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Arcade Fire

Zoo Music Girl

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Seen what announced? The AF fan pre-sale?

Reckon you might be right but do you want to risk it? :P

Friday is fine for me anyway.

Yeah! (Unless the email has come today while I've not been checking them)....

Yes it's always the conundrum, it might just be the one off date and having not gone to the Roundhouse gig...I'd be gutted to have to wait until the autumn if they don't do Glastonbury.

Arcade Fire tube @ArcadeFiretube 5m

#EarlsCourt album pre-order presale: Monday, Nov 25, 9am. GA tickets are £44.45 w/ fees. Seated tickets: £39.50 w/ fees.

I cant believe it will be cheaper to sit down though surely?

Not bad! Kept it beloew the £50 mark, good on them!

Anyone done seating at Earls Court? (Do they have extra seats put in when they have a seated gig? or is it just the ones that are always there?) Tbh I am tempted, Standing at arena gigs is never that good really unless you get there early and stand at the front for 4 hours.

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Standing at arenas is great in my experience. I always arrive when the support is on and get a good spot near the front. There's always gaps.

Stadiums however, people seem to get there hours in advance and cram together all evening. You have to work hard to get near the front, especially if you nip out for a pint

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I remember when I saw Metallica there on the St anger tour they had seats out on the lower tier as thats where I was seated.

Good to see places NOT the O2 being used for a change! Earls Court and Hammersmith Apollo are my 2 closest venues so access before and after will be easy for me for this! And I am basically guaranteed tickets cos of the pre order presale which is nice to know :D

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I saw the Arctic Monkeys at Earls Court recently and I had heard some dreadful things about the venue but I actually found it a much better place to see a band than the o2 - I find the acoustics horrific there and I thought Earls Court were a lot better, much easier to get a pint as well which is a plus.

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The seats at Earls Court are reaaally high up and far away. I would not advise them.

This is usually the layout for gigs. They do have seats that they put in the lower bit sometimes, but thats usually for all seated events.


Yeah that's what I thought when I saw them (they was blocked off for Bloc Party, so just standing, I did wonder!)...They seem to have to much of a disconnect from standing/the stage for my liking.

Standing it is I guess :D

No album pre-order link yet :(

Ignore that, album preorder presale is on Monday, 9am. (My day off ffs :P)

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Did anyone try and get tickets this morning? I did but said 'no more tickets were available for this promotion' i'm not sure if that's because they all went or because i'd used my code previously.

For the recently announced US shows the email said the codes had been reset... but no such message for the UK ones. Anyone else have any luck?

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Did anyone try and get tickets this morning? I did but said 'no more tickets were available for this promotion' i'm not sure if that's because they all went or because i'd used my code previously.

For the recently announced US shows the email said the codes had been reset... but no such message for the UK ones. Anyone else have any luck?

Had the same problem so yeah, looks like the code was only reset for the US/Canada tour dates. Annoying!

Will have to try wednesday with the O2 Priority thing instead.

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I didnt even realise the presale was this morning, I didn't get an email this time for some reason. I've just bought a standing ticket using my presale code from last time, and I already used it for Roundhouse so maybe they have reset some?

Yeah, the code has been reset in the past hour thankfully. Got my standing tickets. Still hoping the glasto headline slot happens too though!

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from the looks of their most recent shows it looks like we'll be getting Wake Up (along with Haiti and Power Out) at the Blackpool show! wahoo!

listened to the album for the first time in a couple of weeks today and it got me rather excited! still don't rate it especially high but the likes of Normal Person, You Already Know, Joan Of Arc and It's Never Over sound like they're going to be brilliant live

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