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lockerhouse wearabouts?

Guest lottiesmybaby

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After witnessing some trouble last year I am contemplating using these but wondered if anyone knew where abouts on site they usually are, since the queues to charge phones were also pretty noticable thought might kill two birds with one stone, look after cash/keys and charge phone but it depends if its a huge trek to them or not. any replies greatly appriciated!!!

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After witnessing some trouble last year I am contemplating using these but wondered if anyone knew where abouts on site they usually are, since the queues to charge phones were also pretty noticable thought might kill two birds with one stone, look after cash/keys and charge phone but it depends if its a huge trek to them or not. any replies greatly appriciated!!!

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They dont publish them. Usually open until 1am-2am, and reopening early morning. They might be 24 hours though, probably not at V, as there is no entertainment to keep you in the village/arena area.

I bought one of these for phone recharging btw: http://www.play.com/Mobiles/Mobile/4-/14918502/Veho-VCC-A007-PBP-Pebble-Portable-5000mah-Battery-Pack-Charger-for-iPod-iPhone-Mobile-Phones-and-PSP/Product.html?searchstring=pebble+charger&searchsource=0&searchtype=allproducts&urlrefer=search

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