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Guest joeruss

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Go for the waxy ones - the foam ones are good to lower sound levels but they don't properly block - if you are a light sleeper and in a noisy campsite then the waxy ones are the best.

And definitely bringing the eye mask - there's no point going to bed at 3AM only to be awoken by the sun at 4AM!

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I hate the waxy ones they always fall out and escape! The foam ones for me. Try amazon also. My OH got a bag of 100 pairs for a couple of quid. Bit excessive just for the festival but we did have very noisy neighbours at the time he got them.

Also, an eye mask to block out the morning sun! No doubt being baked alive once it gets warm will wake you up early enough...

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It's all about the wax ones from boots! Block all the noise out and stay in all night, though can be a bit of a fiddle molding them into your ears. Worth it though.

Last year though I bought ASDA brand wax ones and they were naff.

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Whilst we are on the subject of earplugs.

If you people spend a lot of time in the dance tents or just generally like to be near the front speakers. You should really be thinking about your your hearing in the future. I suffer from tinnitus myself and use noise reduction earplugs, that help to filter out some of the nasty frequencies but let you continue to enjoy the music.

I can recommend these... A bit steep in cost, but well worth it. Defiantly waxy ones for sleeping though.


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Earplugs are an essential for me. I wear them in everyday life too as a light sleeper. Never been too impressed with the Boots ones but just got these:


20 pairs for £3 and they're brilliant :) You can wear them a fair few times and they stay in and everything.

Also got an eye mask. I *will* sleep this year!

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In 2010 we were sat in dance east I think waiting for kelis I'm afraid to say and they did something to the sound system which made the ground shake..it was some sort of malfunction.. all of us suffered for about 2 weeks after with our ears. We all thought permanent damage had been done but thankfully not. I understand why people wear them but even after this happening I wouldn't walk about with them in

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I'm a bit of a snorer, well... more than a bit :-) After the first night in 2007 a few of our neighbours remarked what 'that noise was last night' which sort of embarrassed me. Each year I bring about 12-15 extra pairs and have offered them to my neighbours in case I keep/wake them up again! So if you're around Hitchin Hill and need a pair ;-)

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