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The Nal

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Anyone played Sleeping Dogs? I enjoyed the demo but thinking of letting it drop in price some more!

Tesco have it for £25 which is pretty good compared to everywhere else. It's also a pound-per-hour so not really bad value. It'll go to £20 before the year's end, so it depends how much you want to save that fiver.

Also, are you interested in the DLC? This time next year they'll be a £20 Game of the Year version with tons of DLC.

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Nintendo are back to their usual marketing genius I see - announcing the Wii U price & release date the day after the iphone 5 launch.

Its out on November 30th, about £250 for the basic system, and about £300 for the premium - which is the one you want. Extra tablets, if they are ever sold over here, will be well over £100.

For me, at those prices its a 'wait and see' at most. If the price drops to £230 or so for the premium I'd be a lot more likely to think about it.

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My daughter showed little interest in games beyond the sims (dolls houses) until ME, she put more hours into my xbox than I did (until the cheap ass piece of crap died) thanks to that trilogy.

I'm a PC gamer myself and tend to only buy games when they are on steam weekend deals. Picked up many a bargain that way (and I love the occasional indie casual purchase of something cheap that turns out to be great, like the binding of isaac or zombie driver)

The next full price game I'll buy will be the NFS:MW reboot, which criterion have remade and will feature the awesome party style multiplayer from burnout paradise, which was immense fun and took the title from being a racing game to a driving game. I'm happy to pay £40 for that, as long as they don't shaft us and turn the multiplayer off like they did with BP.

I miss gaming, still can't use a mouse for long, so a controller based game like NFS will be ideal for me to get back into things.

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I'm a PC gamer myself and tend to only buy games when they are on steam weekend deals. Picked up many a bargain that way (and I love the occasional indie casual purchase of something cheap that turns out to be great, like the binding of isaac or zombie driver)

Pretty much how I buy games now, I recently picked up all 3 Assassins Creed's for ten/15 quid in the last big sale they had which was amazing as its something i had been meaning to play since the trailers for the first one but never got around to.

That said I also wasted a fiver on Train Simulator 2012 :lol: Seemed like a great idea, I thought It would be a bit Transport Tycoon Deluxe like with better graphics...nope you actually drive trains in real time on real routes. (It's even bloody hard to create a massive crash and even then there is no satisfactory explosion.)

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Lol@train simulator. Seriously.

The deals are great, I hope origin do the same (I had to buy into the whole separate platform thing due to bf3 but at least it identified my steam purchases and made them available). I have picked up some great bargains and hope to continue to do so.

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Nintendo are back to their usual marketing genius I see - announcing the Wii U price & release date the day after the iphone 5 launch.

Its out on November 30th, about £250 for the basic system, and about £300 for the premium - which is the one you want. Extra tablets, if they are ever sold over here, will be well over £100.

For me, at those prices its a 'wait and see' at most. If the price drops to £230 or so for the premium I'd be a lot more likely to think about it.

This just shows, one post on Ninty's new machine.

My opinion was its gunna fail and im not getting one.

I bought a wii on release day [from Woolworths!] and never got a 360 or PS3, I was waiting for the wii upgrade, but for how much it is, and how long it will take for a price drop and games to get a price drop, fuck it im getting a PS3. I want to play FIFA, WWE 13, South Park and Family Guy games that are being released this xmas and the wiiU only has FIFA.

Whilst the graphics look good and the pad is something different, it just doesn't look like it has the exclusives to make people want the machine, new super mario bros U, yawn, same old shit.

Pikmin 3 will be the only title im interested in and its not even out at launch. Ninty are bigging up a Monster Hunter 3 game thats not out until next MARCH and I already own it on wii and have done for OVER A YEAR! Ninty have really messed up IMO.

I see I can get a PS3 320GB with FIFA 13 for under £200. I'll do that thanks.

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Indeed, in a world of hype and marketing nintendo are like a slightly slow child next to the big players of today. The wii suffered from being underpowered and badly supported by software (too many titles that tried to make novelty use of the controllers, not enough that really got it right). The wii u is going to have all the same problems and again other competitors will take the best ideas and make them work with decent hardware.

