6 hours you're still coming accross new and exciting things dont be suprised. Also dont miss out the amazing late night experience. Also dont have a rigid plan of bands to see unless its only a few a day, you'll miss so much if you do

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

To feel part of a real 'happening' and to meet old and new friends alike.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

None to be honest so far. Last year I prob only saw five or six bands and only watched Rolf all the way through. I much prefer the overall atmosphere rather than the bands these days.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

No - there is more diversity, from a music POV, than ever especially with the late night areas and increase in stages. There has been a noticeable drop in 'edge' though, since the demise of the travellers.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words.

Another world, designed to inspire and enchant.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Absolutely, although less so recentley.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Too many to mention!

The absolute shock of being there for two days (weds/thurs) on my own in 95.

Pulp 95, Supergrass 95, Enter the Dragon 99, Bowie 00

Working for the Press Office in 2000 and living in a caravan on-site for 3 months!

Meeting lots of old friends last year.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Tent sinking in 98.

Breaking up with girlfriend in 2000.

Witnessing the sheer devistation left behind by the 2000 crowd - words can't describe how upsetting and shocking it is.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Without shadow of a doubt.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Use suncream.

Embrace the moment.


Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

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1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

I first went in 2008 and that year wasn't too great for me and was more spent rushing around seeing as many things as I possibly could. 2009 was the year when I really fell in love with the place and I've been addicted ever since.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Elbow into U2

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

I don't think that Glastonbury has sold out at all, I love the fact that Glastonbury has taken on Beyonce as a headliner because it just shows that they are not afraid to take risks.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Unlike anything else in the world

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Yeah I do feel like I'm a part of something when I'm there and that I can just talk to anyone without awkwardness.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Watching The Flaming Lips

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Watching The Prodigy

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Well I havn't been to any other festival but I would say it is my favourite.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Don't plan what you want to see in advance and just go with the flow.


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1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

It's my favourite place on earth, simple as that.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

None really, don't tend to worry about watching bands when there. Looking forward to seeing My First Tooth again though.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

The phrase 'sold out' is only used by lazy journalists who appear to know nothing of the festival's musical history.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Umm, incredible and exhausting in equal measure.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Yes, but for different reasons these days cos I now volunteer there.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Some of the things away from the stages, the odd little bars and so on.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Encountering people who are there to be seen, rather than to take part.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?


9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Watch out for tent robbers on the wednesday and thursday nights.

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

Went first time in 08 under duress. It is the first thing we put on our calendar every year now. I have spent some of my happiest times there.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Tough one. Paul Simon for the warm afternoon sing-a-long. BB King as he is a legend other than that I try not to plan too much (after our first year of rushing around too much

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

Commercialism is a fact of life but Glastonbury gets the balance right IMO. The most common banners you see are the various charities, there are no real big name brands there and the diversity of food and other stalls/shops is fantastic.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words


5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

I talk to more strangers in 5 days than the rest of the year in total. That may soemthing about me but the warmth and friendliness of most people at Glastonbury is very special. Sadly last year I witnessed a little more 'me,me,me' attitude but I think I was just unlucky. The lack of rules helps I think. No limits on what you bring to site, no 'arenas', no beer token system, no 'put that fire out' all adds to the feeling.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Being with my family and friends. My kids actually enjoy my company at Glastonbury!

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

The walk fully laden form the car to our camping spot. Really hate it. Would happily pay for a sherpa! BUT this is more than made up by the first cold pint after tents up and the buzz from the first Glastonbury wave of noise that rumbles round the site on Wednesday

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

I can't compare. I do know when I speak to people that go to others that Glastonbury pretty much has the lot. I am sure there are better ones, where you and your stuff are carried shoulder high by dusky madens, your tent is pitched for you and has an en-suite jacuzzi, that you can pick the bands yourself and has a teleport system to miss the traffic - If Carling did Festivals (oh they do? But it is only V......)

