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turning a concern into a crisis

Guest eFestivals

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I read this on the news. For fucks sake how stupid can you be? She was decanting petrol into a glass jug, in the kitchen, whilst cooking tea on a fucking gas cooker. This is where euthanasia should be mandatory. This woman is now going to be a burden on the NHS for years to come, and will probably want to claim some sort of benefit to help her arse around.

I have not seen such stupidity since in the army asking someone to refill the Tilley lamp, which he did whilst it was still lit, or the time some idiot through petrol onto the BBQ. It took weeks for my eyebrows to grow back

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Are we back to normality yet (haven't been past a garage yet today)?

There is a simple(ish) solution to this panic buying. Simply say that you are not allowed to buy petrol until your tank is half empty. The problem with this is implementation though... you'd have to have someone going round looking at everyone's petrol gauges.

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Unless, of course, the government were looking to end the quarter on a high or they were simply tapping into the mob mentality so that if/when a strike does occur, most people have started filling up at half a tank rather than leaving it to run empty, thus, keeping the country going. If it was either of those then you've got to give them credit, but I don't think the government really is that clever...

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Incompetant, detached, out-of-touch over-privileged morons or evil conniving manipulating scheming bastards?

As with anything, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

I'm wondering if it was a test to see how stupid and manipulated the public really can be, almost as though George Osborne and David Cameron chatted about it while taking a drunken piss at the Bullington Club urinals before one of them saying "Hey, hey......Dave.....why don't we....I dunno....just fuck with them for a bit?"

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Incompetant, detached, out-of-touch over-privileged morons or evil conniving manipulating scheming bastards?

As with anything, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

I'm wondering if it was a test to see how stupid and manipulated the public really can be, almost as though George Osborne and David Cameron chatted about it while taking a drunken piss at the Bullington Club urinals before one of them saying "Hey, hey......Dave.....why don't we....I dunno....just fuck with them for a bit?"

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