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Campervan tickets

Guest Vdubber

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Hi wondering if anyone can help us. We're going to be staying in the campervan field but one of our friends couldn't get the Friday off work so can't get there till The evening. It says on the ticket that all people staying in the campervan have to exchange their camping tickets for the campervan ones at the same time but we wanted to arrive early to get a good spot. Are they flexible on this? Does anyone know if its possible for us to get his campervan ticket for him then meet him at the gates to give it him, or if the people in the ticket exchange stand will let him exchange later on his own....... Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks :)

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He would be able to get into the campervan field with just his ticket, but you wouldnt be able to go get your wrist bands until he arrived as you have to hand in your tickets and the campervan ticket, the campervan ticket allows 4 people per ticket and they wont le him get a campervan wrist band without that ticket. Just wait until he arrives and all go down together.

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So could we drive there and park up the campervan but if we left the camper field we wouldn't be able to get back in without collecting the wrist bands? once we left the camper field, we could then meet him and all get the wristbands together? (Sorry for being abit slow, but its our first festival with a van haha)

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