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What class are you!

Guest Barry Fish

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Technical middle class

This is a small, distinctive and prosperous new class group. According to the Great British Class Survey results, lots of people in this group:

Mix socially with people similar to themselves True, butI guess this is true of most people in all social classes

Work in research, science and technical fields No, and I wasn't even asked what field I worked in

Enjoy emerging culture such as going to the gym and using social media No, when it asked me what pastimes I had I ticked neither gym or social media

Someone with more time than me should play aound with this, I wonder if listening to hip-hop and having a friend who is a lorry driver makes you more working class.

Edited by mrtourette
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I'm "Emergent service workers", This class group is financially insecure, scoring low for savings and house value, but high for social and cultural factors. According to the Great British Class Survey results, lots of people in this group:

  • Are young
  • Enjoy a cultured social life
  • Rent their home - almost 90%
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Established Middle Class. I'd probably agree, the established bit probably because of my age which means I've got house and mortgage sorted.

But the questions were so vague. Do I go to gigs (yes but they didn't ask what sort)

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While it probably got me in the roughly the right area, due to my age, salary and renting situation (screwed), the rest of it was wrong / irrelivent.

The whole section on Social Capital wound me up, mainly because I have done a fair bit of work to do with Social Capital over the years, and by my own admission I dont bring a lot of social capital to the table!

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Result: the class group you most closely match is:
Emergent service workers

This class group is financially insecure, scoring low for savings and house value, but high for social and cultural factors. According to the Great British Class Survey results, lots of people in this group:

  • Are young
  • Enjoy a cultured social life
  • Rent their home - almost 90%

I guess that';s about right I guess :P...Basically its more to do with that the poor are allowed other entertainment than sports and drinking?:P

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Technical middle class for me.

  • Mix socially with people similar to themselves
  • Work in research, science and technical fields
  • Enjoy emerging culture such as going to the gym and using social media

Nothing surprising there really although I'm curious that going to the gym is an "emerging culture".

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Emergent Service Worker

Considering my parents' wealth and the fact I went to private school I'd have typically described myself as middle-class, but it's not hugely inaccurate.

You can tell neil is no longer here, this thread would be on about page 30 with a neil/barry argument about the class system.

I work, so im working class...

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Emergent service worker.

Apparently I'm financially unstable. I'm not totally sure what that means. Obviously I don't have a lot of money, but I don't think that makes me financially unstable.

Edited by feral chile
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