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Backdoor Entry? Direct to booking form?

Guest newagehippie

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Worked first time for me too!

Neil, I think I'm a little bit in love wub.png

For people (with a pc) struggling, just right click on notepad and click run as adminastrator, then go to file, open then click to, System32/drivers/ect then open the hosts file. Put what efestivals said at the bottom of that. Click save and open your browser again. Go on see tickets and you should get there first time.

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Won't entering the IP address directly in the browser have the same effect as editing the HOSTS file?

nope - the server needs the domain name for your request to be directed to the correct place on the server.

Reverse dns on that resolves to a virgin media ip address, are you sure it's not a scam?

You've done something wrong.

It's not a scam. The IP address that you put in your hosts file is a See Tickets IP address. I double-checked before I posted it.

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ok, ill try and repeat what neil said but in easy steps

1. click start

2. go to all programs>accesories

3. right click on notepad

4. select run as administrator

5. if a pop up box comes up click yes

6. in notepad click file>open

7. paste c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS into the bar at the bottom (you may need to change the dropdown menu to all files)

8. paste glastonbury.seetickets.com into the bottom of the notepad document.

9. click save

10. close your web browser

11. open internet explorer

12. go to the address http://glastonbury.seetickets.com

Good Luck and remember to thank Neil.

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any one want to call me and help grab me some tickets? im trying to edit it but it wont let me open the file when i open notepad as admin! 07840197824. ill love you forever and ever!

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I have to say, thanks a million times Neil. Every year I somehow manage to find a way to get Glasto tickets, and it's invariably always due to something you post on efests.

Have been sitting on the bathroom floor sipping on the sketchy wifi of a remote B&B in Western Massachusetts since 3:45am local time trying to get tickets... your trick got us tickets in an instant.

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Didn't work for me at first - but that was because I hadn't gone in as Administrator. Son, working in the kitchen with me on his laptop, did it to his computer and it worked first time. Tickets booked for 7 of us. Result.

My son's techy friend says 'it forces your computer to go to a different [presumably less busy] server at SEE Tickets'

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You can try this - it's what I did, and I'm sorted, tho it's perhaps just coincidence....

Edit your hosts file...

on windows 7 you need to open notepad first by right clicking and open as administrator, then browse to the hosts file

On win XP edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS

and add " glastonbury.seetickets.com" (without the quotes, and as a new line)

save HOSTS file to same place.

Restart your browser.

It can't hurt, and it's not a dodgy link.

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