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would you buy...?

Guest eFestivals

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I'd definitely try it at a festival if reasonably priced.

I believe that the bottles sell for around £14 across a festival bar - which is of course expensive for a bottle of wine, but alcohol at festivals is always at premium prices (set by the festival &/or bar operator), and it's not too bad against buying wine by the glass.

If it was good I'd consider buying more for delivery - again dependent on price.

If it's not good, then no!

It's supposedly very nice wine .... I'll let you know what the wine-drinking missus makes of the samples I've been given.

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Depends Neil. What type of wine is it? The wine bar wine in Glasto type wine like?

What grapes are they made from?

Provisionally, yes. I'm a bit of a wine snob mind you.

It would be worth it by the way. You ever see how busy those wine bars get after hours?!

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Depends Neil. What type of wine is it? The wine bar wine in Glasto type wine like?

What grapes are they made from?

Provisionally, yes. I'm a bit of a wine snob mind you.

It would be worth it by the way. You ever see how busy those wine bars get after hours?!

What I can tell you is that there's a Merlot, a "grenacre rose", and a "colombard sauvignon" (all French) - there might be others, but these are the samples i've been given.

The wines in the bottles are unique, not available in glass bottles.

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Im not wine drinker but don't people normally take wine to festivals in boxes. Allways assumed this was due to space as well as no glass rules - lot easyer to pack a box than a bottle?

yep - most people do, who take wine. Then again, a bottled alternative hasn't been available, so they might prefer to take bottles. They're certainly eaiser to carry around at a fest than a box.

The main purpose of the plastic bottles tho is for selling over the counter at a festival bar. Currently the only wine option is to buy by the glass.

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I'd have one or two at fest, maybe get a bottle for each festival for a novelty factor...but then I am not a big wine drinker anyway.

I guess if i saw it randomly (I.e didn't post as much on here) I wouldn't bother at all really mind.


I prefer Scott's name....Dancing Man by Efestivals..sounds appropriate :D

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Would have to be a fair bit cheaper than the usual brands for the average joe to try it I would of thought.

I get where you're coming from but I'm not entirely sure that'd be right, as there's not really any 'usual brands' of 75cl plastic-bottled wine.

I'm not thinking that people would buy this for home consumption, but instead as wine to take to festivals. While people can do that with boxed wine, it's not very convenient to carry around as much as a bottle is.

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Where are you thinking of selling them?

On here, and perhaps over the bars at festivals. I met a guy today who has been selling the plastic bottled wine at a few smaller festivals and who wants to try and sell at more festies next year .... tho he doesn't want to sell the wine himself, he wants to supply the bars wholesale.

He suggested that he could brand the wine with the dancing man and eFestivals (it's currently not particularly well branded for selling at fests), and that it could be sold via here as well as over the bars at fests.

It's not something I'd be thinking of doing in the normal scheme of things, but as he suggested the idea I'm just batting it around.

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yep - most people do, who take wine. Then again, a bottled alternative hasn't been available, so they might prefer to take bottles. They're certainly eaiser to carry around at a fest than a box.

The main purpose of the plastic bottles tho is for selling over the counter at a festival bar. Currently the only wine option is to buy by the glass.

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Won't the fairly tightly sewn up festival drinks contracts cause you some problems?

not me. The eFestivals branding that might be put on some bottles, and i might sell some via this website, but that's where my own involvement would start and end.

The guy who has the wine in plastic bottles is wanting to supply whoever has those bar contracts anyway (he doesn't want to be selling it himself), so that's not a problem.

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