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Rolling Stones...


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Watching it now and after the comments of the Beeb coverage was a bit nervous but fuck me, what a watch!

Mick Taylor's jamming as I type. His fingers have definitely lasted somewhat better than Keef's that's for sure!!

Thanks for the link to this by the way. Stirling work indeed!! :D

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Yeah I watched it, bloody good. Not how I remember it at all though. Couldn't really see a bloody thing in that crowd, makes you realise how much you miss the little intimate glances between band members, the small adjustments, the details. Almost like I was at a different gig. Doesn't really chime with my recollection of the event. That's all about the noises the people around you, the smells, the distractions. Both good, though, I'm not knocking anything.

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Thanking my lucky stars that I was in the pit where we had a relatively clear view of the action. It was still very bouncy - at one point I remember seeing a wee guy I'd been standing next to before they came onstage sailing past airborne missing most of his clothes - but that only enhanced the feeling that something special was going down.

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There was great momentum for the Stones show. Compare and contrast with the Arctics show with huge pauses between songs.

Further point, although the crowd's view was obscured for all but the front 20 rows, the production values on the bigscreen footage was of the highest standard. U2 standard. Again contrast with the Arctics which was patently amateur hour in design and delivery.

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There was great momentum for the Stones show. Compare and contrast with the Arctics show with huge pauses between songs.

Further point, although the crowd's view was obscured for all but the front 20 rows, the production values on the bigscreen footage was of the highest standard. U2 standard. Again contrast with the Arctics which was patently amateur hour in design and delivery.

haha what happened with the arctics screens?

I havent heard anything good about the arctics at all. Even the big fans seem to say it was just "ok". No surprises there of course.

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haha what happened with the arctics screens?

I havent heard anything good about the arctics at all. Even the big fans seem to say it was just "ok". No surprises there of course.

Think they made a dogs dinner of it. Unclear, cluttered and unfocussed basically.

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I think earlier in the thread I said Keef was a bit of a passenger. I 100% retract that. He was fucking incredible. All night.

Love the way they're so loose. But thats the Stones I suppose. During "Knocking" Taylor sort of told Jagger to ask Bobby Keys to stop the sax solo so he could start his guitar part! Hes kind of doing a "tell him to knock it on the head" action. Ronnie picked up on it and walked over and leaned on Keys shoulder and sort of said "here let Taylor have a go". :lol:

Sober Ronnie by the way. A worthy fucking adversary dude. He was amazing. His "We're not worthy" waving at Watts when Jagger introduced him is lovely. He did it behind his back and Charlie sort of turned round and saw it and gave him a "Ah fuck off will you" sort of look. Ronnie and Jagger laughing their arses off at Charlies embarrassment.

Theres also a great bit when Richards kisses Lisa Fischers shoulder when shes dancing between him and Ronnie. For a gig to move Keef as much as it did shows it was very special. His giving praise to the gig posturing after Satisfaction is one of the greatest things I've seen at a gig. The crowd singing the riff back at them. It looked like he couldn't believe how well the gig went.

So refreshing to see a band of their stature playing a lot of the gig - one of the biggest gigs of all time - on the fly. A proper organic, live rock and roll band. Lots of nods and winks, prompts between band members to start/stop etc. Genuinely life affirming stuff.

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haha what happened with the arctics screens?

I havent heard anything good about the arctics at all. Even the big fans seem to say it was just "ok". No surprises there of course.

I was watching a highlights program the other night and at the end the 3 presenters had to pick their "Glasto Moment"........Lauren Laverne picked Chic..............fair enough. Cant remember what Mark Radcliffe picked, but Jo Whiley picked a Monkeys tune! As her moment of the whole week!............said she was fighting back the tears! :blink::O

I simply placed my head in my hands..........

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Can't remember which song now but there's a great bit where the guitarists are all in a row and Mick is dancing his ass off and keeps backing into them. In the end Keef has to move back and they're all laughing at Mick. Sounds a bit shir but great fun to watch.

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I havent heard anything good about the arctics at all. Even the big fans seem to say it was just "ok". No surprises there of course.

The NME festival review edition has a 'Gig Excitement Factor' timeline of the Monkeys' gig which suggests that at no point did proceedings fail to be incredible.

They also sent 4 separate writers to review the Stones and every single one of them came back impressed. They also confirmed that Mick was stageside watching the AMs.

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