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The Nal

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I see microsoft are "testing" cheaper pricing for digital only sales. They are reducing Ryse to £34.99 on the xbox store from today. Only 2 problems there really. Firstly, I still think £35 is too much for a game with no physical product or the costs that go with retail, and no resale value. And its a shit game, that got reviewed badly, and is 4 months old.

I applaud them for considering that they are unrealistically pricing digital only, but FFS, try a realistic price point, with games people actually want to buy.

And Sony, take note.

edited to add, its worth noting, used copies of Ryse in most retailers are around £35.

To be fair since launch Sony have already offered Battlefield 4, NBA 2K14, Knack, Assassins Creed and numerous others at this pricepoint or lower on PSN.

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Nvidia's new GPU, maxwell is getting some fantastic reviews. £115 for a GTX750 ti which uses 60 watts of power ( so no 6 pin power connector needed ) and runs titanfall 58fps at 1080p (faster than an xbox one)

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Oh hello? I'm hoping to upgrade my gpu in the spring if I can save some money. I'd been looking at the 760/770, but I'd be VERY interested in a 750Ti (my 550Ti is still going strong after 2 years, with great performance on BF4 and titanfall, but it would be nice to crank up the visuals a notch)

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I see microsoft are "testing" cheaper pricing for digital only sales. They are reducing Ryse to £34.99 on the xbox store from today. Only 2 problems there really. Firstly, I still think £35 is too much for a game with no physical product or the costs that go with retail, and no resale value. And its a shit game, that got reviewed badly, and is 4 months old.

I applaud them for considering that they are unrealistically pricing digital only, but FFS, try a realistic price point, with games people actually want to buy.

And Sony, take note.

edited to add, its worth noting, used copies of Ryse in most retailers are around £35.

The digital pricing on Ps3 got a lot better in the last few years - at launch games are still absolutely horribly overpriced but they always come down and quite often cheaper then retail prices. The last sale I saw had Ni No Kuni at like £7, Tales of Graces f at like £12 - which was very cheap - and tons of others have been less then ten quid in sales (Dead Space, Red Faction, Dante's Inferno, InFamous, LittleBigPlanet). You can get all 3 InFamous games for £15 on the store at the moment too lol.

The Ps4 prices will take a while to properly come down but I'm sure they will - just you can't really undercut the retailers who are spending millions to buy and stock your games.

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The digital pricing on Ps3 got a lot better in the last few years - at launch games are still absolutely horribly overpriced but they always come down and quite often cheaper then retail prices. The last sale I saw had Ni No Kuni at like £7, Tales of Graces f at like £12 - which was very cheap - and tons of others have been less then ten quid in sales (Dead Space, Red Faction, Dante's Inferno, InFamous, LittleBigPlanet). You can get all 3 InFamous games for £15 on the store at the moment too lol.

The Ps4 prices will take a while to properly come down but I'm sure they will - just you can't really undercut the retailers who are spending millions to buy and stock your games.

Ni No Kuni was only £5.63! I bought it, but haven't had time to sink my teeth into it yet

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Nvidia's new GPU, maxwell is getting some fantastic reviews. £115 for a GTX750 ti which uses 60 watts of power ( so no 6 pin power connector needed ) and runs titanfall 58fps at 1080p (faster than an xbox one)

O_o that's could be an upgrade for me to, I been thinking about it ...just because..(Currently running a 560Ti which tbh plays my most regular games on full settings with ease so haven't had much reason to really apart from a ePenis wagging contest)

Edited by LondonTom
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Was waiting for reviews of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze before I thought about buying it day 1. So many positive reviews I just couldn't help myself. Massive fan of the original DKC on the SNES so I'm really looking forward to this one, especially as the original composer is back on music duty :D

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Was waiting for reviews of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze before I thought about buying it day 1. So many positive reviews I just couldn't help myself. Massive fan of the original DKC on the SNES so I'm really looking forward to this one, especially as the original composer is back on music duty :D

I got mine in the post on Tue but I've had bullshit with friends & familly to sort out plus work so I've not had a chance to play it yet, fingers cross I can play it tonight. I love that they brought Cranky & Dixie back as playable characters.

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I got mine in the post on Tue but I've had bullshit with friends & familly to sort out plus work so I've not had a chance to play it yet, fingers cross I can play it tonight. I love that they brought Cranky & Dixie back as playable characters.

I only ordered it from Game today, so I'm hoping that it arrives on Saturday, though I think that might be wishful thinking!

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I am suitably impressed by the PS Vita. I've hardly put it down since it arrived.

I had no idea that it could also fetch all of my media via my home hub around the house, so that was an added bonus.

TxK is just utter awesomeness. Only £4.39 on PSN+. I'll let the man himself explain.


Legend indeed.

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I didn't know that either, how'd you do it?