I love the tablet in a gamepad idea, shame it looks like their implementation is hamfisted fisher price toy rather than ergonomic controller with screen as I am sure MS or sony will give us in time.

I dont get why they dont compete with ms/sony on specs, it prevents the easy porting of titles because the middleware isnt made for the platform so no fifa, nfs, pro evo, etc...

Im sure it will have some Diet mama game or something and sell to non gamers like the wii.

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I hope the Wii U fails. You know why? Because it'll teach developers to stop going after massive yet fickle audiences.

Nintendo had a smaller piece if the pie but they had a loyal fan base. A good percentage of initial Wii sales was directly from their reputation as a top quality videogames company. Who would have thought a console made by the same company responsible for the NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy and GameCube would be such a waterred-down product? A GameCube with a controller that feels like a sideways step at the best of times and a backwards step at its worst? With only a handful of games, if that, of any real progressive quality? That's not the same company that brought us Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time; games showcasing a thousand leaps and bounds in graphics, gameplay mechanics, game designs, pitch perfect control methods, sound design etc. Nintendo was the company you went to if you wanted jaw dropping innovation - to see some video game magic, that was their hook all along.

Now, it's the opposite - they've pissed away their goodwill amongst their loyal fan base and I bet a lot of Wii customers have had their fun and gone back to their PS3's and Xboxes. Now they have to actually prove that the Wii U isn't going to sit collecting dust along while people wait for a decent game. They have to rely entirely on the fickle mainstream world now. Maybe they can fool people twice, but this time people should only blame themselves if it turns out to be as embarrassingly disappointing, in the end, as the Wii became.

Nintendo are exactly like Disney. They changed the world once upon a time and were the absolute masters, but now they're sidetracked with pumping out straight-to-video sequels to their biggest franchises while milking their classics for all they're worth. Disney never really recoverred and are now living off of Pixar and Marvel Comics' existence. I'm just wonderring if Nintendo will go down that path.

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I reckon this'll be Nintendo's last console. Whilst the Wii sold truckloads, Wii U hardly seems innovative in a world of Kinect's, Move's, Ipad's etc.

Apple should just buy Nintendo. Launch their own console with Mario and Zelda games. I imagine it would be an absolute license to print money if they were able to get Mario Kart and the like on Iphones, pads etc. Not to mention having fresh Mario and Zelda games on an Apple console.

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Nice post monsignor monkey, an impassioned plea to a once great developer to give up the granny market and get back to making games that have you sat in your pants at 3am saying "one more go".

That covers what went wrong with the wii particularly well. Launching a slightly (and I do mean slightly) improved gamecube with a new controller rather than actually putting some new hardware together and joining the next generation was a risky move which sadly paid off for them (in the short term).

I think this marked such a change for them, with them suddenly getting the idea that innovative controllers equated to innovative games and launching on a strategy that, instead of focussing on innovation focussed on novelty (wii fit for example) and created a generation of consoles that spawned games trying to cash in on the 'unique controller' and, for the largest part, getting it wrong.

An example, I think, of everything that is wrong can be summed up with the game "donkey kong racing", a game which had been written but not released for teh gamecube and designed for a "bongo drum" controller. Instead you have a game that sees you air w*nking for 3-5 minutes per race, has no real skill to be applied and basically leaves you with wrists like a 14 year old lad after a couple of races. They can't have actually playtested this before getting a box designed and sending it to the packaging plant, because if they did someone would surely have mentioned it was anything but fun, in fact being more like a form of torture to be frantically hammering away at a pair of air penii (penii? It's like cactus, right?).

Some games did get it right and the controller actually added to the game (ssx blur, tony hawks downhill, some flying and driving games felt right) but mostly the console generated games that were just...not fun, not for any period of time. In fact using the remote for long periods of time to point at the screen means holding your wrist in a posture that leads to RSI WAY faster than anything else in gaming, compare that to the simple comfort of a joypad/xbox/ps controller.

I still "like" the wii though, but only for those very few games that got it right and offer something you can't get elsewhere. I picked up a wii with a handful of games (all the games I love), 2 nunchucks and 2 remotes for under £70 a couple of weeks ago, because you can, because there are millions on the 2nd hand market for pennies, hooray for short attention sp

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I did buy a wii at launch and there are some great games Madworld, House of the Dead Overkill, Little Kings Story all are enjoyable third party, but there's just not enough.

