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The Rise and Rise of UKIP


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That's your opinion, but not necessarily true. One of the major sways against Labour vote was Gordon "Bigot" Brown, without him at the helm it's just as possible the Labour share would increase.

True, that might have been how it panned out - tho I'd say there weren't too many who voted not-Labour who would have been happy to vote Labour under any leader at that time. Remember, while it was a globally caused financial crisis, nuLabour's lax bank regulation policies had been a part of the problem, and much of the electorate is too think to realise that others preached even-more-lax.

That aside, I'd have bet on an immediate election which wouldn't have given Labour time to show themselves as changed under a new leader. It's not like there was any shining star ready to pick up the reigns.

And I can't believe an immediate election wouldn't have been won by the tories either. 2nd time around people would have voted to have a govt, a tory govt, rather than stuck rigidly to their more-normal party voting. The fact of a coalition not having been formed would have had people voting strictly tory or Labour to a greater degree than they had in May (and there were few extra votes for Labour to pick up).

It would all be a different story if Joe Average took an interest in politics to not be voting ignorant, but we have what we have. ;)

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Off topic but I had a strange conversation last night. Some Labour supporters knocked at the door asking who I was going to vote for in the local and general elections next year. I told them my vote for the general but said I had no idea for the local as I did not know who the candidates were. This lad said "I am the Labour candidate so you would be voting for me".

He seemed genuinely perplexed when I pointed out I meant all the candidates of all the parties. He looked even worse when I said that I would vote for the person I best would represent my community even if that meant UKIP. (It won't but what the hell I was on a roll). I have never seen a canvasser disappear so fast.

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They bare faced lied to millions of students.

The put there name to every budget, every cut and every decision made over the last couple of years. You can't jointly pass a budget when in power and disown it the next day. The might of watered down a few things but ultimately its there name on every decision taken. Its their votes and their MPs passing the decisions.

It was still not their place to stop it though... They did not have the power, the right nor the influence to stop the Tories on every policy they had.

Maybe they should have stood firm on the policies they wanted to implement from their own manifesto when they negotiated their way in, but they didn't.

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It was still not their place to stop it though... They did not have the power, the right nor the influence to stop the Tories on every policy they had. Maybe they should have stood firm on the policies they wanted to implement from their own manifesto when they negotiated their way in, but they didn't.

They should - and could - have stood firmer on some of the social issues. The richest got a 10% rise in income through tax breaks, stood by the odious touchy-creepy Lord Rennard, oversaw the privatisation of the Royal Mail (having first socialised the cost), and are still happy to see disabled people - and those others unable to move - with the bedroom tax, happy to be part of a government that "sanctions" those on benefits for WEEKS on end - resulting in actual fatalities and throwing many others to food banks. Oh and tuition fees.

They did all this for ministerial pensions (which do, it must be admitted, greatly personally profit the top-end of the LD party) and they got an AV vote... and so despised were they by the British electorate we rejected it 30/70.

They're not even keeping their deposits at by-elections. I have high hopes the GE will see them wiped out.

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Found this... So I guess Neil is right.

Yeah. The necessary cuts don't involve creating a surplus or cutting taxes for the rich. The Tories want to go beyond the necessary wants out of an ideological hatred for anyone and everyone benefitting from public services.

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Osborne has failed and is utterly discredited. How anyone could even contemplate voting Tory in this election is utterly beyond me.

What Osborne has achieved in regard to cutting the deficit is what Darling promised. Labour said Tory plans were unrealistic, would hinder growth, be brutally unfair, and benefit the wealthy. Labour politicians may still be lying scumbags, but they're a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

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I heard from Ed Balls on the BBC last week that they would cut just as much but the cuts would be more fair so unless you have something to back up what you say then I don't buy it.

If you're not paying attention to the widely reported issues, what puts you in the position to hold a discussion on those issues? I'm not here to read you the already-well-reported news. ;)

But even within your words there, might you stop and consider "the cuts would be more fair" alongside the tory promises of a tax cuts for the better paid?

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What Osborne has achieved in regard to cutting the deficit is what Darling promised. Labour said Tory plans were unrealistic, would hinder growth, be brutally unfair, and benefit the wealthy. Labour politicians may still be lying scumbags, but they're a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

The problem they now have is being implicated in these horrific CIA torture revelations. I wonder how many votes this will lose them

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If you don't read the news sites on a certain day you can miss things.

in this case it would take never reading anything on the subject at all. Or reading the Daily Mail or it's ilk for the purposes of staying deliberately ignorant.

A thought for the day for you: if you want to be smart you have to put the effort in. Others cannot gift you your own intelligence. :)

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