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Worst things about Glasto..?

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Lack of showering opportunities.

People who make noise in the middle of the night for no good reason other than making noise (different to making noise because they are having a good time)

Waking up in a tent thinking you are in the Sahara then opening then door and you being in a damp morning

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There are loads of things I don't particularly like at Glastonbury. This would appear to be a controversial or confrontational thing to write on this forum, but if you think about it, it's madness to try and pretend otherwise: people don't really spend an entire week walking round in a big field permanently smiling. Over the course of the week, you will encounter some objectionable behaviour and a whole spectrum of other minor and not-so-minor irritations.

Consequently, in the aftermath of the festival, there will be a noticeable sea-change in the tone of some of the posts on here. You'll get a load of people complaining about stuff and a few declaring they'll never go back again. But gradually, between then and 2013, we'll all brain-wash ourselves that the festival was actually 6 days of uninterrupted bliss without any low-points. And so the glastobating cycle continues.

So my answer to the question: the worst thing about Glastonbury is the escapist nonsense of setting it up as some impossible-to-achieve nirvana, and then feeling cheated when it inevitably fails to deliver.

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For me it's the tiredness. I don't do drugs and alcohol just makes me sleepy. A late night driving down on Tuesday, an excited but fitful night of sleep, an early start to get in the queue, standing around for three hours in the blazing sun with a heavy backpack and realising I'd forgotton my inhaler meant I was already pretty drained last year before it started. It meant I felt like I was doing a lot of sitting around feeling like I was doing nothing and should be doing something else.

So my aim next year is to have the mindset that I AM doing something at all times - I'm doing Glastonbury!!!

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For me it's the tiredness. I don't do drugs and alcohol just makes me sleepy. A late night driving down on Tuesday, an excited but fitful night of sleep, an early start to get in the queue, standing around for three hours in the blazing sun with a heavy backpack and realising I'd forgotton my inhaler meant I was already pretty drained last year before it started. It meant I felt like I was doing a lot of sitting around feeling like I was doing nothing and should be doing something else.So my aim next year is to have the mindset that I AM doing something at all times - I'm doing Glastonbury!!!

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Is it just me that finds the whole gas thing a bit disturbing :huh: ? A lot of the kids camping around us spent an inordinate amount of time compulsively doing balloons (very noisey). What's the point though? There's so much to do, why spend half the festival in the tent trying to get high? I can get wrecked any time and much more effectively :P

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Amen to that. Most of the friends I see every year work the festival and arrive between the saturday and the tuesday, then spend the next 2 days of the festival complaining that the punters have arrived and spoiled the place :P

I'd love to be able to spend a couple of extra days or so onsite before the gates open and am insanely jealous of those who get the privilege.

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Security Checks

Personally someone who suffers from anxiety, even if i didnt have any naughties on me i would without a doubt be shivering in my boots during security. But as a person whos partial to a cheeky toke, i normally carry a small bag of the naughty grass with me into the glastonbury world.

I understand why theyre there, but quite a horrible experience to start the festival. Living 6 hrs away, i worry about losing my ticket ect if caught, even knowing full well they wouldnt take my ticket for a small bag of the naughties.

Damn Anxiety.

You should see me at airports.

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definite second to the guy who said the security checks. i shit myself every time, and it's hard to relax on the bus up!

that aside, the only thing that gets on my wick is that sour smell that lingers by saturday and especially sunday around the stages.

but these are minor quibbles. what i love about glastonbury is that people are sound and kind and friendly everywhere you go. lineup dosen't really matter, it's the people that make it.

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