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CCTV Surveillance at festivals

Guest James Barber

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I have a new business venture and was wondering what people think about mobile CCTV Surveillance vehicles.

Would you prefer these at festivals as an alternative to so many ground security?

Would you feel that the festival is safer with a constant 24 hour watch on the festival?

Please give your views, trying to get some festival organizers to believe in the advantages that this can bring to a festival.

Thank you :)

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No thanks.

As much as most of us don't like the security guards, they are occasionally needed to do something physically.

If there was someone watching a bank of cameras, dispatching teams, by the time they got there it would be too late.

Also, fuck off with your big brother bullshit! xD

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Most festivals, especially the larger ones already have CCTV in use.

Not sure what your venture would bring to smaller events, apart from the reactions like above.

Also CCTV will never replace actual security, it can complement it and can be useful to an extent on its own, but you will always need a presence on the ground.

What advantages are you trying to say it brings?

Edited by Paul ™
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With an alarming number of rapes and assaults at festivals (any amount is alarming) there is a place for some of this, although the logistics of implimenting such a thing without infringing on the festival-goers wishes not to be monitored (an attitude that is rather strong amongst festival-goers) would be a nightmare.

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Thank you for the comments. I feel i was to blunt in the last message to what exactly would happen. We wouldn't take over the ground security we would work alongside of them to catch out anything that they may miss, as we all know their are a lot of things that happen and security miss (i can relate this to my own experiences).

We would be a unit that will not only used for CCTV but as center point for missing people etc. This will just give everyone a helping hand when a scenario like this comes around.

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Yeah welfare/medical points usually deal with missing people, security just take them there or are you planning to set up a welfare services entity too?

Have you really thought this through?

As it seems not, most of the CCTV control rooms are in alongside the ELT tent/building at festivals and usually either manned by the police or private security companies.

What sort of festivals are you hoping to introduce this 'service' at?

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