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US Presidential elections 2012

Guest pink_triangle

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I take your point, but I wasn't necessarliy talking about creationism. Such high numbers of people who believe in creationism isn't a new thing to the states. Fairly sure it would have always been that high. And republican's denying man made climate change is also nothing particularly new or radical either. Because its the republican nomination, then the politics is going to seem more right at the moment. Once it hits the general election I think you'll find they keep those kind of views to themselves because those aren't the kind of views that will win you the majority of american votes.

Those two candidates are making a thing of creationism (and for one of them [if not the other] climate change too), precisely for the votes it'll get them. It won't be too different in the presidential election.

Creationism isn't a new thing, but it's something that's a growing view - it IS changing, for the worse (in the UK too, very sadly).

Lets not forget that it was only 3 years ago that America voted in Obama - and a large part of that was down to Palin being chosen as McCain's running partner, because the majority of american's, and I would guess a large majority, don't buy into those extreme views. And this is still a country that in all probability will vote Obama in again, even though he hasn't had a particularly sparkling presidency,

I don't think it was Palin's policies & views which put people off, but her inexperience at a high level. And don't forget that McCain wasn't too popular even within his own party.

I'm not so sure that Obama will get another go. "It's the economy, stupid", and while nothing about the state of the economy is his fault it's still going to hurt him vote-wise. His re-election comes down to how much it's going to hurt him.

Obama was very good at getting the poor types who tend to vote less out to vote for him last time. Next time they'll be more apathetic because they won't have seen the hoped-for improvements in their personal position because of the general state of the economy. Against that, lots of more-left leaning middle-class types will vote for the promised tax cuts of the Republicans, because they're feeling squeezed.

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Watched the last debate on youtube, Perry comes across as a complete loose cannon and became incredibly defensive when Romney went after him. Romney completely owned him in the debate. Interesting to see Pawlenty endorse Romney, wonder whether most of the other moderate republicans will now follow. I think a lot of republicans think its a guarnateed win against obama so they should put the most right wing man in that they can, but this could be a risky strategy. Altough Huntsman is my favourite they would be mad not to choose Romney in my opinion.

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  • 1 month later...

This is hilarious. He claims he wasn't drunk, if he wasn't then he's clearly gone mental

Plus Herman Cain is a walking disaster at the moment. This ad campaign, coupled with the unearthing that he paid off employees in the 90s who filed a sexual harrassment claim against him, and the alarming way he's dealt with it has firmly put his campaign in the gutter


Surely if Mitt Romney can just keep his nose clean its his for the taking now

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Romney/Rubio will be the GOP ticket. There is something eerily reminiscent of John Kerry's campaign in 2004 about this however.

I think it will be close but Romney doesnt connect well enough with Tea Party or Evangelicals to dominate. Even with the near-impossible hand that Obama has been dealt he will still win next year. Only just, but he will be re-elected. If you took the Bin Laden assassination from his presidency then he has a harder challenge. IMO though, the night Bin Laden got taken out Obama got re-elected.

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Is there anyway this coulld work in his favour in getting some sort of sympathy vote, hey george bush wasnt the brightest and he didnt do too bad in elections!. Its still hard to think of a reason why they dont pick romney, its his to lose and theres no sign of him losing it.

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Cain is a complete joke - a disgrace. He is basically on a book tour folks.

The GOP ticket is Romney+AN Other. I would say that the chance of nailed Florida/gaining hispanics/compare and contrast with Biden will mean that the Veep is Rubio. Together they make a formidible outfit.

Gonna make for a gripping election.

- - -

Obama could surprise people and arrange for some other gig for Biden - move him out - and get Hilary back in the mix. Then its game over for the Repukes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Romney's €10,000 bet was Antoine Dodson level of "dumb".

Big Newt making a lot of inroads. He'll win Iowa and Carolina and run Romsie close in New Hamp. Then its down to Florida - win that and Newt is on the ticket chaps.

How this plays with BO's people is interesting. I think its funny how the Repuke base is giving Newt all this heat due to his "debating" skills - and how these would play out on telly vs the Pres. Theres no question the guy is clever. But wisdom is not something he is known for. :sarcastic: He shot his mouth at the weekend about Palistine for example. Not a wise man at all.

The more I look at it - despite the heavy weight of the poor economy in the Repubs favour I think BO wipes the floor with Newt or even Romney in 2012.

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this whole thing just highlights what a lack of decent leaders there are around these days, across the whole world. All thr republicans seem to be thick as shit, extreme god botherers, or both. Obama is artificial and indecisive.

The European leaders are no better. Can you think of ANY european leader you admire? There are none!

The russians lot have pushed the public too far, All the arab lot are facing uprisings. Corruption in africa is as bad as it's ever been. Japan have a new leader every other month virtually. China will be the next country to face a backlash from the public. The Indian guy? Terrible leader. That country is a shadow of what it could be with good leadership.

I actually think the only decent leaders are to be found in South America. That Brazilan chap possibly being the pick of the bunch.

We dont even have uncle fidel to fall back on anymore!

The world is shite.

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... and you wonder why people are so disinterested in politics that we only get shit politicians.

Perhaps if we insisted that all politicians are female, aged under about 35, and wore tight shorts (apologies to Sepp :lol:) we might get enough political activism? ;)

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