Nintys own licenses, were not good enough, Making everyone upgrade to wii motion plus controllers pissed me right off, I didn't thus I don't own the last Zelda, where was F Zero? Pikmin? we got an Animal Crossing which was 1% improvement on the last one, they should have gone the whole hog with the online for that game but they didn't, major failure.

I watched their presentation for Wii U and its clear, they STILL don't get it and are STILL living in the past, NO mention of online whatsoever. They probably will price fix all e software too which made loads of developers lose interest, nope im defo getting a PS3, sorry Ninty, you've lost me forever.

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A real shame too, because Nintendo at least understood that marketing and hype and all that nonsense isn't what mattered, they just seem to have started down a path that we (western gamers) aren't interested in either.

In fairness to them they DID have free internet gaming from launch, just no titles that used it and those that did either had no servers or no players (or had servers and players for the first few weeks then nothing, such as the FIFA or pro evo game which had some interesting control ideas but flopped, can't remember which it was). The MS "pay to play" model led to me only using the 1st month's free gold access, then buying a single 3 month card, before deciding that I wasn't going to pay anymore, which was a shame, because burnout paradise is a great multiplayer title.

mr Liam mentions licensing to apple, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see consoles as we know them disappear after the next generation anyway (there will be 1 more generation as they have put the r+d in) as android/apple/ms/huawei boxes become ubiquitous around the home. My nexus 7 is already nearly as powerful as a 360 and more powerful than a wii and there are several "android inside" consoles being developed at the moment which I think represent the new direction gaming is going (not to mention that valve are developing their own "steambox" console quietly in the background and are hoping to bring pc gamers and console gamers together through revolutionary controllers which combine the best of mouse & keyboard with console controllers).

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Get Deus Ex Human Revolution, Mass Effect 2, Fallout New Vegas + Old World Blues, Red Dead Redemption, and Saint's Row 2, and you won't be needing to buy another game for about a year.

Warning, playing games of that quality might well spoil you - few titles live up to their standards.

And if you're thinking of a Call of Duty, get Modern Warfare for the campaign (best shooter campaign of all time) and Modern Warfare 2 for the online (though it'll make you raaaaaaaaage).

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A real shame too, because Nintendo at least understood that marketing and hype and all that nonsense isn't what mattered, they just seem to have started down a path that we (western gamers) aren't interested in either.

In fairness to them they DID have free internet gaming from launch, just no titles that used it and those that did either had no servers or no players (or had servers and players for the first few weeks then nothing, such as the FIFA or pro evo game which had some interesting control ideas but flopped, can't remember which it was). The MS "pay to play" model led to me only using the 1st month's free gold access, then buying a single 3 month card, before deciding that I wasn't going to pay anymore, which was a shame, because burnout paradise is a great multiplayer title.

mr Liam mentions licensing to apple, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see consoles as we know them disappear after the next generation anyway (there will be 1 more generation as they have put the r+d in) as android/apple/ms/huawei boxes become ubiquitous around the home. My nexus 7 is already nearly as powerful as a 360 and more powerful than a wii and there are several "android inside" consoles being developed at the moment which I think represent the new direction gaming is going (not to mention that valve are developing their own "steambox" console quietly in the background and are hoping to bring pc gamers and console gamers together through revolutionary controllers which combine the best of mouse & keyboard with console controllers).

If Valve get a Steam-powered console to market - that's it. Game over. They will win. Wherever the hardcore goes, the masses soon follow, and the hardcore will snap up Valve's console in a heartbeat.

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Cheers Spartacus Mars.

I picked up my first PS3 game today even though Ive agreed I'll wait until Christmas Day to actually have the machine.

I picked up Virtua Fighter 5 as it was only £3.98 from Gamestation and I LOVED Virtua Fighter 2 on Sega Saturn, wondering how Sega Rally plays?

Anyway another question gunna pick up WWE 13, does anyone know if you have to pre order from a certain store to get Mike Tyson or anywhere?

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