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Worst things about Glasto..?

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People who don't get a ticket and claim the selling process is unfair get to me. Everyone's in the same boat at the start and when demand is far greater than supply there will always be people who miss out. I know it's easy to say that when I got my ticket in October but I had to miss 2003-2005 due to the tout problems so I'd rather everyone pays the correct amount and some people miss out rather than loads of people miss out and only the people who can afford ebay prices get to go!

Actually that last bit strayed away from my point. My point is people will always have to miss out. Would you rather miss out to another genuine festival goer or to a tout?

Edited by Monkismo
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Same. I don't really get it, gas seemed to peak in '09, but still seems popular. Personally I'll just wander with a doobie ;)

Each to their own, though, some people go to a festival and barely leave their tent, for them it is more about getting together with mates and partying in a permissive atmosphere so as far as I'm concerned that's as much what the festival is about as the music. I know when I first started going as a younger bloke the city of oddballs, misfits and people out to party where no one was going to tell them how to behave was a massive part of what attracted me and my mates.

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A couple of people have mentioned being searched on the way in, with little or no incriminating evidence on them. What I hate, is walkin past all those security types, looking like a dirty hippie/grunger (even before the fest starts), with a bag FULL of incriminating evidence. Those bloody dogs at victoria station too...

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(1) Theres nobody who comes along to make my hot toddy at night

(2) Turn down my duvet

(3) That sewerage machine sucking out the long drops could use a bit more consideration to us who want a lie in!

(4) There's no wake up call available

(5) nor do they hand out 'do not disturb' cards for those of us who prefer brunch to breakfast

(6) Milkman doesn't deliver in the morning

(7) Ditto paperboy - would make a mint

(8) No Porters for the cases from car park to tent

(9) Room service out of the question?

(10) after roaming the site all day I realised that what they do need is better paths - tarmac the paths michael

(11) In tent massage - How can we drag ourselves to the healing fields firsts thing

(12) Jeeves!

I mean........................... B)

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I didn't really make that post clear I don't think. But it's when people on here complain about the people that say there are other stages/theatre and circus acts/shangri la etc because they say it's really all about the bands. I don't think the majority of the people that say it's not all about the bands mean it to sound patronising and also I don't mind the people that want to spend the whole time watching bands if that's what they want to do. It just annoys me when people rip the piss out of the "it's not all about the music brigade" by calling them elitist/patronising when they are basically being elitist/patronising by ripping the piss out of the people that say that and it's pretty ignorant to say Glastonbury is all about the music when it clearly isn't.

I hope this post makes sense :lol:

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I didn't really make that post clear I don't think. But it's when people on here complain about the people that say there are other stages/theatre and circus acts/shangri la etc because they say it's really all about the bands. I don't think the majority of the people that say it's not all about the bands mean it to sound patronising and also I don't mind the people that want to spend the whole time watching bands if that's what they want to do. It just annoys me when people rip the piss out of the "it's not all about the music brigade" by calling them elitist/patronising when they are basically being elitist/patronising by ripping the piss out of the people that say that and it's pretty ignorant to say Glastonbury is all about the music when it clearly isn't.

I hope this post makes sense :lol:

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No the people who claim its not all about the bands are just mentalists, I accept some people but the rest is supported by bands thats what the majority go for, therefore it is about the bands as without not enough people would be able to support the rest on the scale.

Edited by BlackHole2006
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No the people who claim its not all about the bands are just mentalists, I accept some people but the rest is supported by bands thats what the majority go for, therefore it is about the bands as without not enough people would be able to support the rest on the scale.

Edited by thesecretingredientiscrime
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No the people who claim its not all about the bands are just mentalists, I accept some people but the rest is supported by bands thats what the majority go for, therefore it is about the bands as without not enough people would be able to support the rest on the scale.

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are the "it's not all about the music brigade" the new "festival snobs"?

im telling you, us festival elitists could start getting a victim complex reading these pages. please, please don't make me feel like i have to go and watch Two Door Cinema Club rather than having a brew in the Tiny Tea Tent and mooching about in order to have a good festival.


(that smiley indicates an above use sarcasm. yours, patronisingly, fatyeti24)

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I just love this debate B)

Isn't fair to say that the people that argue it's not all about the bands, don't necessarily believe it's all about the bands and those that argue that it is all about the bands believe that it is, indeed, all about the bands.

Unfortunatley they are mutually exclusive positions that won't be changed by arguing the point.

For me, the fact that two sizeable, yet mutually disagreeable groups can attend the same event over and over again and still have the times of their lives is what the Glastonbury spirit is truly all about.

Go, do your thing, let everyone else do theirs, go home, tell the world why it's the greatest festival on the planet :D

Oh, and what do I think is the worst thing about Glasto? The fact that we've done such a great job of the above that the tickets are like chuffing gold-dust!! ;)

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Yes of course, it's the opinion of the majority that matters :rolleyes: . A good minority of people go to Glastonbury for the Greenfields, the circus fields and Shangri la. Infact you get alot of people that just wander around the whole time, as shown by some of the posts on here. It's ignorant and stupid to say that the people that claim it's not all about the bands are just mentalists because actually what they are saying is true and you saying that completely proves my point.

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Well in this case yes, do you really think 130,000 people are going to pay 200 quid for a week for the other stuff? Honestly just step out efestivals and the glastonbury hardcore and think what the majority spend theirdoing time doing than the odd touristy bimble around the other areas and besides that I said to claim its not all about the bands for the majority ;)

Loads of people buy other festival tickets regardless of line up, allot of people who T in The Park for instance will go regardless of line up and then moan about it if its shit but still go :P I'd say the proof is the in the numbers at a one the main music stages at any given point in the day would you not?

Now your presuming what I do ;) I enjoy the other bits just as much but as I said look at what the majority of people are doing during the day and I'd say that proves that as I said its mainly about the bands for a majority of people.

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But that doesn't prove anything. With Glastonbury, you have to buy tickets (unless you want to go through the everlasting stress of resale) without knowing the line-up, so there must be something else there, other than the line-up, to convince people. You can't prove that there's a decent number that go just for the music, because you'd have to ask everyone, and if you're going to do that, i suggest you put your ticket back in the pot, because it may take a while ;)

Edited by LondonTom
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