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New Band Aid release for Ebola


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Yeah, well, we need all the charitable donations we can get because so many of the very richest selfish bastards in society avoid as much fucking tax as they can...you see what I'm doing here so fill in the blanks for yourself.

Bono is generous as fuck with other people's money but he is technically registered as a spoon in the Sudan for the purposes of taxation.

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I was under the impression that such folk are using their fame to promote charity as it's that and the platform it gives them which makes some listen? It would be pointless you or I trying to do in charity terms what the likes of Bono Geldof Clooney Pitt et al do. It would be pointless the heads of major charities to try what they do. Some people may be uncomfortable with how rich some of these famous folk are but they do something for charities very few in this world can do and whether some like it or not a lot of people listen to them

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It would be pointless you or I trying to do in charity terms what the likes of Bono Geldof Clooney Pitt et al do.

it would also be pointless you or I trying to give as much money as a 'star' could give. ;)

Why do some people have no money? Cos others have it all to themselves.

The words you'll never hear from the lips of people like Bono. Their 'charity' is as much about ensuring they stay rich as it is helping the poor.

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I'm not defending how Bono and and other rich folk hoard their stash. It's grotesque in reality but at least he and others like him give up some of their time and energy using their fame to promote charity. There are plenty of grotesquely rich people that do nothing at all. And there are plenty of powerful people in the world that do fuck all when they have the power to change the game.... There are bigger issues than a handful of rich hypocritical famous folk.....

Edited by ThomThomDrum
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I give up some of their time and energy using their fame to promote charity.

That's one argument. The alternative argument is they vampirising the neediest in the word in order to enhance their fame.

What sways me to the second argument over the first is how much money they love having for themselves... if they really gave slightest fuck they wouldn't be buying their tenth mansion and fifty sunny island but would be on their thousandth self-funded African clinic in addition to money raised.

Chariddee is good PR. Hell, at least Smashy didn't like talking about his charidee work...

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Less than five thousand people have died from ebola.

Cant these self promoting c**ts think of a more worthy charity to glorify themselves with? Though I suppose this is the current flavour of the month so will get them maximum exposure.

The large phamaceutical companies could have a vaccine ready in a month. But why would they waste their resources on that?

"Sir Bob blasted China for giving “f*** all” to help eradicate Ebola in West Africa."

China has done more for Africa than the West ever has. The problems in Africa are the outcome of hundreds of years of colonisation by the West..

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Less than five thousand people have died from ebola.

Cant these self promoting c**ts think of a more worthy charity to glorify themselves with? Though I suppose this is the current flavour of the month so will get them maximum exposure.

And up to 500,000 from flu. I'm all for charity but people sitting on half a billion quid asking the public buy shitty charity records is ridiculous.

Its like the Vatican having collection boxes set up around The Pieta in St Peters.

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Well this thread has unleashed the Bono bashers to repeat the vitreol we had before U2's Glastonbury appearance.

I'm not wanting to defend Bono, his Bobness or any of the others but I believe that complaining about what others are not doing with their money is not an excuse for us to do nothing.

The original Live Aid was an attitude changing event for a lot of ordinary people who'd been drawn in to the Thatcher "me, me, me" culture. Sadly Cameron's stewardship has seen the same attitudes resurface.

Surely if Live Aid revisited gets a few more people thinking again about the re-distribution of the world's wealth and the lives of those facing ebola or dysentery it will be no bad thing.

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Well this thread has unleashed the Bono bashers to repeat the vitreol we had before U2's Glastonbury appearance.

I'm not wanting to defend Bono, his Bobness or any of the others but I believe that complaining about what others are not doing with their money is not an excuse for us to do nothing.

True but 550m is just greedy. If he was a business owner who needed it in bad times to keep the company afloat and keep his staff in jobs etc then fair enough. He could give away 500m quid and still have more money than he could spend until the day he dies.

The one thing I learned from that link, is that Paul McCartney was on the original Band Aid single. I don't recall ever seeing him in the video, and can't see him in the photo on that page though

He wasn't on the main song but he was on the B Side with a spoken message. Same with Bowie. At about 2.55

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I'm not defending how Bono and and other rich folk hoard their stash. It's grotesque in reality but at least he and others like him give up some of their time and energy using their fame to promote charity. theirselves.

Fixed ;)

Also considering they are all musicians, why are they basically repeating the same song yet again? :P

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Let's just bitch about how bad the new version is going to be. The one 10 years ago was really bad and i hold even more contempt for the current swathe of musicians being considered for the re-recording.

For me Xmas songs should be closed box and no one shall add anymore to them! And I'll get my Now Xmas album out every year and play the same songs before descending into an alcoholic fog.

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Bashing famous rich people for getting involved in charity is nearly as tiresome as them getting involved in charity these days

There are far greater evils to get on your high horses about. This one just comes across as pathetic to me

The thing to me is, if they truly believe in a particular charity they will commit to that charity and go on drives to push that one. Like SOAD with trying to get the Armenian genocide recognised. I'm sure there's plenty more examples. However jumping on the bandwagon of Ebola paranoia just to associate with charity emphasises that this lot are just doing it for their own publicity.

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Bashing famous rich people for getting involved in charity is nearly as tiresome as them getting involved in charity these days

There are far greater evils to get on your high horses about. This one just comes across as pathetic to me

While there's part of me that agrees, therr's a well known saying....

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem".

The problem is how wealth is currently distributed. Chucking crumbs from the table only deals with Western guilt, it doesn't deal with the actual problem. ;)

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geldof not popular in the comments, wonder if this is true?

Bod Geldof hasn't got an altruistic bone in his body, arthritic maybe.

He's a hypocrite. He pays very smart guys to maximise his tax avoidance strategies. Recently, named and shamed by HMRC in September for his part in the fake film financing scheme.

His UK properties are registered through Virgin Island companies so they're exempt from stamp duty and inheritance tax.

When he pitched his 8 Miles private equity fund to investors, he said: Africa is seriously open for business, going on to talk about 25% returns on investment.

Bandaid30 is a publicity vehicle, to create downstream investment opportunities for his '8 Miles' fund.

UK overseas aid is paid for by UK taxpayers. not tax dodgers.

whatever you may think of geldof, he has raised a shitload of cash for good causes

Edited by russycarps
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