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2014 Headliner predictions

Guest Matt87

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i can't get my head around Elbow possibly headlining, especially side to side with the Mac and Mode. they just don't seem quite there yet. of course they'll probably have a new album out by then etc but they just seem like a band who should never really leave sub status to me, or if they do headline, not side to side with two other dad-rock esque headliners like next year's headliners seem to be turning into

Edited by FloorFiller
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i can't get my head around Elbow possibly headlining, especially side to side with the Mac and Mode. they just don't seem quite there yet. of course they'll probably have a new album out by then etc but they just seem like a band who should never really leave sub status to me, or if they do headline, not side to side with two other dad-rock esque headliners like next year's headliners seem to be turning into

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i can't get my head around Elbow possibly headlining, especially side to side with the Mac and Mode. they just don't seem quite there yet. of course they'll probably have a new album out by then etc but they just seem like a band who should never really leave sub status to me, or if they do headline, not side to side with two other dad-rock esque headliners like next year's headliners seem to be turning into

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tbh with all the exposure the Olympics opening ceremony gave them (and One Day Like This just being... everywhere, all of the time) they probably have risen to headliner status (plus new album) but i just hope that if they do headline, either Fleetwood Mac or Depeche Mode aren't also headlining (so probably Depeche Mode considering Fleetwood Mac seem nailed on). those three headliners, side by side, just seem incredibly dull to me. i doubt it'll affect ticket sales for later Glastonburies like one person said earlier, but i can't see many people getting excited over it either

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i can't get my head around Elbow possibly headlining, especially side to side with the Mac and Mode. they just don't seem quite there yet. of course they'll probably have a new album out by then etc but they just seem like a band who should never really leave sub status to me, or if they do headline, not side to side with two other dad-rock esque headliners like next year's headliners seem to be turning into

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I still believe in Elbow, it's better that a more current band headline than dinosaurs, Glastonbury needs to keep up with the times, and have the balls to bump up bands before other festivals, especially ones like Elbow who've been around and paid their dues.

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I think two of them headers will be right too being DM and FM. Elbow I'm sure will be there but I can't see it being a headliner unless someone won't do it. They'll sub for me and I reckon that their name may have been given as so should the fest pull out a bigger name instead there is a bit of hype around it and a surprise for the fest too. Nice little way of generating hype after they got The Stones last year.

I did think GaGa and not ruling out but based on the 3 acts haven't played which I think is a twist that kind of involves that top bit as well I'm curious to it. I still very much expect one to play T in the Park, I'm waiting for the onslaught to this and I can't see at all DM or FM doing it. FM just wouldn't bother, DM do have an interest in younger fans moreso I think but not enough,

Could maybe, just maybe Oasis do the round at T, V and Glasto like The Verve did back in 2008? It's two big pay days and the ultimate stage all in one year and within a few months of each other. But if The Verve can do this and it's not very often that a band is booked for all 3 at all then Oasis certainly can. And it was mentioned about one last stint, this would enable all to be able to see them and mean Noel and Liam wouldn't have to brave face it for 10th months minimum, especially for a Glasto set that wasn't going to pay. It would all fit in well. It would also only be the 3 shows being T, and two V's which is the maximum I'n sure that Eavis likes a band to do within 3 months of Glasto. I'm not saying it's going to happen but he couldn't pull of a lot bigger things that to get them on the same year that they decide to play again when a lot of people wouldn't expect it until the following. I hope that makes sense lol

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