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Olympic Torch @Rockness, WTF?!

Guest VoiceOfReason

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chickenfire - That's exactly what I'll do, of course. I love Rockness, only missed one. It’s not like I’m going to tear up my tickets or anything. To be fair, I intend being totally burst for the main part of Saturday afternoon, so I’d miss it anyway. But my annoyance about it stands, and I think my reasons are valid - doesn't mean I expect everybody to agree with me.

Oh, and thanks for not goin’ off on one like a couple of the other posters. Totally appreciated.

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Personally couldn't give a hoot about the torch or the Olympics, if thats what people like whatever. We waste plenty other money on stuff so why not a drop in the ocean Olympics?

And just incase nobody noticed. We won the right to hold the Olympics in 2005. That is, we still had Tony Blair as Prime Minister and it was pre financial meltdown. Also yeah times are hard and people have lost their jobs but we have it FAR better than most, so suck it up and count yourself lucky!

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I couldn't care less about the nonsense spouted by the OP, but I hope this is not a sign of things to come.

Come on, this is a bit of a sell out by the festival organisers to create a bit of publicity.

If they are willing to do this what else will they do in future to get the festival noticed and more tickets sold?

Commercialisation waters down the festival if you ask me, and I hope this isn't an indication of where Rockness is heading.........although the amount of "pop" type acts and this torch parade through the festival may be an indication.

Edited by CraigI
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Ehm, blackg1000 - which entire nation is proud of this shite? My nation is Scotland, and I can assure you that the entire nation is NOT proud of this. I feel quite comfy speaking on behalf of the other nations in these islands, with the exception perhaps of England (it's in their capital, so not gonna blame them for being swept up by all this).

I'm a citizen of the world, who by chance was born in the English region, and I think the games are a crock of shit too.

But it's just the games that are a crock of shit. There's fuck all about it where anything about any region of the world comes into it.

When you start with the nationalist bollocks, you spout as much shite as anything about those games. There's fuck all about it where any of that comes into it.

Take the chip off your shoulder and get some political perspective. :rolleyes:

Edited by eFestivals
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The OP sounds like ma dad, but he is right. Festivals are aboot music, no politics and certainly no Olympics mince. I dinnae care that much, but it would be better if that crap wasnae at Rockness. MORE TIME FOR MORE MUSIC AND PARTYING!


Oh aye, am nae genius but it seems to me that it was unionista jack waving nuggets that played the nationalist card. Yous obviously hit a nerver wi the OP, but you are singling out the wrong guy for those shenanigans.


Anyhoo, I've got a more important question about drink and acquiring it! It is in another post, and I dinnae ken how to link so please have a wee dig around the forums!

Toodles!!! xD:beach::girlhaha:

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the main problem with this 'voiceofreason' guy is that he is extremely rude and very arragant. I imagine at parties people are always a bit dissapointed when he turns up.

it because of people like you that other parties always end up starting in the kitchen.

it's the weekend mate. were aw here to have a guid time.

'B' is fir 'Banter', not 'boring the fuck out of me'.

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That's no how a see it. He was only rude like that to those fannies that deserved it, he was awright wi awbody else. If folk dont like the truth, then f**k them.


But to all the rest of you happy campers, In Music We Trust - God Save The Beat!


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*turns up stereo*

TAPS AFF!!!!!!

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Anyone else find it funny that the OP's name is Voice Of Reason? Really?!

Who gives a shit man? Go watch something else on a different stage. To say it's tarnished all your Rockness memories is embarrassing and extremely over-dramatic. Was almost expecting you to finish it with ... AND SCENE!

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I amnt particularly bothered by the announcement, I think it's pretty cool. I do however agree that the vast amounts of money pumped into the games is crazy.

Has no one thought that the torch may be coming to RockNess because it was scheduled to be in Inverness on the same weekend as pretty much the biggest event in the highlands. RockNess. Sure there are gonna be people that won't give a shit about going to see it.. But I'm sure there are a fair few people who would have liked to go see the torch if they werent at the festival. Or am I being unreasonable and illogical with my reasoning? Haha!

To be perfectly honest I don't know if I'll go see it. I don't know what day or when it will be there and to be honest I don't plan to see anyone. I usually find you have a much better festival if you just let things happen and don't plan and try see acts like a man possessed!

Anyway guys there's my 2 cents. Now to get these 2 days at double time at work done then it's time to get ready for the best weekend of the year!! :D

See yous Friday

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Voice of Reason - shome mishtake shurely? Ooh the ironing! If I was going to Rock Ness i really couldn't give a monkeys. I'm not going to see it any where else along the route and I wouldn't there, unless it was whilst I was waiting for the next band to come on on that stage. As it happens I shall be travelling all the way down to Englandshire to watch decent bands at Download instead. The only valid point in any of this was the flags thing. If they were actually trying to stop people flying the saltire or whatever that would be a foolish thing to attempt and possibly even be illegal in Scotland. Clean stadiums or venues is a different matter and is standard for big sports events nowadays. If a venue want to host a large competition then it clears the decks for them to fly whatever flag and advertise whatever they want.

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4 days to go and there is a political argument... can safely say the party will be revolving around "VoiceOfReason" as you seem like pure banter pal.

4 days till a 3 day party with fantastic bands, not really caring about all this :D

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If you have an issue why not protest to the Government in Westminster? I have no real interest in the Olympics and I do think the amount of money thrown at it is ridiculous. However, that's nothing to do with the regular people who have been chosen to carry the olympic flame, something not many people will do in their life. There will be plenty of people at Rockness who will want to watch it pass through and anyone who ruins it for them is frankly a dick.

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