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if they were to do a Holy Bible set i wonder if it would be advertised as such beforehand (as is the case with many full album shows). if not i can see a lot of casual fans turning up and not having a clue what they're watching

I reckon they would have to. It would be really odd otherwise. You need a crowd who understand WTF is going on!

I think they would probably play 2 sets.one main stage 3 down? then maybe a headline park/jpt with the holy bible?

but like I said all along I would put my car on them playing!

The two set option is the dream for me. Then I can avoid the bad one! :P

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Sorry I don't know what came over me, perhaps 20 years living in Swansea is making me turn a bit.

There's no mistake I smell that smell...

That's no better is it :|

Swansea is a special place for sure, complete with the horrors of wind street with people just taking a shit in the street.

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First time I saw Manics, Catatonia were supporting and the electrics went after a few of their songs. They had to reschedule for a few months later, and the Super Furrys supported then. It all worked out a lot better in the end!

I saw Calatonia support teh Manics.

I say saw... walked in, listened to half a song, ran to the downstairs bar.

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Tourdates announced for spring:


On the road in March and April - I would say this makes them highly likely. I'm even looking forward to the prospect now (although I heard the new song on the radio again yesterday and it really is godawful). I can't bring myself to see them at at a gig so Glastonbury would be their last chance to redeem themselves for me.

I'm disappointed there seems to be no sign of a Holy Bible gig though.

(Not forgotten about the Journal songs

Scruffy. Will listen soon! Trouble is that I'm rarely at a PC when not at work so it will require a special effort.)

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I can't bring myself to see them at at a gig so Glastonbury would be their last chance to redeem themselves for me.

Which is a shame as a festival is the worst place to see anyone you already like. Especially MSP, whose setlists tend to be quite 'polite' at Glasto. Unless it's the full THB album of course.

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Which is a shame as a festival is the worst place to see anyone you already like. Especially MSP, whose setlists tend to be quite 'polite' at Glasto. Unless it's the full THB album of course.

I'm not sure I agree with that. Seen plenty of bands I already like do amazing sets at Glasto. Blur and Nick Cave spring immediately to mind.

I know the setlist will be 'polite' but Faster and You Love Us will be enough for me. I don't want to pay £30 for two decent songs!

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Pheonix 96 now available on Live Bootlegs..


01 Enola/Alone
02 La Tristesse Durera (Scream to a Sigh)
03 Everything Must Go
04 Motorcycle Emptiness
05 No Surface All Feeling
06 Motown Junk
07 You Love Us
08 A Design For Life

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Ditto about the radio. Apart from that Hawley song. And I quite liked the one on Jules with the woman singer. Hate the single though. Last album before had some good songs though. One with john cale and one with duff for example.

i always forget about Postcards From A Young Man - when you mentioned John Cale and Duff i went to Journal For Plague Lovers in my head and didn't have a clue what you were talking about

isn't their new / forthcoming (apparently called Futurology) album the third in the Holy Bible / Journal / Richey lyriced albums? if so i shall wait for that before i give a new Manics album a listen

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They say they'll be previewing a few songs on thatuttour next year. It's not his lyrics but it's meant to follow on musically. We'll see.

Postcards is hit and miss but there's some good stuff on there.


I think Wire said himself it's not gonna be like Holy Bible but that it's a bit different to the Manics we have now. Good news anyway but I'd rather they'd brought out this one first.


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That's just reminded me. The opening line to one of the songs on postcards is I'm no longer preaching to the converted, that congregation has long ago deserted.

Quite apt for this thread.

Pretty apt for me. I've deserted and am halfway home. Except... Something keeps pulling me back. Which is why I think a Glasto set could get me interested again.

Amazed you're not all over the pre-sale given your love for them. Also amazed you're not seeing The National on this tour. I think you spend too much of your gig money on vinyls.


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I am all over the presale. Going into work early in case it takes a while to get through. The may give it a shot was sarcasm.

Various reasons why I couldn't make the national on the dates. Pisses me off when yanks play London Manchester and nowhere else. I normally have at least Leeds Sheffield Manchester to choose from which gives a bit more options date wire.


My sarcasm receptors are off - I genuinely thought you were being all blase about the Manics. Somewhat relieved this is not the case!

Meh, vinyl holds little to no interest for me.


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Women never truly understand. You would if you heard it. Alligator on vinyl would make your iPod sound like crying babies to you.

How unbelievably sexist ;)

I think it is a boy thing though. But not cos women don't *understand* as you so patronisingly put it. I get the concept. My ears are just fucked from too many gigs! I wouldn't notice the difference.

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Sorry just realised how bad that probably came across. The patronisingly sexist post was meant tongue in cheek but that was supposed to explain that the difference is huge and far greater than you'd think after not hearing vinyl since I was a kid. I've had texts off old college friends blaming me for the amount of money they now spend cop I didn't shut up about the merits of vinyl when all they used were docking stations and now they're converted. I meant to convey some of this. Instead I posted four words that made me look like an arrogant prick. I can be but that wasn't my intention there. Apologies for any offence caused. And looking at what's to follow I can see why I tried to keep my phone post short.


Christ, I know I'm a woman but I hope I'm not *that* over-sensitive! ;)

I didn't think you were being an arrogant prick and I of course got that you were being tongue in cheek. On the contrary, I respect the certainty of your conviction and felt I couldn't argue with it.

I guess I don't want to even go there in case I discover you're right. If I try it once I might get hooked and, like heroin, it's a lifestyle choice I just can't afford. Basically I'm saying I think you're a pusher!

I don't even have a docking station, let alone a turntable. I mainly listen to music on my ipod as I prefer to do so when walking/travelling anyway. I don't have the space or funds to get into vinyl collecting - I've barely made a dent in the CDs I want! Live music is what really gets me going so all my money gets diverted that way.

I recognised we were in a stalemate position and decided to switch my phone off rather than get into yet another interminably long internet debate, the likes of which I'm supposed to be giving up anyway.

You know you come here too much when it creeps into your dreams and last night I dreamt the Manics were supporting The National at my gig tonight! Enough said.

I can't seem to keep away though. I am made of fail.

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