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what did you get up too on the wednesday night?

Guest Northernsoul45

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Had camp set up by about 10AM tried to get a power nap in but couldnt fall asleep (had been up like about 1PM Tuesday aswell).

Ended up having a few drinks round the camp till about 1:30PM, then off exploring, ended up at the brothers bar, then then smallish tent near the cabaret tent that was really packed playing alot of disco tunes, wandered round shangrila etc after there then ended u in London Underground til about 2 which was really good, then the stone circle for sunrise

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Had 5 pints of brothers then a bimble around through silver hayes to a tent on the right at the bottom which had hookah pipes in. Lovely atmosphere and good toasties. Then went to a bar which fantastic music playing on the right of the John Peel tent. Best night for me was lovely

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Got on site through gate d about half 7. Stewards told us we were in the first 100 in. Had the full dairy field to choose where to camp apart from one other set of tents. Chilled out did a car run and filled a tent with wood.

Took newbie mate to flag topia and got him not to look to we got to the top

Back to camp and partied with neighbours all around us. Back up to flag topia though into shangri la via secret enterence and spent night in he diner watching a break dance competition and into some bar with a tunnel that led to know where! Watched sunrise from tent via a couple in stone bridge on way back. Pretty chilled start LOL

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I used to drink cheap whisky and wine for breakfast so am aware of how one goes about getting the stuff down. I guess I'm a little more discerning these days. Also, I'm very much into cider and taste different ones whenever possible. I know it's subjective but I really thought the pint I had from the bus was cack - so did others who I was with. In the end several drinks were discarded. Believe me, this is an unusual occurence for me and my friends.

Edited by LondonTom
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I used to drink cheap whisky and wine for breakfast so am aware of how one goes about getting the stuff down. I guess I'm a little more discerning these days. Also, I'm very much into cider and taste different ones whenever possible. I know it's subjective but I really thought the pint I had from the bus was cack - so did others who I was with. In the end several drinks were discarded. Believe me, this is an unusual occurence for me and my friends.

Hope you have a great BBQ. I've just agreed to drop some acid with my girlfriend, her son and a mate this weekend. It's been years since I took the stuff. Should be nice if this weather holds out and we get out to a park somewhere. :)

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