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Cuba - anybody been there?

Guest Yoghurt on a Stick

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I've just booked to go in February next year for 2 weeks. I'm going to travel around the place on buses and taxi's as I don't want a beach holiday. I'm looking for any tips / advice from people who have been. I have already discovered the casa particular type of accomodation and will be using that instead of hotels to save costs and in order to interact with the locals more. I'd really like some information on stuff which isn't on the normal tourist trail if possible. Over to you (if you are out there and have such knowldege).

Just to say that I'll be accessing Trip Advisor like a man possessed as well.

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My mate went with his family and did the all inclusive family type holiday, but they also went out and about on excursions etc. They were warned about going certain places (which is quite normal with most places of course) he said its a beautiful country, with some lovely people but the poverty is very noticable and quite upsetting depending on how you react to such situations.

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My mate went with his family and did the all inclusive family type holiday, but they also went out and about on excursions etc. They were warned about going certain places (which is quite normal with most places of course) he said its a beautiful country, with some lovely people but the poverty is very noticable and quite upsetting depending on how you react to such situations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a couple of times (2003 and 2008 I think). Amazing country and amazing people. Noticed quite a difference between the two times though. Thing we most loved (both times) was the live music and the satisfaction the bands got from having people who really engaged with their stuff - many tourists were very rude and talked over the bands even in the smallest of venues. This was more true the second time we went when there seemed to be more people there to have a Caribbean holiday rather than wanting to know something about the country, this may (hopefuly) have changed in the meantime though. Thing we disliked most the second time though was the propensity of people trying to rip you off in tourist areas - Havana especially became a pain. And not just the normal tourist type scams - even workers in banks seemed to try to get more than they should.

Going off the beaten track is definitely the way to go - "normal" Cubans are wonderful though may be completely in awe of the things we've come to think of as "essential" - think glasses (sight correcting and for drinking from), mobile phones, sun cream, etc. which can lead to some interesting conversations. I'm sure you'll be in your element!!!!

As to places to see - we did the "Che Guevara trail" (buggered if I can remember the names of the places we went to - but I'll try to find out for you). Well worth doing not only for the history but also for some truly beautiful scenery. Other one I'd recommend is the Bay of Pigs but only with a knowledgeable guide . The bay itself is pretty but no more than that. What made it for us was getting the Cubans' view of the whole 1961(??) Bay of Pigs episode which gives a completely different slant on what we had been given as "fact".

The thing I most wish I'd taken seriously before we went was advice to bring everything you think you will need with you. Unless things have changed radically since we were there, "essentials" such as painkillers, plasters, antiseptic anything, toiletries, toothpaste, shampoo are not readily available outside of Havana (and even then they cost an extortionate amount). We once went into a supermarket in Varadero which was about the same size as an average Sainsburys. I promise you I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that the only things they had on the shelves were two mouldy loaves of bread and shed loads of Havana Club. I am not embarrassed to say that we ended up using that for all of the above! If you do go prepared with all that stuff then people would be really, really grateful if you "forgot" to pack it when you left!

I've just re-read that lot and it sounds a bit negative. It shouldn't. We wouldn't have gone back a second time if we hadn't wanted to see more after the first time and I've had friends go more recently and they have raved about the place.

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Thanks for all those details mandolin. I could do without getting hassled but it's part and parcel of travel sometimes. We will definitely try to get to the Bay of Pigs. After your suggestion, we will definitely get a guide there. To hear an authentic different perspective will be interesting.

In recent years I've tried not to bring 'everything' I may need with me. I'll be changing that approach for this holiday, and yes, will definitely leave a load of it behind for others to use.

Thanks once again for taking the time out to help me in my planning. :)

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