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Go with the flow, do not over plan. If you miss a band so what? It was probably beacuse you was having a roaring time somewhere else. Oh and DO NOT MISS THE ARCADIA FIRE DISPLAYS

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

I asked my daughetr what she wnated to do after her GCSEs. SHe said GLastonbury and thinking we would never get tickets I agreed. It was the Jay-Z year and we got tickets no problem. I seriously had sleepless nights (I hadn't camped for 25 years even). I was dreading it, even on the morning we arrived. Love concerts, have diverse music tastes, etc but not a festival person. I fell in love with the place within about 15 minutes of getting to our camp site. I knew then that I would return every year. I would not got as far to say it is a life changing experience but I am a little better a person having been. It has made me more likely to try new things at an age where I thought work, golf, eating out, the odd concert and pubs was about all there was from here on in.

Thanks :)

Hope it helps!

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1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

I have been going for some years. I keep going back because it breaks my heart to see it on the telly the years I have to miss out

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Mumford and sons

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

People who think it has sold out should look more closely at previous lineups, people have been complaining it has sold out for 2 decades or more. It has evolved with it's audience, nothing more

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

A tented city of people looking for a thousand variations on a good time, a place for everything and everything in it's place.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Not particularly, no

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Finding something that really suits your tastes, randomly and without expectation

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Some people come with the wrong frame of mind and spoil it for others (thieves, people who get antisocial when drinking), thankfully they a tiny minority

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

For me it is, and has been for half my life, I used to think I would grow out of it, but it grew with me

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Cut your toenails, don't pack too much, don't camp by portaloos, rip up your plans as soon as you walk through the gate

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

Edited by Spindles
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1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

This will be my 5th Glasto and for me it is the feeling i had on my first night of my first Glasto looking out over the site all lit up and alive which makes me come back again and again!

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Not really interested in any of the already confirmed bands, but i know there will be something there for me when the full line up is announced.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

This is only my 5th Glasto (1st in 2007) so can't really comment on before then, but i have heard of line ups that were a lot more my kind of thing before 2007, but then again one person's pleasure is another person's pain and there does seem to be a broader spectrum of people go now so they are trying to suit all tastes.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Alice in Wonderland meets Saturnalia with a twist of lime

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

I do feel like part of a community to an extent, it feels like everyone is equal, we are all muddy/dusty (please be dusty again this year!)without a care for what we look like or what we're wearing or what we do for a living, it is quite fab! (well, the majority of people i have seen anyhoo!)

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

The random weird Glasto happenings, hearing snippets of conversations or strange occurances - Last year a guy was running down a hill high fiving everyone, shouted high five then slapped my boyfriend on the arse on the way past us - All of us, including the dude who carried out the slapping just burst out laughing!!

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Worst is a bit strong, but 2007 busses...packing gear up in the pouring rain in the middle of the night, trecking all the way across site in afore mentioned rain to catch the 4am bus only to reach a shambles of a bus park...still raining....and have the bus delayed by ages. It was my first Glasto...i was silly, wore jeans and was soaked for the duration of my 6 hour trip!! But i am well over that now!!

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

It is the only music festival i have been to so i am a bit biased

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Don't plan too much, allow yourself to explore (and check out the WHOLE site)and lose the concept of time on occasion. Don't worry about the toilets they really aren't that bad. Don't worry about what you look like, it is so liberating! Allow yourself to be free and you will really get it! :-)

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

It's my favourite place in the whole world - I love pretty much everything sbout it.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Elbow, U2 and Paul Simon (sort of announced)

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

I think it's a mixed bag and it always has been. I thought Jay-Z was a great booking; i think Beyoncnull is a dreadful booking.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words


5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?


6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

I have no idea how to answer this question. Every moment there seems to bring a new favourite thing.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?


8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?


9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Enjoy yourself; see one thing you've never heard of; do one thing you've never done.

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

We can beat them five at the Lane!

Thanks :)

Edited by jimmyt
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1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

What attracted me this year was, quite simply, my past experiences of the festival. I have been coming since 2008 and absolutely love the place to death.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Crystal Castles so far, however I can't wait to see Chemical Brothers either.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

Its ridiculous to even suggest the line up suggests the festival has sold out. The festival has ALWAYS had chart topping acts and a distinction of genre, unless you're a music snob, surely can't dictate whether the festival has sold out or not!?

