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'No reunions. No comebacks. No encores.'

I'm pretty sure that's still the case. I hope so anyway.


I've only seen them 3 times. Gold Against The Soul tour in Liverpool Uni, Everything Must Go tour at Liverpool Royal Court and then supporting Bon Jovi (of all people) at Milton Keynes Bowl.

Always enjoyed them and would love a greatest hits stylee set at Glastonbury.

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Yep, sure is. They did an encore in their Cuba gig in 2001, think that was it.

I like it too, I hate all the forced "aw shucks, you wanna hear some more" you get from the bigger acts that plan 2 encores into their set list. What's spontaneous about that?

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Very envious of that Liverpool uni gig!

Don't want to rub it in or nothing ( :)) but it was great. Very short from what I recall, Ritchie was very cool and the T-shirt I bought outside for a fiver lasted for years despite being a very strange turquoise colour.

Just looked it up. 1994! Almost 20 years ago. Oh my aching bones.

Edited by Gnomicide
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Ha two of the gigs posted about were the two times I've seen them at their own gigs. Leeds Union 2007 was brilliant, loads and loads of old stuff and I quite liked that album so had no real issues with anything on the set (though no surface acoustic, while amazing, annoyed me simply because i was going through a phase of listening to t loads and was really hoping for the full version!). Crowd was mental, and I lived in leeds as a student at the time, so all pretty perfect.

And the ritz the other week, while not the best setlist, was a ridiculously great atmosphere, in such a small venue, just round the corner from my flat so again, pretty special.

To keep the special up, Glastonbury is pretty much the next step!

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Fair enough. Gutting to have missed the Manics back then though!

I was the opposite really, I had no friends and my life revolved around gigs. Living 30 minutes away from London helped.

The rest of the time was spent sat in my room cutting myself and listening to the Manics obviously.

My mum wouldn't let me go to Glastonbury when I was a teenager :(

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No contest for me (if it's HB set), but imagine if you chose to see them and it was that setlist I posted earlier. That's what I mean - if they headline it says to me HB set - otherwise they're daytime pyramid. (The Manic Street Preachers are a daytime pyramid band, everybody! Who'd have seen that coming when Richie carved his arm up during that radio interview).

Anyway, Rebecca, fill your ears with this when you're next at a PC and not at work

Okay, I just listened to Bag Lady. It's better than Peeled Apples! Next time you're trying to convince someone about this album, you should go with this one first I reckon. I actually do really like it.

I am *almost* convinced to buy the album now. Almost. I think part of the problem is I have a different attitude towards them now, which is really hard to shift.

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Didn't want to peak too soon though. :)

If you're almost convinced that means the third and last snippet is an even bigger risk than I originally envisaged. I fully understand your attitude point and that's the biggest stumbling block for most old die hard fans. I need to choose carefully and decide if what I was originally going to go with is still the right way to go.

Anyway not going to be in a position to post any links today so it will be tomorrow and I reckon you're going to have other things on your mind then so I'll have a think today, and post it tomorrow ready for your perusal next week.


Yeah I'll be in a pretty Cave exclusive zone over the weekend. Give it some thought and come back to me!

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Right, I can't decide. Something you said a couple of posts ago makes me think that my original plan may not work, but if I change my mind and fail I'll never forgive myself. (A bit of hyperbole there, perhaps, I'm sure I would eventually) so I'm hedging my bets.

It's an exact science, trying to convert "lost" Manics' fans to the Journal, and each subject needs treating differently depending on their issues and when they fell out with the Welsh wonders. Never before has a band divided its own bands so massively.

I have around a 90% conversion success rate, but you have proved my hardest test yet. Mainly because I don't really know you and it's harder to do this when not face to face. Plus you're definitely at the far end of the modern-Manics-hater spectrum. Everyone else I've met as adamant as you didn't ever get past one listen of TIMTTMY.

Just remember, these (and the previous) aren't necessarily the best songs on the album (Although Bag Lady is up there) just the ones most likely to convert. The best song on the album needs discovering in context as it is quite the pleasant surprise.

Also, this was never intended to be The Holy Bible Mk II (that way only failure lies) and the second clip here, I think would sit quite comfortably on Everything Must Go ( ) and I always try to manage converts' expectations. You can't buy the album expecting 13 "archives of Pain" esque tracks. (Although that would be heaven).

Anyway, here we go, the first clip is what I changed my mind to:

Originally I was going to go with:

I promise that this is now the end. Enjoy tonight and Monday, and give these two a listen with an open mind next week. (Try forgetting your "different attitude" if possible).

God, I am a nerd! It really shouldn't matter this much to me what other people listen to.

You are a massive nerd :P But in a good way. I get why it matters to you. The Manics are just that kind of band.

I will dutifully listen next week after the delights of this weekend are over (Saturday and Sunday for me by the way.)

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You are a massive nerd :P But in a good way. I get why it matters to you. The Manics are just that kind of band.

I will dutifully listen next week after the delights of this weekend are over (Saturday and Sunday for me by the way.)

Just wanted to say I've not forgotten about my duties as stated above. It's just that this thread lacks the pull of the Nick Cave thread and I somewhat underestimated how little I would be able to tear myself away from PTSA this week. Better to give them a fair hearing when Cave is a bit more out of my system. Next week perhaps. Oh, the suspense.

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