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NFR NFC >>>>>>2015


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I can't understand the need for tribalism, or to go to hate as your first emotion.

I hate nobody or anything.

I have quoted one little bit of what you wrote as it, so sadly, seems to sum up so very many people in the word today.

Damn, I need to get out in the forest and away from humanity - all of you lot excluded from that and I am not saying you are not humans and I shall now stop digging the hole.

Sorry again for being down and a bit fed up - it just all got to me.

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Bloody hell you lot have been busy! To summarise:

I liked Bowie's last album.

I mainly swear when I'm watching footie.

Speed limits are there for a reason. If you can't stick to a speed limit you're not a very good driver. I love sticking to 30 and winding up the BMw*nker drivers behind me. Too many drivers think they know better and they can make up the rules when they get in their little kingdom of a car. It's a potentially lethal machine. Plus you gain virtually nothing in time.

Rant over!

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Big Dog wrapped up for the walk? (Think the keyboard slipped in your post, the sun is still in sky, and downward humidity needs persuading to go elsewhere today).

Thanks for the edit Carlos - I think it was a little early to be typing. Good news - Big Dog and I managed a dry yet blustery walk this morning. It was actually quite warm so we went a little further than normal. Happy to be inside now though.

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As for Milan, I really liked it! We had much less r**n than expected. Wasted a bit of time really as we spent most of Saturday queueing for tickets to the ballet at La Scala. Had to stand for the performance (had a seat but couldn't see a thing when sat down!) but it was well worth it.

The Duomo is magnificent although the inside is a bit of a anti-climax compared to the outside. You have to go on the roof as there is so much detail you don't see from the ground. So many statues!

The Last Supper is excellent. Quite an incredible restoration really. Close up you can see the damage but from further away you get a real sense of what it originally looked like and of the sense of light and perspective. All these things are lost when you don't see it in context.

Also did the Leonardo Da Vinci Science Museum which was very good, very educational. And did a bit of one art museum near La Scala - it was free and no-one else was queueing at that point so we thought we'd nip in. All modern art which is more my thing.

We were staying around the Central Station - never the best area in any city but we found a good local bar that played good tunes and made excellent cocktails. Also had some excellent food.

I'd like to go again to see more of the art I think. Nice city, not too big, excellent transport and the centre was a lot cleaner than I expected. Flight home currently a little delayed, probably due to the rather grim weather outside...

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I hate cabbages, and early mornings.

I use a cv website, but there are daily mail readers with unacceptable views on the general forum, who don't like opposing views. But, that remains on that site, not to be dragged over to here.

but seriously, no more brassica matters here!

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I hate cabbages, and early mornings.

I use a cv website, but there are daily mail readers with unacceptable views on the general forum, who don't like opposing views. But, that remains on that site, not to be dragged over to here.

but seriously, no more brassica matters here!

I had sprouts for tea last night. Well not all but a side dish!!

Pan friend with onion with a few chilli flakes and a balsamic vinegar/sugar mixture to coat them.................................. Sort of 'toffee sprouts'

Ali does not like sprouts and said they were really nice!!

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Cabbage = politics??

You were talking about hate. I hate cabbages. That was the only thing I could think of, and now Matt's off on one about sprouts!

A a a aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

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You were talking about hate. I hate cabbages. That was the only thing I could think of, and now Matt's off on one about sprouts!

A a a aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Ah. Even so, I think 'cabbages' should be our code word for subjects that just lead to conflict, like politics, or cabbages.... or the weather!

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I have also realised you are all mad, which is good.

What ever happened about next years meet? Did I miss the decision?

Decision deferred I think.

Park was popular but some did not like it due to being out the way and we want everyone to be there. There were other suggestions and I unilateralry put it on my to look at list which I will do - one day LOL

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