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

5 days of excessive behaviour in the most loving and feel good way possible. Non stop madness whether its partying or experience things you never have before. It is something people need to experience before they die.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

I feel at one with everyone there bar the corporation representatives and VIP mugs.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Sitting at the top of a hill watching over the masses at night time. You feel literally on top of the world.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Seeing such a beautiful place turn into a bit of a tip with a lot of the rubbish left about.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Yes. No doubt.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Come with an open mind. Don't look down on anyone and get stuck in!

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1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

a) The consistently strong lineups and the legacy. Been going for ages now, still so bummed thought that I missed Bowie in 2000 (A-level nonsense). B) it's my summer holiday! a bright spot in the year

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

U2 - however untrendy they may be now, they are one of the old guard of stadium rock bands, and will hopefully put on a best-hits show (anyone who can listen to with or without you without singing along is musically weird). My parents saw them in the early 80s, ad again for the 'One' tour, and said they were awesome. Don McLean. Eels. Paul Simon. Sufjan Stevens. Yuck. Gutted about Pulp.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

No. I do think they sell too many tickets now, and the site has become over crowded and less pleasant, in a way that has compromised atmosphere. The music is so diverse though (and taste so subjective) that to accuse it of selling-out line-up wise is a massive oversimplification.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

rich, intense, exhausting, surprising, primal

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

yes, especially the years I've gone by myself

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

stumbling across impromptu random brilliance or secret gigs (never forget seeing Futureheads play to an audience of maybe 80 people in Circus fields in 2009); watching bands rise to the occasion/be touchingly overwhelmed by the magitiude of the Glasto experience. Not a huge Snow Patrol fan, but when Gary Lightbody started crying halfway through 'Run' in 2004 at the warmth of the audience response it made me cry too! I cried with Damon in 2009 as well, but less unexpected, as I love him, in a sad teenage hangover sort of way, as well as musically.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

the crushes i've been caught in in recent years - a bit scary. and the piss throwing. if i wanted that i'd got to Leeds/T

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

It's impossible to say. Burning Man, for instance, sounds awesome. But out of all the many festivals I've been too, it's a consistent high performer, and the only festival I would consider going to alone

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

wetwipes for the toilets; take some time to check where tasty food can be found; be open to the experience

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back? Ever since the first one I did when Glastonbury was hit by a biblical grade storm I've kept coming back. In my opinion music is the magic that makes the world spinning and one of the best ways to enjoy it is clearly in concert. Glastonbury provides you with 4 days of the absolute best and diverse music, moments and memories you'll ever hear, discover and have. What's not to like?

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed? Chemical Brothers, Two Door Cinema Club, Elbow come top 3 (out of those confirmed).

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like? I think that it's a big place and to judge the festival purely on it's headliners is a foolish thing to do. I love the Pyramid and I'll got watch U2 put on a show, I'd happily see Coldplay again if it weren't for the Chems, and I've got as much interest in Beyonce as cats do in time travel, but so what. Those 3 slots make up 6 hours of a total of 64 hours of music over 4 days and I will spend most of them loving something, somewhere, with someone. It's also worth askin which other festivals have the balls and appeal to pull in the kind of names who normally don't do it all.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words? it's a serenely blissful experience. It's the complete removal of the outside world and utter immersion into music that never lasts long enough. To have nothing better to think about than the moment your in (which is normally pretty amazing) and what is to come, is rare and unique experience for me.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury? Yeah, it's a crowd thing.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury? The ones had with friends.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury? When it's muddy, not sitting down ALL day.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world? Yes. undoubtedly.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins? Bring wellies, sunglasses and lots of cider.

