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Women Want Tall Men

Guest Kizzie

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Heard on the radio this morning that us women prefer tall men to short men.

Tall men supposedly make us feel safe and protected, amonst other things. ;)

Partners of short men were arguing that short men are quite useful as you don't have to keep moving the car seat and you can borrow their clothes for instance.

Also in lots of studies it is found that all men mostly prefer petite women. I'm 5ft and my beautiful other half is 6ft3, perfect as short men really don't do it for me.

However, most of the greatest men in history have been short and bald, and look at Formula One racing drivers, they must be short and they get loads of women.

So come on short guys stand up for yourselves and prove me wrong :D

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Heard on the radio this morning that us women prefer tall men to short men.

Tall men supposedly make us feel safe and protected, amonst other things. ;)

Partners of short men were arguing that short men are quite useful as you don't have to keep moving the car seat and you can borrow their clothes for instance.

Also in lots of studies it is found that all men mostly prefer petite women. I'm 5ft and my beautiful other half is 6ft3, perfect as short men really don't do it for me.

However, most of the greatest men in history have been short and bald, and look at Formula One racing drivers, they must be short and they get loads of women.

So come on short guys stand up for yourselves and prove me wrong :D

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i never imagined jenson button to be small. just checked and apparently he's 6ft.

although if he was 5ft3, i'd imagine it would be his bulging six pack and wads of cash that attract the women, rather than his height

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i never imagined jenson button to be small. just checked and apparently he's 6ft.

although if he was 5ft3, i'd imagine it would be his bulging six pack and wads of cash that attract the women, rather than his height

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Attila The Hun....

"According to Roman historian Priscus's (who actually saw & met him) description ... he was Short of stature,with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with gray; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin that he was asiatic mongol looks."

As such, he was a shortarse but, with all that raping and pillaging, never short of female company.

And, on an attila theme, Attila the Stockbroker's not going to bang his head on many door lintels either and his wife's bonny.

Clearly, the stature of a man is measured in more than feet and inches.

p.s. just to clarify, i'm 5 10 - no giant admittedly but not a stumpy either.

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I'm 6ft2. All of my 3 serious other halves were around 5ft10 with size 10-12 waists haha funnily enough, never said I have a type though.

I remembering reading somewhere a study that stated women find height, power and wealth attractive?

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If I was to ever hear a woman say they preferred a short man over a tall one then I think I'd have to call bullshit. People say all sorts of things about what they want which doesn't necessarily mean that's who they'll end up with, but I'm not just positive, I'm HIV positive that women go for taller guys.

Anyways, height becomes irrelevant when your bank account gets above a certain size anyway......

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If I was to ever hear a woman say they preferred a short man over a tall one then I think I'd have to call bullshit. People say all sorts of things about what they want which doesn't necessarily mean that's who they'll end up with, but I'm not just positive, I'm HIV positive that women go for taller guys.

Anyways, height becomes irrelevant when your bank account gets above a certain size anyway......

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Attila The Hun....

"According to Roman historian Priscus's (who actually saw & met him) description ... he was Short of stature,with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with gray; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin that he was asiatic mongol looks."

As such, he was a shortarse but, with all that raping and pillaging, never short of female company.

And, on an attila theme, Attila the Stockbroker's not going to bang his head on many door lintels either and his wife's bonny.

Clearly, the stature of a man is measured in more than feet and inches.

p.s. just to clarify, i'm 5 10 - no giant admittedly but not a stumpy either.

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Short Man Syndrome. It's not just starting fights and that, it's also if they are in a job with power they are quite often assholes. I'm not saying it's just short guys like this and all tall guys are fine, but I find a lot of short guys are like this, especially in the army.

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The two sh*ttest bosses i've ever had were one short bloke and one tall woman. Is it that there is a Short Man Syndrome or is it that because, with men, their shortness is their dominant physical characteristic and when you come across an arsehole that's short as well you end up 'labelling' them as suffering from some sort of syndrome related to their size whereas if it was an ordinary or tall sized person that was a w*nker, you'd just mark them down as a w*nker full-stop? I only ask as, in addition to the biggest tossport i've ever worked with being short, two of the nicest most easy-going and friendly people i've ever worked with were also short blokes.

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yes. Social stereotyping and the expectancy effect.

It's why bad luck comes in threes, and why so many people think astrology and psychics are accurate. We select out the bits that fit, and ignore the rest, if we want to believe the myth.

Tall people tend to be more successful at job interviews. Do you really think this is because tall men are better at interviews?

My husband's not tall, but he's lovely, the nicest person I've ever met. And the second nicest guy I know isn't very tall, either.

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This is of course all true.

Returning to the point about attraction though, are such stereotypes and expectations a reflection of attractivity? And is it necessarily female desire that makes tall men more stereotypically attractive?

I'd probably argue that female desire has been shaped by patriarchy, as tall men are seen as more distinguished and therefore less likely to be vain or draw attention to themselves. These seemingly honourable qualities are qualities that women tend to like. The shorter guy has to big himself up a bit and show off, so he's at a disadvantage characteristically speaking. I don't think it has much to do with physical attraction at all.

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