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watch out for scammers!

Guest eFestivals

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Pleasae take care buying tickets from people here.

Scammers will try and scam anyone, and if you give them the chance it'll be you that they scam.

Just because somneone says they have a ticket you want doesn't mean you should trust them.

The user called 'miri' has (I'm told) scammed at least one person, and I notice that over 20 people have been in contact wityh him/her via private messaging.

That user is in Benin in Africa, so I don't think they'll have BD tickets. ;)

(I've attempted to block posts from Benin now, tho I doubt it'll be particularly effective. There's no perfect way to stop anyone).

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Do you have the e-mail address for this scammer? I have recently bought a campervan ticket from someone in Holland who advertised on here and not received the ticket yet so I'm really worried we could have been scammed as I now can't find their original post on your site . . . . stupid I know. I may have time to get hold of a ticket from elsewhere if I can confirm that this is the right person

A very nervous person

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Do you have any advice on buying tickets if you're unable to physically collect them from the seller (especially if their sale of tickets is their first post here)?

Simon :)

Under those circumstances the sensible advice would be to not even contemplate buying. Anything else is just trusting to luck and throwing the dice. :(

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Do you have the e-mail address for this scammer? I have recently bought a campervan ticket from someone in Holland who advertised on here and not received the ticket yet so I'm really worried we could have been scammed as I now can't find their original post on your site . . . . stupid I know. I may have time to get hold of a ticket from elsewhere if I can confirm that this is the right person

A very nervous person

The email was mom1rood@gmail.com. (I'm not going to be shy about publishing these personal details for a scammer, and fuck the law protecting scammers).

As I'm of the belief that this same guy scammed someone else over a Euro fest ticket about a month ago (with a different username, etc) and for that scam he claimed to be in Holland, I'm guessing that you've been had. :(

I do what I can to try and stop scammers, but it's just not possible to do effectively. The only way that is safe is for buyers to use safe methods to purchase - which can only ever really be face-to-face for the transaction itself.

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Bugger it was that e-mail address! So gutted as we really don't have the money for this as we are taking our 18 month old to BD for the first time, guess I'll learn!

Thanks for confirming this at least I don't have to wait in hope for ticket anymore.

Edited by Louise Bache
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