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Smuggling booze into V Fest arena

Guest frankiesaysrelax

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Hey guys, I'll be 17 when I go to V in Chelmsford this summer so underage to buy alcohol in the arena.

I went last year and this summer will be my last V for a while probably as I want to go to some other festivals in my uni years, so I want to have an extra fun time, so basically I need some tips on smuggling booze into the arena.

I know they barely care about bringing alcohol into the campsite underage, but anyway I'll put it in my bag out of sight just to be safe, but that should be fine, but I want to know how to get it into the arena secretly.

Also what do you think the likelihood is that I'll be served inside the arena with my fake ID which hasn't been turned down anywhere yet so I don't know.

Any ideas welcome! :)

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Smuggling in alcohol is hit and miss and really depends on who you get on the gate. Its quite obvious if you turn up with loads of random looking bumps all over you body, and security will spot you a mile off. One tip would be to give them to a girl if possible. They are less likely to get patted down. With the ID it really depends on the security again, and the person serving. As last year i got ID queing up and getting served. i wouldnt know about using fake ID as i was 18 at the time. If worst comes to worst you can get someone to buy it for you.

Edited by infuzions
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Just sink loads of cans on the campsite and only smuggle in (neat) hard booze. cans are too bulky and will only waste limited space that could potentially be 35% more alcoholic. then when your in, test the bars for a few beers, if it goes your way and you get served, result! you can swig your beers and save your harder booze for later on, but if not grab a mixer off the ice cream van and get hammered early on and get dragged back to your tent being sick before the headliners (oh the joy's of underage drinking)

my top smuggling tip is vodka in a water bottle, you can buy unbroken caps on ebay and re-seal the bottle to make it look brand new. the security allow a certain amount of sealed water through (think its up to 2 litres)


ive never done this though, but it is 100% gaurentee'd to work. i just always wear my "festival jacket" which is big and bulky and just shove the bottle down my crotch - the security arent checking there ;) they pay more attention to the big pockets in my jacket.

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