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The rape was interesting - was he punishing her because he knows that despite himself he will do whatever she asks, including killing his own brother if she wants him to? Her protest seemed more about the location than the act?

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Should be in the watch, not the kings guard :P

As for the nice dragon lady's friend, I'm with bunique. The old guy had a face that sort of never looked quite real, like it had been made by a GCSE art student. Too distracting a sight for my viewing habits and I'm glad that the new actor looks more normal.

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Also her champion was miles better when played by the actor last season. This fellow seems like a right drip.

I don't like him, too generic an actor. Not saying he's bad, just not very memorable & not very, errrm, good at chatting the blonde up.

I feel the opposite russy! I thought the actor last season was slimey!

I found that made him a bit more memorable & he caused a bit of tension with the blonde by stepping close to the line of being a bit to flirty for her & also seemed like that actor portrayed the character that he might have an ulterior motive for sided & climbing the ranks in her army.

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I don't like him, too generic an actor. Not saying he's bad, just not very memorable & not very, errrm, good at chatting the blonde up.

I found that made him a bit more memorable & he caused a bit of tension with the blonde by stepping close to the line of being a bit to flirty for her & also seemed like that actor portrayed the character that he might have an ulterior motive for sided & climbing the ranks in her army.

you put it better than I ever could!

I guess we just fancy pretty boys :lol:

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I didn't find it all that disturbing - there have been far more disturbing depictions of rape on tv in recent years (This is England was particularly awful). I didn't see this one as intended to be a violation so much as an act of desperation/fury. My inner feminist is screaming at me for writing that!

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I didn't find it all that disturbing - there have been far more disturbing depictions of rape on tv in recent years (This is England was particularly awful). I didn't see this one as intended to be a violation so much as an act of desperation/fury. My inner feminist is screaming at me for writing that!

yeh thats a fair point. Funny that he has murdered people and crippled a child and we let that go, but this is seen to be overstepping the mark..:lol:

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you put it better than I ever could!

I guess we just fancy pretty boys :lol:

I do indeed.

I first thought Daario Naharis in the third series looked a little odd/creepy/something like that & obviously had no loyalty to his current army.

This made me think he could be on of the face changing people like the assassin Jaqen that Arya met. Didn't she have a list with Joffrey's name on it?

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I didn't find it all that disturbing - there have been far more disturbing depictions of rape on tv in recent years (This is England was particularly awful). I didn't see this one as intended to be a violation so much as an act of desperation/fury. My inner feminist is screaming at me for writing that!


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I do indeed.

I first thought Daario Naharis in the third series looked a little odd/creepy/something like that & obviously had no loyalty to his current army.

This made me think he could be on of the face changing people like the assassin Jaqen that Arya met. Didn't she have a list with Joffrey's name on it?

Ah thats a good shout, would be a decent twist.

I was just googling about the change of actor and it seems the pretty boy daario ditched GoT to take over from jason statham in the transporter movie franchise! What a lousy move to make. I guess movies pay more...

There is a "vote for your favourite daario" button on there, and pretty boy is trouncing boring beardy 11,120 to 4,679 :sarcastic:


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Not sure if I can explain myself! I don't think the rape was intended to violate Cersei, humiliate her, bend her to his will, be an act of power like it might be in a different setting - she's not a woman who would be easily humiliated even by such an act as rape, I don't think. Jaimie has been humiliated by his brother, his father, shunned by Cersei on his return, he's feeling emasculated due to his inability to fight and so live up to the name "Kingslayer" and to top it all, she tells him to avenge his son and kill his brother and he knows that despite the fact he doesn't think Tyrion did it, and that he knows she's a psycho in her own right, he will do what she asks. And so I saw it as him taking what he felt was the least he was 'owed' from her in return. That's why I didn't find it as disturbing as other tv depictions of rape - I think the context and then the contrast with the "raper raper raper thief" up at the wall put a different slant on it. The disturbing thing about it really was that it seemed at odds with what we saw of Jamie's character at times last season and so jarred a bit with the flow of the story up to now.

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Aiden Gillen's accent.

I know, what the fuck was all that about?

Totally jarring. But I enjoyed the episode. And for those saying Danaerys is getting dull? I strongly disagree, she is becoming more and more relevant every time she is on screen.

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I agree with that article linked about Dany. I think she is just too powerful and that makes her a bit dull now. She has that massive army of super soldiers, 3 dragons, her "advisors" are all ass-kickers too. There is just no sense that things can go wrong for her in her scenes.

She was great in season 1, but has now stagnated (imo).

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There was a hint though in one of the previous episodes that she is not as in control of the dragons as they grow, so I get the sense it's a less predictable outcome than I thought it would be b

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And her sheer weight of numbers will force some enemies in Westeros to become allies to challenge her, I'm guessing. So that'll be interesting

Of all the storylines, the Stannis one holds the least interest for me, although I enjoy his right hand man and I'm assuming his daughter is going to have a big role to play at some stage.

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Yeh I'm assuming she isnt just going to sail into town and kill everyone and become queen, though I would actually like it if that was the case.

I dont think she will end up "winning" anyway, and the reason is because an American audience would never accept an army of dark skinned warriors ending up the victors in a series like this. It is quite obvious her army is based on the muslim armies of the crusades, and for that reason they cant possibly be allowed to triumph. You know I'm right!

Stannis is yawn-tastic I agree. I find Bran dull too, but there is lots of potential there.

Edited by russycarps
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I disagree with your thoughts that an "American audience would never accept an army of dark skinned warriors ending up the victors". I really dont think GRR Martin gives a flying fuck what audiences think tbh. Although you could be right. I like dany, and I hope she "wins".

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