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

Mainly that mates who are moving away for a year are going

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Primal Scream, Chems, Warpaint, TDCC, BB King

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

A little maybe but unfair to judge on headliners alone

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words


5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Not really tbh

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Good times with friends, Brothers Bar, Stone Circle

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Not had a muddy one yet but I assume that would be

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

No Roskilde is

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Have fun :D

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

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1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

I've been going to festivals for almost 30 years. Glastonbury is the largest, most well organised, it's the highlight of my year.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

None. I buy a ticket without knowing the lineup as I've always maintained the lineup is secondary to the experience. IA good lineup is a benefit, but a naff one will simply see me spending more times in the more interesting parts of the festival. I hope that a few more obscure bands that have played in the past are playing and will search them out. I try to avoid the busy stages when big names are on.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

Not really no... it's not 1970 anymore, society has changed, musical tastes have diversified and increasingly festival culture has entered the mainstream. Glastonbury still provides a unique take on the festival experience and treats it's attendees with a bit more respect than some larger corporate events. There are over 1000 acts on over the course of the festival there will always be something that sparks your interest if the main stages are not to your liking. Being able to bring our own drink and food and not being restricted into what areas of the festival I can take them is important.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

As a 43 year old it's strange, the day before we leave is the closest feeling I get to being a 9 year old on Xmas Eve. The feelings of excitement are exactly the same, I wake at 5am and can't return to sleep. Remebering and reliving some of those youthful experiences is a good thing I think, it stops me be a boring middle aged old codger.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Definitely. it builds strong bonds between me and my friends. On site I feel more relaxed and more willing to venture out and try new experiences.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Getting there :-) Discovering something weird, wonderful and captivating. Discovering someone you didn't know was playing and it becoming the highlight of your weekend. Last year I was in the bogs in Acoustic Field with a slightly dodgy stomach. I heard the not -too distant sounds of The Beat (a band I grew up with and love dearly) and was quickly over to dance and groove and call for Thatcher to Stand Down :-) That made my weekend.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Not knowing if I'll get a ticket and leaving the site on the Monday morning. The often terrible state some fields are left in is rather depressing. The return to normality and everyday society/work is horrible.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

No because Glastonbury is a Performing Arts Festival NOT a Music Festival. I often only see a handful of bands, the older I have become the less the music is the primary focus of attending, it can be important but it's certainly not why I go. Community, friends, fun, relaxation and a sense of freedom not present in my everyday life is what I look forward to.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Don't spend all your time at the main stages, don;t spend all your time watching bands, explore the smaller fields, take it easy, do one thing everyday you'd never dream of doing in the real world. Say hello to your tent neighbours, try and carry that feeling back into real life.

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Far too many to recount and far too many that would probably get me arrested :-) However, one year back in the 90s (before everyone and their dog had a phone... certainly not us) I went with a group who at the time were taking a fair amount of acid. During the course of one day we managed to lose everyone, including our driver. Towards the evening when it got dark we made our way to the 'Burning Man' field. Over the next few hours we were drinking and laughing and laughing very loudly (I have a rather loud and distinctive laugh, or so I'm told). Through the evening my friends started appearing from out of the darkness all saying they had heard my laugh from across the fields and in their befuddled stage it had acted as some sort of homing beacon for them. Watching them appear in our group relieved and overjoyed at finding everyone was aBy the time we watched the Burning Man go up in flames everyone had reappeared and life was good again.... all because I have a loud laugh :-)

Edited by Ponyegg
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1) If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

Its got so much more going for it than the other 'big-lineup' festivals. Spending 5 days camping listening to music with friends is always brilliant, and at glastonbury its even better. The atmosphere, and generally happy people. The choice of stuff to do, places to be, acts to watch, food to eat, drink to drink. Glasto is now part of me. I cant imagine not being interested in it.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

U2. Elbow. Chemical Bros. Beyonce. I like most stuff (perhaps a rarity on here!!).

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

No. I think theyre booking for diversity and choice. There are acts I would never book personally (*cough* ndubz *cough*) but I approve of variety, its pretty easy to not watch an act you dislike.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Big. Tiring. Smelly. Fun. And if youre lucky, sometimes it manages to live up to that collossal reputation it has, and turns into something special, a little bit over and above what a music festival is. ;)

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Maybe a little.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

The ones you werent expecting. And the acts that absolutely nail it when youre completely ready to enjoy it.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Leaving on the monday and seeing the mess as you go. Queuing. Too much rain and mud. Ticket day fear. The post-flood carnage and seeing people tentless in 2005 was pretty bad.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Ive not been to them all. ;). Altough I have a suspicion (for me at least) it probably is.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

The more you put in, the more you get out. Longrops not turdises. Bimble. Be friendly to people. And always remember the sunscreen.

