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festival thieving from tents has it dwindled.

Guest thetime

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I remember at in the late 90 s and early 00's there was a problem with thieves going into your tent especially at night when you were asleep taking stuff. Glastonbury pre big fence, reading and v seemed to have a bit of reputation for it.

Myself at connect festival about 2008 had about 200 quid taken out of wallet during night, although I had to kick myself as I normally put money, cam and phone in sleeping bag but that nght due to travelling and to much beer put stuff beside me.

You don't hear about it as much, are reports dwindling? Are the security better briefed? Are punters more experienced?

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yeah, I've read a fair bit about robbing at Download this year from posts on these forums - tho having said that, I'm not trying to imply it was anything worse than the standard sorts of stories we'd have expected by default in the past.

In general tho, I'd say that the problem is significantly less than it used to be. A fair amount of work has been done by festivals with the police over the past few years which has succeeded in stamping out all reported theft at some festivals (not necessarily small fests either).

What that work has discovered is that much of the thieving was being done by a small group of people. Once those people were identified and their pics circulated, it became pretty easy to act against them.

But the problem hasn't be eliminated, and the first rule of festivals still applies: don't take anything you can't afford to lose.

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To be frank I think because it is such a common occurance now many folk dont report it or complain about it. I think seasoned festival goers see it as an occupational hazard. I do wonder what the costs to a festival would be to have a higher security presence in the campsites on the first night.

it's certainly the case that not everyone reports it - which is why I wrote what I did as "all reported theft" - but in most of those instances I think it really is the case that they're theft-free.

Any thieving is likely to affect more than just one or two victims, and just as much as there's those who won't bother to report it there's also those who'll make a very big noise about it.

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it's certainly the case that not everyone reports it - which is why I wrote what I did as "all reported theft" - but in most of those instances I think it really is the case that they're theft-free.

Any thieving is likely to affect more than just one or two victims, and just as much as there's those who won't bother to report it there's also those who'll make a very big noise about it.

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I'm reluctant to comment as it might be tempting fate and I'm about to go to the Isle of Wight Fest using our old tent for the first time in quite a few years but.... we've always been lucky and also sensible. As well as making sure your money is secure in your sleeping bag be careful by day. I wear a gilet (a bit like a waistcoat) but with 13 zip up pockets which makes pickpocketing that bit more difficult.


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I dont think we will ever get the true figure for tent thefts and I will accept that you are more switched on, but given that a small festival like BT had 28 (as reported on FB) I would say that it is still I major issue, especially for the smaller more relaxed events.

It's simply the case that the scumbags target some fests and not others.

I'd say that BT is particularly vulnerable simply because there's not a huge number of fests on the same weekend. If someone is deliberately going on the rob that weekend in May, then BT is about their only choice.

It seems to be the case that they move around the fests they target tho, hitting one fest one year and another the next. So it's quite possible, if the BT crime was all one particular group, that they won't be back next year. Then again, they might have felt it was all a bit easier there than it is at other fests (I don't know either way) and so decide to come back and hit it even harder next year. All options are open. ;)

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Has a token/ voucher currency ever been discussed by festivals to counter act this type of crime?

No cash at the festival just tokens or the festivals own currency paid at the gates in advance. So people are not carrying all there money in one go.

I know there's atm at most festivals though.

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Has a token/ voucher currency ever been discussed by festivals to counter act this type of crime?

No cash at the festival just tokens or the festivals own currency paid at the gates in advance. So people are not carrying all there money in one go.

I know there's atm at most festivals though.

that's what will be used to try to sell the idea of RFID wristbands to festival punters.

They can fuck right off. I'm an adult, perfectly capable of using cash.

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Just with Glasto in mind, anyone caught thieving should be dropped into the long drops. I really hate the thieving bastards that ruin people's festivals. Hasn't happened to me but it did happen to a bunch of young girls next to us. It was their very first Glasto and had been robbed while they slept. When we saw them crying the next day we asked what was wrong and found out. So we all put about £20 each into the pot and gave it to them so that they didn't have to go home early.

Despite being a devout pacifist I think those values would go out of the window if I came back and saw someone robbing my tent. It's the only thing at a festival that drives me barmy - in a wrong sort of barmy way.

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Re Bearded Theory - when I checked in with security on the saturday morning, it was 14 not 28 - may have changed. It is a sad state of affairs that every festival now has them - its generally money they're after ( less incriminating if caught) and on the whole the first night of any festival is the most vulnerable. Use cash points & lock-ups, dont take anything valuable and keep your stuff on you. I would estimate that given the current financial situation and the fact that thievery appears to be on the increase in general ( watch yer lead flashing!!), the problem is likely to get worse this year.

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It is a sad state of affairs that every festival now has them

while it's of course true that every festival can have them, not every festival does.

That's the 2nd instance here of BT-ers trying to suggest that because BT does everywhere else does, when it's simply not true. Some get hit for no particular identifiable reason while some others don't for no particular identifiable reason.

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Just reading this thread raises my blood pressure. I've never used the lock ups before, mainly because my wallet and car keys are my most important things and they stay on me at all times. However I might use the lock ups in future to put my car keys and some money in just to be on the safe side. Can also put some gear in there I suppose so that I don't have to carry the lot around with me. I remember it saying on some Glasto advice leaflet 'not to leave any medecines in your tent that you cannot be without'. lol

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Not all thefts are by your standard thief either, You get the selfish bastards who just take what they haven't got. My brother caught someone stealing some bacon/susages from my tent a few years ago.Now he could have taken more valuable items (my North Face jacket was in there) but he was obviously hungry,had run out of food,so thought he would take mine. Also heard reports of people taking whole tents because they had forgotten/damaged their own rather than for the contents!!

There will be always be theives but a change in society has resulted in it being worse.

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I do think that sites like this help. there's been a few tips on here that people may well not have chose to use before (not putting padlocks on tents, using lock ups, messy tent etc..) Fair enough we all know these things but to a festival newbie this place can often be a first point of call and for the most part people are very helpful.

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I should imagine that there's loads of the smaller family type festivals where no theft takes place - currently. I looked at the Cropredy festival and although the figure was for 2008 it stated that no thefts were officially reported that year.

That said with the economic climate the way it is I reckon the smaller festivals may soon suffer. They'll have poorer lighting, less roaming security, no super fences to keep thieving bastards out. If your a thief what better place than go to a festival to apply your trade. You get to see a few bands etc during the day and get to rob tents at night. I think I might just hate the festival thieving bastards more than the thieving bastard bankers and the like.

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