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More excited about Glasto this year than I have ever been before! Am I alone in this?

Guest dingbat2

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I not entirely sure why, but for some reason I am more excited about going to Glasto this year than I ever have been before, and I have been to a few. I am 42 and fee like a kid before Christmas, more so than any other year and I really can’t wait for it. I was wondering the reasons why I am feeling like I do, and have come up with…

  1. Its been two bloody years to wait
  2. Looking forward to seeing all the changes this year – new Dance area, Arcadia moved, just interested to see how it all works out, I am sure it will be great
  3. Eavis’s comment to Ommadawn that he was so 'up' about the festival this year and that he's usually really worried at this point in time but this year he isn't at all. This can only be a good sign!
  4. The weather will be great this year. NFR NFC
  5. I actually think it’s a great line-up, loads of stuff I like and loads of bands I haven’t seen before
  6. The mate I am going with this year hasn’t been since 1992 (Carters USM year) so he is in for a treat. And he is very similar to me in terms of drinking to excess, being a bit of a tit/kid, liking the same sort of music, etc. Went to Bestival with him last year and had a great time
  7. These forums building up nicely (CT thread excluded), especially the photos of the site
  8. Still lots to be announced
  9. I just keep thinking about things I have done and loved at previous years’ Glastos, and they bring a smile to my face

Is anyone else dribbling with excitement like this (old) kid who should know better?!!!

Bring it on!

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All the activity on these forums shows you're definitely not alone!

I swear I get more excited for it every year. This year in particular because all my old mates with whom I shared my best ever year in '09 are coming, along with quite a few others, including a few virgins (whose amazement always add to the fun). But I'd probably be going nuts over it in any case, not least for reasons 1,2,3 and 5 on your list. Can't come soon enough!

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I'm probably a little less excited tbh... slightly less music I'm bothered about, a slightly reduced group of friends, no g/f (couldn't afford it) and I've taken a less inclusive approach to drugs over the past 2 years.

But I am still very very psyched for it. Going to try and have a slightly more relaxed festival than previous years - savour the smaller stages, greenfields etc.

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I am so excited I could burst. I've been unable to go for quite a few years for various reasons but back this year with an awesome group of friends and a couple of virgins which I think adds to it all.

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I'm ridiculously excited. First time for me with a group of old mates. I've always said Glasto would be the one for me to do but as I come from the North and friend's unwillingness to travel down it hasn't happened. Also there's a big thing about Leeds Festival up here which annoys me these days as music tastes have developed. I'm hoping it'll be the best thing I've ever done.

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after so many Glasto's they all merge into one so one year is just like any other year - once I get confirmation where the crew camp is by someone who is on the set up crew I will move into a higher gear.

it would make a change if its a dry Glastonbury but the odds are it will not be.

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after so many Glasto's they all merge into one so one year is just like any other year - once I get confirmation where the crew camp is by someone who is on the set up crew I will move into a higher gear.

it would make a change if its a dry Glastonbury but the odds are it will not be.

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Hugely excited. My first one was 1987 and I slept in a bin bag! I did not return until 2002 and have been pretty much every year since. This year it is me, my best mate and a camper van......I can taste the freedom........

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683 days its been since we left the site in 2011...


59,011,200 seconds
983,520 minutes
16,392 hours
97 weeks

1 Year 10 Months 13 days

since the last festival... and now its only

48 Days or 1 Month 17 Days

4,147,200 seconds
69,120 minutes
1152 hours
6 weeks

Can't wait now!

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