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Map changes

Guest siblin

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Can I ask a very dense question as I wasnt there in 2011. Can you not now move down from the craft field, past the lovely empty long drops and a bit of crew camping into the strummerville/diner area? With the new system is that bit completely closed off?

Thats one of my favourite parts of the site as in the evening the craft field is full of smoke and solar lights and then you drop down into strummerville and its all good.

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There has been a lot of expansion of Steanbow Farm over the last two years.

Huge new sheds at the main farm and Steanbow Park both with huge solar arrays to support them.

There is also a new house at the North East corner of Bushy Ground which will have restricted the short cut round the Dance Field. I hope the route is still there though.

Looking at the map more carefully it looks like the route will divert through Rivermead to the North

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