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Football 2013-2014

Guest kaosmark2

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And you could be right. The only person who knows for sure is Carroll.

The simple fact is that the ref has to make a judgement call on how he saw it. Having made that call in one direction, there's nothing about the incident that is likely to make a person think they called it wrong.

You jump one way, and you stick with it. That's what refs do.

Edited by LondonTom
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Which is fair enough I think during the game, but afterwards when you can see it's debatable?

Yep, it's debatable - but you still then have to make a judgement from that.

If the ref thought it deliberate first time, he's exceedingly likely to still think that unless he somehow got a bad view of things at the time.

They also need the ability to say what the Ref was did was right on the time, but looking at the incident on video casts doubt over the foul.

if we're working on the basis of things which can cast doubt then most cards would get revoked.

That's not how it works tho. It's on the balance of probabilities and with that I end up siding with the ref and the FA - there was something too unnatural and extended-til-contact about that arm swing in my view.

I might be wrong, but if I have to go one way that's the way I go.

Edited by eFestivals
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The problem is, even if Carroll wasn't aiming to hit the man, the referee can't really be accused of getting it wrong. He seen a man deliberately swing his arm in the direction of the player behind him. He had every right to send the man off. There is no way you can look at this as a bad decision. Every way you look at it, he still deliberately swung the arm towards Chico.

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My issue isn't really with the red card or the non-reversal of the decision. My issue is that a poor refereeing (non) decision led to the aftermath. Webb should have blown for a foul on Carroll by Chico Flores

I've got sympathy for that view, particularly as what Carroll appears to have chosen to do was small in consequence.

But at the same time any action a player takes is actionable by the ref (within the rules), completely independently of whether the ref has made previous calls correctly or not.

Carroll is responsible for his own actions, his actions were (judged to be) outside the rules. He's set himself up for the consequences.

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That doesn't alter the fact that our so called best referee saw the incident clearly and called it wrong (referring to the initial challenge, not what went on after)

it's another judgement call - and one that's not much helped by how Carroll throws him off. It ends up making that look a bit 50/50.

To me, watching it back, that's a foul by Chico. But at the time I might have gone to blow for a foul and then changed my mind as Carroll threw him off.

At the end of the day any ref lets a lot go that he might decide to blow for. I prefer they do it this way.

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Not being able to quite on this PC is a nightmare.

adam, I can't remember what happened in the second instance you've shown, but the first was considered dealt with because the referee seen it, and since then the rules have changed on what can be dealt with. If that happened now, I'd imagine Rooney would have been dealt with.

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You would imagine going out will be rio and evra as well.

And Giggs, and Rooney, and RVP.

And if they've got any sense, Carrick, Fletcher, and Valencia could use their contracts to easily land themselves a decent club.

But hey, don't worry ... Utd do have three players whose value has supposedly risen (rather than fallen) in the last year ... if you're insane. :lol: ....one of them is supposed to be Jones, and another is meant to be not-Cleverly. :lol:

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