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The I have had a cry since i got home thread

Guest matthewsdad1968

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As it says in the title. Was watching the footage of Chic on the planner today when i started to blubber again. The Mrs asked what was wrong. It was because of just spending the best 7 days of my life at Glastonbury with the one i love for her first Glasto and seeing 2 of my all time favourite bands Chic and The Stones in the same weekend. Anybody else had a sob !!

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Yep every day since had wet eyes to some degree, try to fight it but the good feeling after such an awful year was so intense it's restored a little faith in humanity once more, I think the couple of disco biscuits in Shangri La had something to do with wet eyes as well, remember feeling that way in the 90's after a big night out.

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wished I lived near the site like you wicked - I would prolly wander up the stones every other weekend and just spend a few monutes there lol

Do you live in the house on the hill overlooking the field with the white cross in where tangerine fields was ?

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I haven't actually shed any tears but I have welled up a number of times! I feel so sad though which I always do after Glastonbury but more so than ever this year, probably because it was the best one yet imo. I'm not back in work until Thursday so I'm going to be sitting around nothing to do... I also feel all lonely for some reason! Major depression seems to have set in... :P

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I had a few teary moments yesterday. My son cried a few times leaving the site and then the general area, and then arriving back home yesterday - he had a fab time. The stream where the tears had been made the rest of his face look very dirty I noticed! The BBC best bits at the end of the last Gbury programme usually sets me off so haven't watched it yet ...

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As it says in the title. Was watching the footage of Chic on the planner today when i started to blubber again. The Mrs asked what was wrong. It was because of just spending the best 7 days of my life at Glastonbury with the one i love for her first Glasto and seeing 2 of my all time favourite bands Chic and The Stones in the same weekend. Anybody else had a sob !!

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I used to get the post-Glasto blues something rotten but it's not been so bad after the last couple, and it definitely helps that we have half the time to wait until the next one.

My memories will still be incredibly vivid come ticket day.

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