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Broken ankle:(

Guest sedra

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Ok so I slipped downstairs on Monday and broke a bone in my ankle:( what's the chances of being fully fit by end of June? On the plus side the crutches may help to build arm strength but it wasn't quite what I had in mind when I said I needed to get fit for Glastonbury!! Ouch!

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I badly sprained my ankle last Feb and was on crutches for 3-4 weeks. It took months to heal properly, however by the time Glastonbury came around it only caused me occasional mild discomfort. It meant I had to be careful on the bumpy ground, and my foot became tired with excessive walking (like one morning walking from Pennards, to the gate D carparks, then across to the acoustic), but it didn't really detract my enjoyment. Hope you're ok in time!

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Firstly - I am not a doctor.

Exactly one year ago today I badly broke my knee playing football. Something deemed as life changing injury as you never fully recover but that all sounded a little dramatic to me.I had to have an op, bone graft, pates and pins and was told I would not be able to weight bear for 3 months. I stuck to the rules and did as I was told. I was out of plaster ten weeks later and in a removable leg brace for a further few weeks. Glastonbury was my first milestone and I made it. It was touch and go and my surgeon told me to wear the brace at the festival but my friends/family pitched my tent and carried my gear and with their help I enjoyed it like any previous one. It stopped me seeing as much of course but meant that when I got somewhere I tended to stay put for a while so I got to see some things I generally wouldn't have.

This year I have my metal work removed 6 weeks before G day so I am lining up my Sherpas to help again!

I am sure you'll be fine...

Good luck!

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I had a sprial fracture to my fibula.... Did it at Glasto going from other stage to the dance area.... That was in the June.... Come Christmas I was in Verbier Snowboarding....

Just do as the doctors tell you and you will be fine :)

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I smashed my bollocks falling out of a tree drunk causing internal bleeding from a buster blood vessel that filled my nutsack so much it was the size of size 3 football and i was worried they were going to explode.

I made a long weird fucking exhaling noise like on that old cider advert.

I had to get my dad to drive me to hospital and they were so fucking massive i couldn't sit in a wheelchair because i couldn't get my legs that close together.

I had to wander around carrying them like buster gonad.

I now have a scar on my nuts and had to have a blood transfusion (they'd filled with approx 2 pints).

True story and told at my wedding by the best man. w*nker.

I can no longer watch You've Been Framed.

Ahhhhhhhh, it feels good to have shared.

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Ok so I slipped downstairs on Monday and broke a bone in my ankle:( what's the chances of being fully fit by end of June? On the plus side the crutches may help to build arm strength but it wasn't quite what I had in mind when I said I needed to get fit for Glastonbury!! Ouch!

Edited by gerardfenton18
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