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Glastonbury Eve

Guest antbfc

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What do you do the night before you go? (other than not sleep with excitement)

One year we all stayed round a mates house to make leaving early in the morning easier, big mistake!!!

No sleep due to "getting into the spirit of it"

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Many years ago me and my girlfriend decided to ''sample'' the shopping we had bought for the festival,we were both off it (they worked) and she insisted that I cut her hair as it was too long,I had never cut hair before but she insisted,needless to say she had her hair,what was left of it, wrapped up all weekend. :)

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Put the bacon bread and bottled water in the freezer so that we can have a fresh fry up from the cool box every morning.

Get my chores done at home so that I dont lose too many brownie points before I get back

Then final packing checks before the pilgrimage

This year I think I have some horrendous work thing to get through on the Tuesday too

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We are lucky to be going on the Monday this year but the Sunday we are running the Torbay half marathon for Brain Tumor research so will probably spend most of the eve in a hot bath!

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run around excitedly yelling we are going to Glastonbury to anybody that will listen, (my neighbours love me). trying to pack , give up and try to do lots of other things to pass the time. 1 year I even ironed stuff just to chill me out - lol

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Due to my friends split between some campervaning and some camping we all head down on the Tuesday evening around 6ish in the vans. Only a short journey of 20 mins or so from our homes to the site.

Those who camp (including me) sleep in the awnings of those with vans then join up with the queue for ped gate c in the morning.

One of our group makes a chilli con carne & a curry and feeds us all.

Always decide it'll be a 'quiet' night but never is. Ended up drinking our bodyweights in rough cider in 2011 so turned out to be a late one!

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last couple of years have consisted of arriving in glastonbury town by about 1pm tuesday, a walk up the Tor, with a sandwich for dinner up the top, before descending to the riflemans for a few pints and a catch up, then up to the car park about midnight. this year will be standard plan but we are going down and camping a couple of nights, which could easily turn into a 2 day session.

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In bed at 10 to try and bank a little bit of sleep before I go......

Lie there for a few hours before I realise there's no chance, then spend the rest of the night studying my freshly printed out clash finder, again and again

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