I can't remember how I came about it tbh. I was doing things the old PSP way (i.e. physically plugging the thing into my PC and moving stuff over).

I think you first have to get Sony's Content Manager Assistant installed on your PC. If you open it up you can see a wifi settings tab. Tick that box. There's also a folders tab. Tell this page where your videos/music/photos are.

Then fire up the Vita and open Content Manager on that and tell it you want to connect wirelessly to said PC. It may say something like "add device". It gives you a code of some sort but I can't remember if the PC sends that to the Vita or vice-versa but I'm sure you'll work it out.

You will still (generally) have to convert videos to a Vita/PSP friendly format (I still use PSP Video 9), hence, my target in the folders tab of CMA under videos is "C:\Users\User\Documents\Red Kawa\Videos".

So, then fire up Videos on the Vita. You should now have User-PC (or whatever your machine is called) added to the usual list of All/Rented/Folders. Select that and you should be able to see and stream and/or copy over your stuff.

Same with Music except for some strange reason the Vita opens up Content Manager again and asks you if you want to connect.

I haven't tried photos.

At least, I think that's how I did it.

Pretty sure the same thing applies to PS3/4.

There are a couple of issues. It doesn't always seem to recognise newly converted or recently moved to correct folder files. This sometimes requires a reboot of both machines. Also, I'm not sure if it likes folders within folders.

Hope that helps and good luck.

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O_o that's could be an upgrade for me to, I been thinking about it ...just because..(Currently running a 560Ti which tbh plays my most regular games on full settings with ease so haven't had much reason to really apart from a ePenis wagging contest)

I'm looking to build a steam box around one. I've decided to avoid the next gen consoles as long as possible until there is an exclusive I just have to play.

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The convenience of not having to put your disk, that's why.

I've never bought any game off Live at full price... no need to either, so many sales...

Sorry but thats not the reason. The reason is because they cant afford to piss off the retailers on the high street.

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The weird thing is, being the age I am, I can remember when a company called 'Ultimate' brought in posh boxes and packaging, replacing plain cassette boxes and raising the price from a typical £5.99 to £9.99, with the explanation being that their games were of a higher overall standard and they wanted the whole piece to be of that standard (which was true, with their games, they led the field at the time).

Within 6 months the shelves in your local games shop were half cassette box, half premium packaging, which over time evolved into the DVD box and before long everything came in that larger, more expensive packaged format. By the time disk based games were the norm, so was the premium packaging.

People lap up some of this, failing to understand that it is just marketing, a ploy designed to get you to pay more for the same (or often for less).

Should digital distribution pricing protect those who still wish to sell us packaging, when what we want is product? Personally I think that pricing needs to fall for top titles (BF4 cost me £70 in total, for the game and the 'season pass').

I buy a few top titles digitally at full price, when I really want to play them right away and I feel that I would get long term online multiplayer entertainment from them, but mostly I wait for reductions, weekend sales and such and buy bargains. As a result of digital distribution I've bought more games in the last decade than I did in the previous and I'm less inclined to pirate a game than I would have been previously.

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The weird thing is, being the age I am, I can remember when a company called 'Ultimate' brought in posh boxes and packaging, replacing plain cassette boxes and raising the price from a typical £5.99 to £9.99, with the explanation being that their games were of a higher overall standard and they wanted the whole piece to be of that standard (which was true, with their games, they led the field at the time).

Within 6 months the shelves in your local games shop were half cassette box, half premium packaging, which over time evolved into the DVD box and before long everything came in that larger, more expensive packaged format. By the time disk based games were the norm, so was the premium packaging.

People lap up some of this, failing to understand that it is just marketing, a ploy designed to get you to pay more for the same (or often for less).

Should digital distribution pricing protect those who still wish to sell us packaging, when what we want is product? Personally I think that pricing needs to fall for top titles (BF4 cost me £70 in total, for the game and the 'season pass').

I buy a few top titles digitally at full price, when I really want to play them right away and I feel that I would get long term online multiplayer entertainment from them, but mostly I wait for reductions, weekend sales and such and buy bargains. As a result of digital distribution I've bought more games in the last decade than I did in the previous and I'm less inclined to pirate a game than I would have been previously.

The reason digital pricing is so high is because retailers still own the majority of the market, and they strike up some sort of deal with the publishers. Yanno, we're not gonna sell millions of pounds worth of games when you're undercutting us on day one. The price always comes down on PSN though - and its happening faster and faster. The latest ps3 sale has battlefield 4 at £25, Borderlands 2 at £10, Mass effect 3 at £8 etc and Fifa 14 just went down to £20 for a week! Ps4 is gonna be behind on cheapness for a while though, cause its a new console and they can be dicks lol.

I think PSN pricing is doing pretty good, its very expensive at launch but if you're really bothered about price (like me :P) you wouldnt buy games at launch anyway.

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