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Who would you like to meet?

Guest James Bolivar

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I'm sure that for each of us on here there are forum members we are curious about, people with tastes similar to our own, sparring partners in arguments, maybe just somebody with an avatar so beguiling you're desperate to see the person behind it. So, who would you like to meet of your fellow forumites?

For me its:

Russycarps - cos he's Russy and I'm curious

Pilton Poppet - who knows all about the big G and seems so very nice and sensible

Yoghurt - makes me laugh

Whisters - because he's always there, digging.

4assedmonkey - need I say?

There are others, but if I choose too many it's like making no choice at all.

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I've briefly met a few at the Water Aid World Cup in 2010. But those I didn't meet and would be curious to are probably Russycarps (for obvious reasons) Yoghurt on a Stick (actual mental case or just funny?) and Denwyn, because I'm genuinely intrigued by some of his posts.

Oh and anyone who contributes to the anti-NFR NFC thread/sentiment that's going round so I can point at them and repeatedly shout "NO!" in their face until they cry.

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I'm sure that for each of us on here there are forum members we are curious about, people with tastes similar to our own, sparring partners in arguments, maybe just somebody with an avatar so beguiling you're desperate to see the person behind it. So, who would you like to meet of your fellow forumites?

For me its:

Russycarps - cos he's Russy and I'm curious

Pilton Poppet - who knows all about the big G and seems so very nice and sensible

Yoghurt - makes me laugh

Whisters - because he's always there, digging.

4assedmonkey - need I say?

There are others, but if I choose too many it's like making no choice at all.

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I've briefly met a few at the Water Aid World Cup in 2010. But those I didn't meet and would be curious to are probably Russycarps (for obvious reasons) Yoghurt on a Stick (actual mental case or just funny?) and Denwyn, because I'm genuinely intrigued by some of his posts.

Oh and anyone who contributes to the anti-NFR NFC thread/sentiment that's going round so I can point at them and repeatedly shout "NO!" in their face until they cry.

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