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Private Coach

Guest goedla

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Hi, this is my first time going to T in the Park so I'm not at all familiar with what goes on, firstly, I'll be getting a private coach that we've hired ourselves, does anyone know where the coach will be dropping us off and whether we'll have to endure the walk of death? Also, how strict are they on letting people in with alcohol? Everyone in my group is 17 and all appear around that age, how likely is it that we'll have our bags searched for booze and have it taken off us? Cheers

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The Private Coach drop of point is south of the arena, if you look at the map you'll see you have to walk all the way around the arena on the west side, then walk all the way along the top of the map to the campsite entrance. If you walk at a decent pace and don't stop it would probably take you just over 30 minutes.

Also for getting drink in, if you don't look 18 or older, they will probably ID you and if you can't prove you're at 18, they will confiscate your drink.

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Yeah they randomly check bags. I dont know what the percentage of bags checked are but I got mine searched two years ago. One tactic I guess would be to have the oldest looking person take the youngest looking person's drink and then have the youngest looking person who has no alcohol on them try their best to get searched?

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How much are you's taking in?If you see someone in the queue with you who isnt carrying much you could ask them nicely if they would take it through for you?If i only had my rucksack and you's were next to me and you's seemed sound i would carry a bottle of vodka or a crate through for you's.

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Thats alot to get taken off you's,that would be gutting to lose all that.

Before be chilled,i used to take a walk back to the car for more drink during the weekend and when we walked back in we were just waved through by security.Didnt search me or the bags at all.So maybe the passout/re-entry is less strict and you could try that with half your booze and attempt the other half in the normal queue.But that would involve you having to stash a crate in a bush or something as you's dont have a car.

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