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What do you recon the best place to eat on site is

Guest glastofever

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La Grande Bouffe all the way! So darn tasty! I love that place. I'm really looking forward to trying some new things this year though too.

Also a wee milkshake truck (kina american trailer type thing) between Pyramid andWest Holts does an an amazing Mango milkshake, brilliant on a warm day!

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La Grande Bouffe all the way! So darn tasty! I love that place. I'm really looking forward to trying some new things this year though too.

Also a wee milkshake truck (kina american trailer type thing) between Pyramid andWest Holts does an an amazing Mango milkshake, brilliant on a warm day!

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I second the Caribbean food stalls,never had a bad one.

There is also a really good Soup stall, I don't know the name of it in fact it might be called the soup stall. They make the soups fresh on site and they do nice coffee and Juices etc,I always start my day here.

Its on the main crossroads on the railway track just opposite the W on the map,field of Avalon side

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I was outside Block 9 in 2011, late afternoon maybe 6pm enjoying a nice cold milkshake. Now I was unaware of that places link to the trans scene so was rather shocked when an athletic, young man turned around and adorned on his chest wear a pair of some of the finest fun bags I have laid eyes on. Suffice to say milkshake was spluttered and coughed :lol:

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Not really relevant but I was lucky enough to go back stage at the pyramid once so I thought I'd rub it in,I went to a BBQ my mates firm were having,they had their own chefs cooking lamb steaks and swordfish cooked to order and delicious salads etc.

That was over ten years ago but its still the best meal I've had at Glasto. xD

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Not really relevant but I was lucky enough to go back stage at the pyramid once so I thought I'd rub it in,I went to a BBQ my mates firm were having,they had their own chefs cooking lamb steaks and swordfish cooked to order and delicious salads etc.

That was over ten years ago but its still the best meal I've had at Glasto. xD

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Not really relevant but I was lucky enough to go back stage at the pyramid once so I thought I'd rub it in,I went to a BBQ my mates firm were having,they had their own chefs cooking lamb steaks and swordfish cooked to order and delicious salads etc.

That was over ten years ago but its still the best meal I've had at Glasto. xD

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Loads of acelaces to eat being a veggie, too many to list but if your after a snack at lunchtime then just left of the pyramid stage you can get some excellent halloumi cones!

What a difference to Leeds last year when the only veg food was a cheese pizza lol

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You are most likely referring to an Okonomiyaki ("fry what you like") pancake, a classic drinking street food from Osaka / Hiroshima. These are awesome. They're little-known in the UK but growing in popularity in London with a couple of dedicated okonomiyaki joints (Abeno and Abeno Too) and some stalls run by J students making simpler, vegetarian versions in various markets e.g. Brick Lane.

As said above, okonomiyaki is excellent drinking food as it usually has eggs, cabbage, spring onions, and batter, mixed together with squid, prawns, salty belly pork, and other meats depending on preference, and topped off with special okonomiyaki sauce (like teriyaki but more savoury), Japanese mayo (more like salad cream), dried seaweed, and paper-thin slices of freeze dried bonito tuna.

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As a veggie, I have to give a shout out to Leon in West Holts - amazing food, full of good things and you get a lot for your money.

All my favourite food stalls are in West Holts - I love the tempura noodles and Pieminister. And the halloumi cones by the Pyramid rocked last year!

Breakfast is always Tea & Toast.

I look forward to the food at Glasto almost as much as the music!

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