Feels like a January must is at least a centre-back to make up for no Romero and van der Ven. Plus I can guess Forster being more limited with a ball at his feet than Vicario really hasn't helped, even if he is still an alright shot-stopper.
Any expectation of when these defenders will be back? After Newcastle come to the Spurs Stadium on January 4th, perhaps?
Not seen either tbf.
Would make for something different to watching Elf for the 40th time. Although even then I actually missed the first ten minutes or so when I saw that in the cinema as a child so I still am somewhat less familiar with that segment, even if the bits when he's first in New York is the most quoted.
With talk that its set to be over 10 degrees C in much of the UK on Christmas Day, this must be some kind of record for being furthest away from a White Christmas as its possible to be.
Though we got some snow where I live in late November so at least it's assuring its possible to do that here.
I did think we'd get one name out before Christmas tbf. And one actual headliner rather than just Sir Rod plus the one/two others who've let the cat out of the bag by themselves.
Still, it's usually the way we hear more in Feb/Mar time. So it's not that unprecedented for Glastonbury to leave us hanging.