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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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We shared a beer two days running, but you couldn't remember the first day!!!!

I don't remember much at all of Wednesday, I had a mix of cider, port, southern comfort, homemade cinnamon vodka, red bull and adrenaline flooding my system! I know I had fun and met some great people, though! One of my highlights of the festival came from you, actually. Shortly after HMV arrived on Thursday, I remember you saying 'well, glad I won't be the sweariest one here tonight!'. Nearly pissed myself!

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Well I'll be there again next year for more antics. You have to remember I had just arrived and was rather overwhelmed and excited. When that happens my inner sweary navvie comes out.

Thats my excuse and I stand by it. :D

Because the rest of the time you have a cut glass English accent and mind your P's and Q's? Lol!

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Yep, nothing to do with booze at all! ;-)

You guys have no idea how much I can swear, wait till i see you and the Woffstar next year and I'll be throwing in a Bishop Brennan as well. Lol

Yes, there may have also been some booze but I was soooo well behaved for the rest of the festival.

Ye fecking feckers! Lol

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I'd been there since the Monday, as I was working, so I'd spent 2 days just bimbling around getting more and more excited, so on Wednesday I guess I was much like HMV was on Thursday. New people, new experiences, new horizons. What's not to like? Anyway, if you can't fucking swear your bollocking arse off at Glastonbury, where can you?

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