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My job at glastonbury...

Guest DJL

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... was standing just outside pedestrain gate d making sure everyone had their tickets ready for checking. Given that most were already eagerly holding theirs in their hands all i had to do was say 'welcome to glastonbury' with a smug grin and maybe help them a little with their luggage/ fix wheels of trollies etc.

Can honestly say i've never enjoyed a day's 'work' (volunteering) more, particularly early on the wednesday morning - after a two year wait (not to mention an overnight in a car park) - to share in people's elation at being back was great. Would thoroughly recommend oxfam volunteering if you struggle for tickets. A free meal everyday and shower without queues too.

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Spent my mornings up in greenfields/stones and the park picking up litter. Thanks to the traders for the teas and massive hunks of pineapple :) Keep dropping your litter folks it keeps me going to glasto!

Seriously though............use the bins and leave no trace ;) x

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Spent my mornings up in greenfields/stones and the park picking up litter. Thanks to the traders for the teas and massive hunks of pineapple :) Keep dropping your litter folks it keeps me going to glasto!

Seriously though............use the bins and leave no trace ;) x

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Email Fiona, contact details on TOS (in January) You have to do 4 x 6 hour shifts for your ticket and even get to choose your preferred shift times.

Edited by eodsi
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Litter pick was the morning crew and the pm crew was mostly sorting it. I didn't miss a thing the whole festival, apart from maybe breakfast!!!

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I am amazed that more people don't try volunteering - I started 24 years ago although I tried to become a Volunteer the first year the WBC started at Glasto in 1986 but at that time they were only taking on people who were connected to the TUC.{ since the 90's they have accepted Groups with no connection to the TUC }
There is no way would I have been to so many Glasto's without being a volunteer.
Sure some new people who are not used to shifts will get upset when they discover they are fixed { they are fixed within the WBC in advance } but they cant expect the same freedom they would have as a ticket holder - I only accept a few new people { who are vouched for by other Team members } each year and I make it bloody plain that if they cant accept that there will be some times where shifts will clash then they should think again about being a volunteer.
This year with the Stones playing created a big problem so some of us had to start at 6am { and others had to work Midnight to 6am } on a few shifts in order to guarantee Saturday evening off - we were lucky we were able to make that deal as I was expecting some of us to have to work Saturday evening.
Due to my experience I don't have to worry about being selected nor worry about tickets.
sure it will not suit everyone but if they can accept that its not just a free ticket then they should be fine.
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Nothing vern and it happens. They obviously lose their deposit though and their karma and can be chucked out of crew camping etc. They are also blacklisted for the future.

We were litter picking for a charity so you have not only let your fellow workers down andGFL but also done the charity out of money which would be pretty low.

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Spent my mornings up in greenfields/stones and the park picking up litter. Thanks to the traders for the teas and massive hunks of pineapple :) Keep dropping your litter folks it keeps me going to glasto!

Seriously though............use the bins and leave no trace ;) x

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Couldn't imagine going as a punter again now. This year was the fifth time as a volunteer for Oxfam. And I quite enjoy the work. The perks are good too. Was a bit annoyed the first year we moved outside the fence, but that's actually not too bad, and it makes sense.

Didn't check a single ticket all festival, I was doing similar to the OP. The Wednesday morning shift was really good fun. Night shifts drag, but you just have to make your own entertainment. Fucks you up a little for the next day though.

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Got talking to a couple of nice folks who did some early morning litter pick shifts. They found loads of bags of sniff and md and were kind enough to share some of their booty with me in return for a couple of ciders on the Saturday afternoon. Everyone's a winner.

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Was just looking at the FMS website, if I register do I have to commit to doing other fests/events! It's all a bit vague on the website![/quote

No you don't but you stand more of a chance of doing Glasto if you do others events for them as demand is high to work for them. They cover the Royal Bath and West show, Buddafields festival and Reading festival. They are great to work for as we'll

Edited by matthewsdad1968
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