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slow-loading pages

Guest eFestivals

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The website, app and mobile site have been slow loading for about 5 days for me.

I just wondered if you was cutting costs so didn't want to say anything

Ahh, thanks for the extra detail. With both you and Paul reporting similar I'll take that as there having been a problem for more than just today. No, it's nowt to do with costs or anything, nothing of the technical set-up has changed.

What i'm seeing today looks like some sort of network data-traffic issue around my server - a dodgy router, or something. The techies have found a few issues, and it's still being looked into.

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I tried to quote someone today. Added a response but when I hit Post it just sat there saying 'saving post'. I gave up in the end, so no one will ever see the pearl of wisdom I tried to add. Not that it was much of a pearl.

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I tried to quote someone today. Added a response but when I hit Post it just sat there saying 'saving post'.

yep, that's one of the ways the problem shows itself.

A fair amount of work has been done by the techies over-night, but I don't believe that the problem is sorted yet ... I'll keep on at them, and hopefully it'll get sorted today.

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another update.....

For whatever reason, the problems are showing themselves to a greater extent today than they were yesterday, so my apologies for any inconvenience you might be suffering with your website usage.

A problem has been discovered with one of the network switches in the data centre where the efestivals servers are, and that's currently being addressed.

That might be the main reason for the poor website operation over the last week or so, or it might not be. Everything about the problem seemed to initially suggest that it was a network problem of some kind, so I'm hoping the switch issue is all there is (tho other testing is suggesting there's other issues too).

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A new server is now being set-up, and the website will be migrated to that new server hopefully before lunchtime today.

At some point in that process efestivals will have to go offline, so that the new server can be physically put in all the same places as the old server. Hopefully the downtime will be less than 10 minutes.

My fingers are firmly crossed that a replacement server will sort the issues.

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Has it not been done already? Massive difference today

A lot faster than has been for about a week

Loading times seem quicker than before glitch

when a page loads in a reasonable time, it's possibly loading faster than it was (cos lots of supposed improvements have been made), but there's also still a lot of instances where a person can wait 10 or more seconds for a page to load - which was the initial problem and is still a problem.

After 3 days and at least 3 different techies looking at the server during that time, no one has been able to identify what is causing the issue but they are all able to identify that there is an issue.

The issue appears to be something internal to the server, because the slow loading happens in just the same way if a page is called from the commandline of that server, and while the problem might be something to do with the code that runs the website, the same things can be seen to happen with code that these techies know should not be not problematic.

Having tried every possibility anyone can thing of, we're now going for the nuclear option. Fingers crossed it works.

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Was unable to get onto the site at all last night. This morning I'm getting on and off problems in which a page pops up telling me that there is a problem with my SQL server. Just now I got a message saying that there was a fatal db error. But then I tried again and was in without any problems! Quite relieved to hear that other people are experiencing problems, though - I was beginning to think that I had a problem with my internet connection!

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Eh? No, its a good thing! :) Everything is working just fine now.

no, it's really not. :(

The same problem still exists that I've been trying to find all week, that has caused the other server to get screwed up in trying to find it, and which can't be hardware related, can't be system related, and which can't be website code related.

Which means that it must be network related ... and yet no one can find a network problem. It's feckin' weird.

It's good to have the site back on line and accessible (even if very slow to load a page sometimes), but I want this slow page issue cured.

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