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More excited about Glasto this year than I have ever been before! Am I alone in this?

Guest dingbat2

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This is my 11th festival now and I worked at the Olympics last year and I have never been so excited about anything as much as this year.

Its been 2 long years without the freedom of the festival and its not only my honeymoon but my wife to be`s first glasto. Also 2 of my all time favourite acts The Stones and Chic are playing. I am driving all my work mates, Facebook friends and family all mad with my daily count down, I really cant wait!!!

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Because when I look back at 28 Glasto's there has been more wet ones than dry ones so while no one knows for certain - the odds are it will not be dry.
I used to drive there and it would be a nice dry drive from London but as I got closer the weather would change - its just a fact of life - there is nothing you or I can do about it.

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I think if I've had a great festival the year before it makes me more excited for the next one ......for various reasons (not connected to the festival) 2009 wasn't the best for me......therefore I went in 2010 with not much expectation and had the best time of my life and rate it as my all time best festival experience . :)

Also I think the fallow year adds to it as well!!

I'm excited but not giddy excited as I was for 2011.....I'm sure it will come as it gets 2/3 weeks until the festival and friends who are coming (and don't obsess on forums like I do) start talking about it, TV/radio start talking about it etc. :)

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For me it's been a long slog since I left in 2011, so much of my like has changed and some not for the best but the 2013 festival marks, what I really hope to be, a huge up turn in fortune in so many things. Plus on the 1st of July I will (fingers crossed) have my PGCE confirmed and will signal the start of a major new chapter in my life. Without doubt a route I didn't expect to be on when I left in 2011.

Glastonbury 2013 can't come soon enough and I for one have never ever been this excited for a festival !!!!!!

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I too am hugely excited, more so than ever before :) It will be my fifth year but my first after a fallow one so I think that's it. Also loving the line-up and one of my best friends will be turning 30.

The fact I'm so excited this year is the reason I've become slightly obsessed with this forum. Had only been a casual lurker before but that's changed. Mainly because I'm that much more excited than my friends and need a place to vent! That and, you know, work boredom.

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Great OP

Very excited. The older I get the more it means to me to get away from it all and misbehave. Whatever that means.

Will be like a kid in a sweetshop from Weds midday onwards

Particularly looking forward to Weds and Thursday without the restrictions of seeing bands.

The Eaviis know how to throw a great party and this year will be one of the best.

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I tend to be pessimistic and set myself a lot of hurdles to prevent getting excited in case of disappointment - like will be I lucky getting a ticket.

But as slowly the hurdles are overcome the excitement builds.

At the moment I'm at "know on paper I've got a ticket but won't be real till Mr Postie delivers it".

After that you'll hear all the whoop, whoops and there will be no stopping me.

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I tend to be pessimistic and set myself a lot of hurdles to prevent getting excited in case of disappointment - like will be I lucky getting a ticket.

But as slowly the hurdles are overcome the excitement builds.

At the moment I'm at "know on paper I've got a ticket but won't be real till Mr Postie delivers it".

After that you'll hear all the whoop, whoops and there will be no stopping me.

Edited by dingbat2
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