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The Dirty Independence Question


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58 minutes ago, mcshed said:

What’s the story with Robertson not standing?

hedidnt have support from mps  to be leader at  westminster, would he have support to be overall leader?

Edited by Neil
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56 minutes ago, zahidf said:

thats historical more than anything: he says he supports it now, which is one up on Forbes! She says she doesn't support it now

His position is certainly better than hers, I'm just saying there is evidence that Barry is right and he is saying what people want to hear and when it came down to it his personal views were a source of conflict.

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8 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

What are you talking about? Robertson is an MSP who was last an MP in 2017 when he lost his seat. Presumably you’re thinking of Blackford who is an MP and thus cannot be first minister.

Yeah I'm thinking of Blackford 

Wasn't aware that MPs can't be leader. 

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24 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

One look and her beleifes will go out of the window when she lays eyes on LJS.  He comes across as a sexy arse Scots man no women could refuse.  He would win her over with his smooth arse wokey ways.

I am probably abit too right wing and English for her.

LJS and Kate being caught having an affair would be the story of 2023 for me!

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2 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Because her views on this issue are now known ? 

Don't the Scottish people also deserve to know her view points on real things that actually might impact their lives ? 

Gay marriage and conversion therapy are real things


Is this the usual right wing deflection tactic the Tories use to try and deflect from their failings? 'My constituents don't care about me being corrupt, they want to talk about Brexit' e.t.c

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4 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:


You can keep beating up the women and being a sexist c**t / mansplaining and all that shit (you have no interest in finding out the blokes view points it seems) or we could move the debate on ? 

lol what? stop talking crap, If she doesn't want people calling her a bigot, she shouldn't be a bigot.

We know Yusef's view on it. You think hes lying but you have no proof of that. 

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3 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

The debate should move on and let the people decide.  I guess you are scared of being proven wrong ?

If she continues to run like she says she will then she will set out the rest of her stall, those who view her Wee Free nutterdom as more important are free to focus on that. Getting your message across is part of politics if the fact that you are member of mad sect is getting in the way of that then that's her problem.

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54 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Her views are known you can vote accordingly on them.  She isn't planning on changing anything around this stuff she says and even if she tried she would need to win a vote which would fail.  Its a total none issue.

You can keep beating up the women and being a sexist c**t / mansplaining and all that shit (you have no interest in finding out the blokes view points it seems) or we could move the debate on ? 

At the end of the day Humza has answered the question and given the mainstream answer, at the end of the day you may not believe his answer, but if you keep asking the question he will just give the same answer. Unless you want him to take a lie detector test there isn’t much of a story.

I’m not sure this is a sexism thing. I don’t think a man would get a free pass on these views in a leadership election to a party claiming to be left wing.

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11 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

I am pro gay marriage / pro abortion / pro trans rights (just not as far as that gender bill) and I don't think I would have a problem voting for her given her beliefs.  She is allowed to be a Christian.  She has said she has no interest in changing those rights. 

I think most people in Scotland can make their minds up.

What we have here is the usual situation of the media controlling the agenda.  The usual woke warrior's operating their usual cancel cultural bollocks.  The average joes just want a better school for their kids.

This will die down and we will move on if she wants to stay in the race.  I just think its better for everyone for that to be sooner rather than later. 

Well it isn't for most of Scotland to decide it is for members of the SNP and commentary will always focus on issues that excite. I'm sure we'll hear her positions on other things but it seems absolutely reasonable that her bigoted views are a red line for some. 

Don't you see that there is a difference between an MSP or indeed a Minister going along with collective responsibility and supporting measures that they personal don't agree with and a leader whose job it is to create policy having views that are so far out of line with ordinary Scots.

Humza has a record of mistakes, Regan is I believe out of favour with the membership for being too close to the Cherry/Salmond/Alba side of the Independence movement so it is possible that Forbes is the best option out of these pitiful three but I think it would shame Scotland to have a bigot as First Minister.

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5 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Its a shame in the pursuit of tolerance we are more intolerant than ever before.

I wouldn't vote for her but she deserves a voice and deserves the chance to talk about something fucking else lol.

Well if she wants to talk about anything else, her failure to do so is her fault. 

Oh turns out yousaf did vote for equal marriage bill on the first reading, and at the second reading was in an important meeting to stop someone being executed for blasphemy






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6 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Yes you are right to say its for the SNP membership.  I am just thinking about the end game of going to the people.

I always think the term bigot is too loosely used.  I don't think someone is a bigot because they are Christian and believe marriage should be between a man and a women.  Being a bigot is about having an unreasonable view point.  I don't think having a belief system / moral view points is bigoted.  Its not bigoted to be anti abortion.  Its not bigoted to believe that marriage is between a man and women.  These are issues of morality and so on.  There must be space for it.

It would be bigoted I would suggest to say civil partnerships are wrong as this denies people rights.  There is no legal difference between a marriage and civil partnership.

I come back to her saying while it goes against her beliefs she wouldn't remove anyones rights so where is the real issue ? 

Have we missed the Wee Free opposition to the conversion therapy ban?

On marriage though she didn't say, I and my backwards wee cult don't like it but everyone else crack on, she said she couldn't have voted for it. 

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