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Thank you medics!

Guest Jonny Bull

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HI there

Long time viewer, first time poster here.

Had a fantastic festival! However, I was so looking forward to watching Chic and as soon as they came on my back went and I could barely stand up. Unfortunately I was only a few from the front and a Spurs fan I got talking to managed to get me out of there. Hope he got back in the mix, but he'll know me if anyone knows him and just wanted to say cheers!!!

Then a steward managed to see I was almost crawling up the stairs near the Arc Bar and a young lady helping out on the medic side helped me loads until she went out of her way to get me to the medic team up in The Park. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! And the back was a lot better in the morning, just didn't throw quite as many shapes after!!!

Cheers again, and after 20 years of going I'd say 2013 ranks as one of the best for me,

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The medics were wonderful. My girlfriend had a rough old time. She'd recently recieved medical treatment that made her quite succeptable to harm from the sun. She ended up getting badly burned, had sunstroke, and even had some allergic reation which made he face blow up huge. The medics were absolutely fantastic, and she managed to have a good festival.

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I may be wrong, but I understand that the medics on site are volunteers. So finding that many qualified volunteers would (I expect) be very hard. I'm sure if they could they'd have as many medical volunteers on site as possible.

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As one of the said medics we run 8 ambulances 24 hours a day as well as foot patrols. We can only do a maximum of 15 mph on site if we are lucky. Most time we travel at around 1-2 mph so as not to hit any of the public that may have had one or two to many apple juices etc .We are all volunteers as well as all the nurses , doctors, physios, dentists etc that look after the 6 medical centres around the site. We are placed on standby around the site but as you can imagine it is very hard and frustrating not to get to our patients quickly. I have the best job in the world not only looking after the public in the real world but at the best place on the planet!!! Hope everyone had a great time and was safe

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I saw Dr and the Medics back in '85. Sorted out my trench foot.

Seriously thou, Big Up to all the volunteers... Medical, Welfare, Recycle etc. etc. I admire these people giving up their time to help around the Festival picking up the pieces whilst the rest of us kick back and soak everything up.

I hope that one one of these days I'll join them and give a little back.

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