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Hi guys

Just wondering if you could help me with my university journalism feature on Glastonbury. Basically I just need quotes from people about what Glastonbury is like to add more depth to my article, so it would be great if you could answer the following questions

1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

The feel of the place is like no other.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

Friendly Fires, BB King and Jimmy Cliff.

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

It is a festival of 170,000 people so it has to cater to many tastes. It has "sold out" with more pop acts on the two main stages but what is on offer away from the main stages in terms of acts and the enviroments is so different to any other festival. It has to do this to keep going.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

A mix of old and young, families, friends, ravers and rockers, hippies and corporate types escaping. Most importantly it is a chance to see how life can be lived.

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Something bigger

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Taking someone for the first time.

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?


8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Never been to one outside the UK but it is the best in the UK.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Don't over prepare turn up and love it. (Bring wellies no matter the weather)

Any other interesting information or anecdotes then that will be fine.

Thanks :)

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1) What attracted you to Glastonbury Festival this year? If you’ve been before what it is that keeps you coming back?

The atmosphere brings me back every year, this will be my 9th year I love getting together with all my friends, I love the team work and 'survival' we all have something someone else needs and everyone is willing to help someone whether it is one of your friends or somebody you have just met.

We started as a group of 5, now there are over 50 of us, each year the group gets bigger and friends of friends come, no matter who comes, everybody gets on, there is never a worry of people clashing.

2) What acts are you most looking forward to seeing out of those already confirmed?

U2 and Stevie Nicks

3) Do you feel Glastonbury has “sold out” with recent line ups, or are they booking acts they believe a majority of people will like?

I haven't been a fan with a few of the headliners over the recent years, I prefer the oldies as they are acts I generally wouldn't see, the line up doesn't bother me that much, if I am not a fan of the acts it takes the pressure off rushing between stages and you can take in all the wonderful randomness around you, I don't see it as having sold out there are many others who enjoy it.

4) Describe the Glastonbury experience in your own words

Glastonbury is a place where anything goes, people have left all the stress' of life behind and are there to be themselves, to relax with friends, family and strangers alike, it's an exchange of positive energy and it is always in my experience kind natured. Add all that together, with amazing stages and venues, an eclectic mix of music, clever and creative entertainment, interesting education. The is always something new and interesting in the next field. 

5) Do you feel part of a community or something bigger when you’re at Glastonbury?

Yes I feel part of a community and I always wish normal life could be like that, but I think for many people the stress' of life take over when they get home and forget the free feeling they have in Glastonbury. The feeling of singing along with 80000 other people at the pyramid stage is amazing.

6) What are the best experiences at Glastonbury?

Walking back from the pyramid stage slowly with the crowd after Paul McCartney and hearing na na na na na na(hey Jude) spreading around the site..oooooooo just thinking about it gives me goose bumps..

I also love hearing snip bits of people's conversations as they pass by, everyone is the oracle(me included!)

Winning tickets through Singstar and having to preform Alice Cooper Poison to 1000s of people in the Queens Head, I couldn't sing before never mind on Sunday night with no voice! I just screamed it out while my friend jumped up and down next to me with no idea of the words!

7) What are the worst experiences of Glastonbury?

Packing up your tent in a mud bath.

8) Do you feel Glastonbury is the best music festival in the world?

Yes and I have been to many worldwide festivals...I went to Burning man last year thinking it would come close but Glastonbury still has it for me. It has a completely unique feel.

9) What advice would you give to any Glastonbury virgins?

Pack your clothes in plastic bags, so if your bag gets wet your clothes are dry, I put tops in one, shorts/pants in another etc, that way when you are searching for something in the dark and your in a rush you can find it easily.  This advice was given to me and it's come in handy year after year!

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I'm taking your plastic bags for the clothes tip. Many thanks and a good example of the sharing spirit you mention that have passed it on :)

I've never actually needed it, every time I go to glastonbury I bring blazing sunshine with me as I shall once again this year.

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